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Gear change - 6 speed


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I bought my first 7 in Jan this year with a 6 speed box. The gearbox has not been as slick as I had expected. Does it just need more miles on it to loosen up (currently 3700miles) or is something wrong?

I would appreciate any advice, thanks.



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Mine was very poor when new ...2nd gear was very difficult to get when cold. You MUST use the recommended oil grades as in your Service book, this is very important. I did add Slick 50 and it improved it.

I have had 2 new Caterhams and of all the new cars I have had, and I have had at least a dozen, no cars feel so stiff and new as a Caterham. Rest assured that they get better and better as they get older. I have found that they are barely run in at 10,000 miles in normal road motoring. My 6 speed was a huge disappointment when new, but now with 19,000 miles it is magic, as light, quick and easy as a switch, even from cold in this weather.

Remember if this is your first Caterham that as they are so light that the components if you are only using on the road have a very easy time as in normal cars they would have twice or three times the weight to pull and thus wear in much quicker. You need about 10 miles to warm the box up and it should be much easier. The cars are markedly better after 5000 miles all round.



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I'll second Davesport's comments. Replace the gearbox oil with Redline MTL and you'll find it much smoother. Especially the 1st to 2nd change when cold. MTL is recommended by Raod & Race Transmissions who build/rebuild an awful lot of gearboxes and know their stuff.



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For information only - bear in mind that Caterham do NOT recommend Redline MTL if that is important to you. I am happily using it after Road and Race refurbished my 6 speed but I believe there are possible downsides - search the archive for all the ins and outs. MTL does seem to improve the shift action though.


Yellow SL *cool* #32


Edited by - Shaun_E on 31 Aug 2005 13:57:06

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Steve - I thought that I had read somewhere on Blatchat that Caterham had specifically advised against using MTL. I have spent the last 10 minutes searching and can't find the post so perhaps I just imagined it 😳. However I did find this post stating that MTL is not ideal for a BGH 5 speed.

I thought that I should mention this as, although I am happy using MTL, I think everyone should have all the facts before making a choice. If I find the post I thought I had seen then I'll post it here.


There is lots of "perceived wisdom" on blatchat and although much of it is good, there is some advice that needs to be carefully considered (see how diplomatic I'm being here *tongue*). There are some de facto standard answers frequently made that perhaps are not the best solution for everyone.


In this case my personal advice would probably be go for MTL but be aware it is not Caterham's recommended solution.


EDITED to say - I still can't find a post referring to a specific Caterham recommendation so perhaps it was just more hearsay.


Yellow SL *cool* #32


Edited by - Shaun_E on 31 Aug 2005 14:35:41

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*thumbup*Couldn't agree more with your comments. We can all get sucked in by the general consensus even if sometimes it may be inappropriate. However being able to hear other peoples first hand experiences is still IMHO invaluable.



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Brian Hill (BGH) finds Castrol gear oils are too acidic and cause pitting on the bearing and hub surfaces. I have seen this pitting under a strong magnifying glass. It is quite pronounced. Brian recommends using Caterhams gear and diff oil (made by Comma, I believe).


As usual, I think we are being a bit too fussy. The pitting I saw may cause a problem over 12 years (my box was 12 years old and the pitting was not visible to the naked eye) but, I suppose if the cure is as cheap as changing oils, then you may as well.


Norman Verona, 1989 BDR 220bhp, Reg: B16BDR, Mem No 2166, the full story here

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Are you sure you put the oil in *confused* or that the noise isn't fromthe diff rather than the gearbox?


IMHO only straight cut gears are particularyly noisy. I speak from experience of 1 x CC 6sp, 1 x std 5 sp and currently 5sp straight cut. The latter is so noisy I can't go any distance without really good ear protection.



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Hi sonicsaab,

I assume you are new to Caterhams!... I have 33,000 miles in 2 cars under my belt in 6 years now.

The lack of mechanical refinement is a shock after a normal car. The Diffs are shockingly noisy and sound if they are going to spit out their innards especially on a light overrun condition. They are Sierra diffs and were of course designed in the 1980's when Ford's engineering was not the finest. Most of the diffs are remanufactered old ones and it must be realised that even when new the gear teeth angles and tolerances are very poor by todays standards. in spite of this they seem to be reliable. My 6 speed has always had a lot of "chatter " on the overrun rather indicating loosness in the bearings, but it has been faultless in other ways and totally oiltight after 19,000 miles. My Diff was changed after 1500 miles , but I have to say that the new one is little better.

They are very basic and primative cars in refinement terms and all the action is taking place without sound proofing only inches away from you.



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Hi patneale

This is my third caterham and as technology advances everything gets noisier!!!!! Diff in the X140 noisy but stiff gear box. Now diff fine cannot hear it!!! Just the box rattling around. Being collected by Jon Vicar as we speak. CC have a few problems to sort out on the CSR. They are aware of the faults including hot cabin (now say a known problem), number plate fell off, cycle wing trim fell off, nearside cycle wing fastening bolt fell out - so tyre rubbing against it. For short 🙆🏻 harness straps not fitting properly, pedals that dont adjust. You have to be certain height for csrs then!!!!Handbook that does not mention CSR in it. Hour to start car when immobiliser instructions not included. Otherwise..... colour fab, corners like a train, on the road head & shoulders above basic, engine sounds terrific even when running in. Modular dash and controls excellent....so not all bad *cool*

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