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Andrew Willoughby

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Everything posted by Andrew Willoughby

  1. Sorry - should have said it's a 2003 ex-Academy car, electrical speedo. Andrew
  2. My Seven's speedometer has started behaving very strangely! At the start of a blat it works perfectly well, reading as accurately as any Caterham speedo 😳, but after a while it reads lower and lower, the needle wavering and refusing to go above 40 mph. Any ideas as to whether it's likely to be the speedo drive or the speedometer itself?
  3. After last weekend’s drenching at Curborough I’d been hoping all week for fine weather at MIRA. I wasn’t disappointed - it was a lovely day. I walked the course with Matthew and my elder daughter Lisa, who’d come along as spectator (and supervisor: her Mum had given her instructions on how to keep me sorted). It’s strange how your memory plays tricks on you – my recollection of the course was quite different from reality, despite having driven it for the past two years. In addition to the Caterhams of the Lotus Seven Club the Midland Automobile Club event included an interesting mix of other cars including Westfields, Reliant Scimitars, single seaters and various tintops. There was a particularly fine MG TA in the Classic Cars class. First practice started with Matthew first out followed by Paul Boston, then me. I had a senior moment in the first long left-hander, going from 2nd to 5th gear. It was a scrappy run, and I was amazed that it was in the 59s, only just behind Matthew and Paul. Second practice was better, though I had a heart-stopping moment at the end of the first corner when the rear part of the front left cycle wing came unstuck. I thought for a moment I’d lost a wheel, but I managed to keep my concentration and managed a 57.79 – the fastest time in Class 1. Matthew was about a second behind me in second place. The track was much grippier than last year, and I felt that there was more time to come. After lunch we had the first of our timed runs. The run was OK, but, as often seems to be the case with me at MIRA, it was a slightly untidy lap with several places where I felt that could have been quicker. My time was exactly the same as in second practice – 57.79. Matthew was second with 58.12. I approached the second timed run with trepidation. I could see Matthew in his car waiting beside me in a state of meditation – clearly he was aiming to give the old man a mauling. What was more, Nick Chan, on his first visit to MIRA, was getting to grips with the track, and I knew that he was more than capable of a storming final run. I just wanted to do a run that didn’t leave me disappointed. The start went well, and the long left-hander went smoothly, though I was a bit slow getting the power down on the exit. The left kink went well – a better line than previously - and the control tower complex felt better with more speed on entry. The left-hander at the end of the complex was untidy but I got through it without losing too much speed. I braced myself to brake as late as possible for the final last long left-hander which I took as fast as I could without losing grip. Meeting a smiling Matthew as I went back in didn’t fill me with confidence – he looked pleased with his run. We went for the results where Lisa told me I’d got a 57.39. Matthew’s second run had surprised him by being only slightly quicker than his first at 58.00, though it was enough to get him second place. Ian Keen came third with an impressive time of 58.38. Nick Chan got a 58.59 – a brilliant time on his first time at the course. It was excellent to see so many good times in Class 1, with many drivers achieving their personal targets. I’m delighted to get my first win of the year. It’s not been a bad week – on Wednesday it was confirmed that our younger daughter Rachel is expecting a baby in November. I’m going to be a grandfather, and that’s something Jenson Button can’t match!
  4. 2006 56 reg SEAT Ibiza 1.4 Sport 3 door (73 bhp). 44,000 miles in Crono yellow. Standard spec including: Black interior Sports seats Air conditioning Electric mirrors Electric windows CD player Trip computer Alloy wheels Front fog lights Full SEAT service history and has just had its major 40,000 mile service. Owned by my daughter from new - a genuine one owner car which has been reliable and fun to drive. A great car for a young driver - sporty spec and lively performance but economical. Insurance group 4. It's also in the SEAT colour . Mileage a little high for year, hence price - £4,500 ono. Blatmail me for further details. Andrew
  5. Thanks, Al, it was a great day. There must have been more grip than last year and many Class 1 competitors improved considerably on previous years' times 😶‍🌫️. I'm mighty relieved that Nick didn't have another run! Andrew
  6. Not the most pleasant weekend to spend at Curborough weatherwise, but great motorsport. I’d entered the British Motorsport Marshals Club Sprint on Saturday to get some sneaky practice for the Club event on Sunday. It was quite a small entry, with only three cars in my class. Alan Johnson was still glowing from getting his first win at Llys y Fran hillclimb last weekend and Alistair Gibbins was keen to show his mettle. The showers were very kind to us – our timed runs were done on a track which had dried really quickly after some heavy downpours. I had a lairy moment in practice when I went into the Fradley hairpin too fast and went round completely on opposite lock. It’s fun drifting, but perhaps not the quickest way of taking the corner! /Portals/14/Blog/Files/14/63/WLW-WetnWild_100D1-image_thumb.png It was nip and tuck all day, but in my last run I managed a 66.7 – a couple of tenths slower than my PB, and enough for a win. Alistair had a storming last run, just managing to pip Alan. The following day was going to be tough, and the weather forecast was grim. What’s more, Matthew was to be competing, and he was praying for rain! Sunday opened dry, and first practice went quite well for me with a 68.25. Matthew got a 69.29, but I knew he could go much quicker. Nick Chan was there with his new car and clearly meant business. He got a 68.17 and looked very smooth. Still, I was close to him, and the day before I’d gone quite a bit faster. I was pleased to finish first practice in second place and quite close to Nick. Second practice was taken in torrential rain and I had a spin at Fradley. All of our times were much, much slower. We sheltered for what seemed an age when we got back in, watching some very balletic spins on a track that was, by now, almost a river. Then it suddenly stopped raining, and lunchtime was spent looking alternately at the drying track and the sky. Class 1 went out after lunch for the first of the timed runs with the early runners posting low 70s. I was the seventh to go and found the track more grippy than I’d expected, though still very damp at Fradley. I was pleased with a 68.65. Matthew went out immediately after me, and although he said the run felt quick, he got a time of 71.46. The track kept on drying, and Nick’s run was great at 66.96. We longed for another go, but I needed a dry track for my second run. I was hopeful of a good score – my time the day before had been quicker than Nick’s first time. As we sat in line waiting to go out the first spots of rain started to fall, rapidly followed by torrential rain just as I left the start line. This lap took 81.59 seconds - the results of the first timed run were the ones that would count. I was thrilled to get second place out of a field of 15, but I need to get nearer to Mr Chan – he’s looking very good indeed! I look forward to MIRA next weekend - I just hope for a nice dry day!
  7. A big weekend coming up at Curborough – I’ve entered the British Motorsport Marshals Club Midland Region Sprint on Saturday, then it’s the Club Sprint on Sunday. It’s only a small entry in my class – four cars – in the Marshals Sprint, but I’m really looking forward to the competition. It’ll also, hopefully, give me some useful practice for the Club Sprint. The entry for Class 1 in the Club Sprint is great – eighteen cars – so the competition is looking really strong. Matthew seems to think I’m better than him at Curborough, but he’s very capable of getting a really quick time there. It’s all going to be very weather dependent – he’s much better in the wet. In the Club event last year on a wet track I had a spin in my first timed run and went round like ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ on the second, scared of going home without posting a time at all. It meant that I came just about last, and ended up with a score deficit that I never made up in the rest of the season. I wasn’t the best company on the drive back to Lincolnshire! If it stays dry I might just be in with a chance!
  8. I've now looked at the video - that winning lap was great. Apart from my obvious weakness through Woodcote it showed me that I now need to sort out Madgwick - it's much faster than I thought!
  9. At last the season’s underway! Driving 200+ miles with trailer after a day’s teaching looked very daunting as Janice and I set off on Friday. Thankfully, the journey was good and we arrived at the hotel at 9.30. We met Matthew, who was sharing my car, and his wife Mel at the circuit on Saturday morning. Seeing many familiar faces, and some new ones, was great, and pit banter was soon in full flow. It had rained earlier in the morning so Matthew and I waited as long as possible for the track to dry before doing our practice runs. By 10.15 when Matthew did his practice run it was virtually dry. I was pleased to get into the 105 second area on the practice run – the best in Class 1. My best last year, when I won the class, was 104.76. I looked forward to improving on this in the afternoon timed runs. I had an awful start in my first timed run but got my time down to 105.13 – not a bad time to use as a banker. Matthew fared much better, getting a time of 104.04 – three-quarters of a second better than his best time last year. I went out for my second run determined to have a really good one. The start was much better and I carried much more speed through Madgwick. Fordwater was flat and I managed to hold my nerve through the first part of St Mary’s, taking it with only the slightest lift. The left hander flowed well and I got my line just right through Lavant, exiting so well that I had to change up to 4th before the end of the corner. As I approached Woodcote from the flat out Lavant straight I was determined to carry more speed unto the first part of the corner. I changed down mid-corner but didn’t get my heel-and-toe smooth enough. The back wheels locked briefly, unsettling the car. I was going too fast into the last part of the corner and ran wide, beyond the kerb. I kept on the power hoping to get back to the tarmac, but I lost the back end, spinning a full 360 back onto the track. Disconsolate, I limped back in. Ironically, despite the spin I still got a time of 110 seconds, so if I’d kept it together it should have been a really good time. /Portals/14/Blog/Files/14/56/WLW-Goodwood_11D37-IMG_8428_thumb.jpg Matthew’s next run was fabulous – 102.52 seconds and the one which secured his first class win. We got a third run and I looked forward to having one more crack at improving my time. In the event I made too many mistakes and didn’t improve on my first run, getting third place. I’m really pleased that Matthew did so well but a bit disappointed that I didn’t improve on last year. However, the year is only just beginning, and I’m grateful that despite my rallycross moment, the car and I are still in one piece. Roll on Curborough, my next event, on 17 May.
  10. Matthew and I have appeared in a feature on this year’s sprinters in the April edition of Low Flying. It’s good to read the features on the other competitors – you tend to forget that everyone has another life not involving Sevens.
  11. As Matthew has taken it upon himself to describe his season I thought I'd do the same - particularly as he seems to think he's going to give me a good hiding. We shall see. Like Matthew, I'm entering my third season in Class 1 of the Lotus Seven Club Speed Championship. Last year I came fifth, just one position below Matthew, and I'm quite keen to show him that there's life in the old dog yet. My car is a 2003 ex-Academy Rover K series. It's been prepped by McMillan Motorsport over the winter and I'm impatiently waiting to try it out for the first time this year at Goodwood on 25th April. Class 1 has a very healthy entry again this year and I look forward to another season of competition, camaraderie and banter.
  12. Hey Neil - where did you get that film of me teaching my boy a bit of car control? I thought my gear changes were particularly smooth . Andrew
  13. Oops! The leaves on the trees should have been a clue!
  14. Correct, Blokko! Matthew had to drive my car home after the wheel fell off his at Curborough! Great picture in your link of Matthew's sister Lisa driving the car on track earlier in the day. Andrew
  15. Pleased to hear you're going to give it a go, Andy. It looks like being another great year for Class 1. Andrew
  16. Wishing a happy, healthy and safe 2009 to all competitors in the Speed Championship. The 2008 competition was brilliant and I for one can't wait for the start of the new season. Raising a glass for another year of great competition, sportsmanship and banter! - cheers! Andrew
  17. Now sold subject to confirmation. Edited by - Andrew Willoughby on 31 Dec 2008 11:42:03
  18. Thanks to all for the interest. I'd prefer to sell them as a set, hopefully to a buyer who can collect. Kevsta - YHM Andrew
  19. Now that the 2009 track day season beckons how about some fresh boots? 4 x 185/60 R13 80H medium compound Yokohama A048 tyres, virtually as new. These were bought as track day tyres in October 2006 to replace my old CR322s, though I only did one event, hence their condition. As I now do the Club's Speed Championship on A539s the 048s are surplus to requirements. Pictures can be viewed here. Can be collected from Alford, Lincs or Coalville, Leics and delivery may be possible by negotiation. £45 each ono. Andrew
  20. An order for two more tickets is on its way for Janice and me. Looking forward to seeing all of you there. Andrew
  21. Thanks for that Neil. It's been a brilliant competition and I've enjoyed Class 1 enormously. Jon and Malcolm have been great - obviously very competitive but always willing to share tips with the rest of us, and one another. That's true sportsmanship in my book. Congratulations, Jon, on a result which would be brilliant any year, let alone your first! Yes, Neil, we'll be at the lunch and look forward to seeing you all there. Andrew
  22. I've been suffering dreadful withdrawal symptoms this weekend - just wish I could have competed at Anglesey. I'm desperate to know the outcome of the brilliant Hickey/Ward battle - will someone please put me out of my misery and let me know the result?!! Andrew
  23. Hi Nick This sounds great - I'll have a large of either, please. I'm not going to Anglesey so would be grateful if I could collect at the awards lunch. Thanks Andrew
  24. In the light of the decision to penalise Hamilton for 'driving recklessly fast' at Spa I really think that the Aintree Class 1 results should be revised. I was driving with due care and attention at all times and can only conclude that Mr Ward, Dr Hickey and the boy Matthew were indulging in some 'ungentlemanly driving'. (This particularly applies to Matthew who had the audacity to go quicker than me IN MY CAR - as Richard Price said: 'That's just rude!). Obviously a 25 second penalty as imposed on Lewis would be disproportionate. I therefore propose a 2 second addition to the times of the above. Of course, that would hand the Class 1 win to me, and I'm gutted to think that such a twist of fate would give me victory. But hey - that's racing now apparently. Andrew Andrew
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