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Andrew Willoughby

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Everything posted by Andrew Willoughby

  1. 2 more from me arriving shortly, Simon. Andrew
  2. It’s mid-April and I’m about to start the 2011 Autoglym Lotus Seven Club Speed Championship. I’m Andrew Willoughby and I’ve competed for the past four years in Class 1 of the Championship, winning the class for the last two years. Class 1 has been brilliant – great people, excellent banter and wonderful competition. However, I felt that i needed a new challenge and this winter I bought a 2001 Roadsport A car to enter Class 3 – the class in which my son, Matthew, competes. /Portals/14/Blog/Files/14/175/Windows-Live-Writer-f2be3a02c26d_109A9-P1010861_thumb.jpg It’s been a busy winter. The car’s had new wheels and tyres, I’ve fitted Tillett seats, changed the roll cage, (we grandads aren’t as agile as we used to be!), and it’s got a new exhaust system, supplied by Simon Rogers of 7Tips Racing. Andy McMillan (McMillan Motorsport) has been brilliant in preparing the car for action. I’ve just taken the car out for a final run on the road before fitting the timing strut and numbers for the first sprint of the year at Silverstone on Sunday. It feels really quick on the road, but we’ll have to wait and see how it performs against the clock. Roll on Sunday!
  3. I'm looking for a fuel tank sender unit for a standard injection fuel tank. Andrew
  4. I've had a message from Andy McMillan at McMillan Motorsport that they have organised a trackday at Rockingham on the 12th March, solely for Caterham cars. He says that if any Lotus 7 Club drivers wish to attend they'd be most welcome. The day is not just one for ‘hardcore racers’ and is an opportunity for drivers to shake off the winter and make sure the car is ready for the coming season. The cost of the day, including garages is £199 (inc vat) if booked before the 21st January. If interested, please contact McMillan Motorsport on 01455 239900. Andrew
  5. Great advice - thank you . DL1 certainly looks to do a great job and is well-proven in our competition, though I'm intrigued by Race Keeper. The other issue, of course, is which data is the most useful. Just identifying my slow sectors at Harewood and Shelsley has helped me to gain time in the past. From my uneducated position I would guess that knowing braking points, speed carried through a corner, line and throttle position would be really useful. I can't help thinking, though, that if I had too much data I wouldn't be able to see the wood for the trees . What do you find most useful to you? Andrew Edited by - Andrew Willoughby on 10 Jan 2011 17:05:32
  6. I'm currently looking into data-logging with my impending entry to Class 3. Trouble is, I know absolutely nothing about which kit to get . I know that I want easily-analysed data which helps me to see what I'm doing at different parts of a run. The equipment needs to be easy to install and use, and the possibility of linking it to video, either now or as a later add-on, would also be good. I've looked at the Race Technology DL1 and Racelogic Video VBOX Lite, but have got about as far as I can without some knowledgeable help. I know that several sprinters are using data-logging and wondered what recommendations anyone could make. Thanks in anticipation Andrew
  7. Thanks to all who've given advice and help in my earlier thread. I've now bought the necessary parts and look forward to getting the new system fitted. Andrew
  8. Thanks to all who've advised on what I need for my swanky new silencer 🥰 - I'm after an SLR 4-2-1 non-cat collector and primaries. I had one promising response, but it was for a complete system including cat and box. Anyone got just the primaries and collector from a change of engine, perhaps? Andrew
  9. I've bought a new silencer for my car but still need the 4-2-1 collector and primaries. Anyone got these lying around who'd like to sell? Andrew
  10. Thanks everyone for all of the help and advice - I foolishly thought this was going to be a simple swap ! Lots of good points to consider (keep 'em coming!), and we'll get there in the end. Andrew
  11. Thanks very much, Chris, but I've got a 4-1 already - really looking for a 4-2-1. Andrew
  12. I'm looking for SLR/R300/R400 exhaust primaries and 4-2-1 collector. Any sprinters out there with these lying around, possibly from an engine upgrade, that they'd like to sell? Andrew
  13. I'm looking for SLR/R300/R400 exhaust primaries and 4-2-1 collector. Anyone got these lying around, possibly from an engine upgrade, that they'd like to sell? Andrew
  14. Thank you very much, Ian - YHM. Message and and pictures gratefully received. Andrew
  15. I'm really sad not to have been there to join in with the fun. Anglesey is a magic place and a fitting venue for the culmination of the season. It's been a great year for lots of drivers, particularly Chris, who thoroughly deserves the championship after consistently brilliant drives. Lots of long winter nights ahead now before Goodwood, but at least it'll give me the chance to prepare my new Class 3 beast for the new season - it's looking good, but the nut behind the wheel will be it's biggest weakness. See you at the lunch. Andrew
  16. No team orders here, Ray - the very thought ! Mind you, if that pesky son of mine gets too lairy he might get a bit of (ahem) 'encouragement' to go up a class or two . Andrew Edited by - Andrew Willoughby on 13 Oct 2010 07:44:44 Edited by - Andrew Willoughby on 13 Oct 2010 17:25:04
  17. Thanks for all the nice comments. I can't wait for Glorious Goodwood next year and to find out what the new beast can do. It's got a good history on the Scottish hills, but how it performs with a Saga Sassenach at the helm remains to be seen. Good luck for Anglesey, everyone - I shall be suffering serious withdrawal symptoms this weekend. See you at the awards lunch. Andrew
  18. What a sad day! I've just waved off GN53RCU after four brilliant seasons in Class 1. This has been a really storming year, and that little car has enabled me to decorate my mantelpiece with an array of trophies. Then, of course, there's all the great Class 1 banter and wind-ups . Still... It's not all doom and gloom at Willoughby Racing... Cos there's a new steed in the stable here Class 3 here we come ! I'm not expecting to be much of a threat to the experienced Class 3 boys and girls, but I intend to have lots of fun trying! The only question now is what's happened to GN53RCU ? But that's for someone else to reveal in the fullness of time ! Andrew
  19. I strongly agree that we should keep the number of events as at present - I really enjoy the contrasting characteristics of the circuits and hillclimbs. Just as a counter to the 'softy southerners' I'd like to propose a return to the 'mini Nürburgring' (Cadwell Park). The last time we were there was for my very first sprint in 2007 and I'd love to have another go! (The fact that I live nearby has no bearing on this, of course). Andrew
  20. Thanks Chris - it's all a bit close at the top. Well done on a great win, and another great performance by Lynn! Andrew
  21. Can someone put me out of my misery? What happened in sunny Devon? Any info gratefully received . Andrew
  22. Simon I had this many moons ago and just thinking about it still makes my eyes water! Get well soon. I can't make Wiscombe, I'm afraid, so shall not be threatening Richard's excellent score . Good luck to all on the hill, and as Simon says, keep safe . Andrew
  23. Hi Graham I'd be very happy to assist, and Lisa is also going to be there competing in Class 1 that day, so we'd be able to give plenty of support. Andrew
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