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Andrew Willoughby

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Everything posted by Andrew Willoughby

  1. My preference is for no limit on runs - the more runs the better, and I feel they should all count. I support the requirement to display stickers on all cars. It's surely a discourtesy to our sponsors if we don't do so. I've never had any paint problems so far!
  2. Thanks for the offer, Alan. If you were a bit nearer to Lincolnshire I'd definitely take you up on it offer, but as it is ... No problem with you opening up the discussion, Simon. I agree that you can't write rules just based upon one competitor. However, I wanted to gauge opinion to see if there were other Class 2 competitors who don't want to see a power limit reduction in Class 2. There are lots of Class 2 competitors who haven't yet expressed a preference.
  3. Pleased to see you're up for another battle, Alan - I'm looking forward to it already! From a selfish point of view, I'd like Class 2 to stick with the 155bhp limit. When I got my car's head ported by Dave Andrews it was expected to achieve just over 150bhp. As revealed at Northampton, it was 157! Shedding those 2bhp by making numerous adjustments (including adjusting verniers) cost a lot of money and just ended up with the car not running properly. In the end, we put everything back to square 1 and I replaced the 4-2-1 exhaust from Simon with the standard one, which did the trick. I find Class 2 with the current amount of power really exciting on 1a tyres, and personally I like it far more than I did Class 3 with the stickier 1bs. I don't think I can get my car down on power without considerable expense and would be disappointed to have to change classes.
  4. I love the Anglesey weekend and was sorry to miss it this year. I understand Stuart's point, but the opportunity to get more track time and the challenge of keeping it together over twice the distance is very attractive to me. Most of us have really long journeys to get to Anglesey, so the chance of spending more time on track sounds great.
  5. Phew! - that was a big surprise! Class 2 has been absolutely brilliant this year, and Alan's blistering performances in recent events meant that I could see the championship steadily slipping away. Commisserations to Alan, but I reckon he's going to be even more gung-ho next year. Congratulations to everyone for a great year of competition, particularly the class winners. (And yes, Mr Spencer, I do owe you a BIG drink!) http://www.lotus7.club/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.png Looking forward to seeing you all at the Awards Lunch Andrew
  6. I am shocked! The identity of Mr Snoates has remained a mystery to those in the Speed Championship for ever - far fewer people knew his/her identity than that of the Stig! Today Low Flying lands on the doormat and within there is an excellent article by our Ray, who makes little attempt to hide that he is... . . . . . . . . . in fact... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . THE HATTED ONE! We have seen before that The Hatted One will stop at nothing to achieve Speed Championship Domination, so is this another of his dastardly strategies to wrong-foot his more principled opposition? We must all be vigilant! I am particularly calling on the services of Messrs Collins, Howard, Spencer et al to muster every ounce of effort now that my campaign is over. If we don't, that increasingly tatty ( 😳) straw hat is going to be replaced by the Class 2 gleaming crown. 😳
  7. Brilliant news - many congratulations!
  8. That explains everything, Paul. As you know, I'm not one for off-track excursions and your theory has much to commend it. I shall, of course, be vigilant at future events, but it is vital that the forces for good prevail. I was unaware before I saw your post that you had been the victim of dastardly tricks. I am very happy to work with you against the one who will now be known simply as 'The Hat'.
  9. Pleased you enjoyed my little balletic moment, Lynn. For those not lucky enough to see it, it just so happens that my camera was running . Marks for artistic impression? Edited by - Andrew Willoughby on 4 Aug 2014 18:28:33
  10. Hi Stuart. Matthew's asked us to deliver t-shirts and handbooks to those who have yet to receive them this weekend, so we'll have them for you. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. Edited by - Andrew Willoughby on 16 Jul 2014 21:58:02
  11. A brilliant day's competition in Class 2. Well done, Paul, on a great final run.
  12. Link changed - now on Flickr and hopefully working! Andrew
  13. Many congratulations to Grahame and Heather Wardall who were married yesterday at the Jockey Club, Newmarket. Wishing you both all the best for the future, and we look forward to seeing you at Harewood. They'll hate me for this, but this photo is so lovely and I just had to share it Andrew Edited by - Andrew Willoughby on 21 Jun 2014 18:48:28
  14. Well, what a cracker that turned out to be! After looking like being a total washout at the start of Saturday we ended up with two great days of motorsport. A big thank you to all those, and particularly Richard Price, who helped to get us firing on all cylinders on Saturday morning - it was greatly appreciated. I fancy I'm still getting a slight of a misfire on my runs, but strangely it seems to clear completely when New Comp Sec's at the helm ! Congratulations to all winners and to the illustrious pilot of the Bowlersport Mk 3b who pipped me for second place - those headlamps made all the difference! See you at Aintree . Andrew
  15. A really great day of motorsport and I was very relieved that we got the rain out of the way at the start if the day. Thanks, Graham - I've got a feeling it's going to be a really competitive season in Class 2! Andrew
  16. I'd like to see a two-lapper, Simon. It would make it a bit less frenetic (particularly for the dual drivers) and I reckon we could still get 4 runs with an entry the size of yesterday's. Single or two-lapper, I'd love to see this as a regular part of our series - it's a fabulous venue for our cars and Richard Usher's welcome was much appreciated. Andrew
  17. Two for us, please, Matthew. Looks like being a really nice gathering, and the restaurant looks great.
  18. I know, Rob - and my usual technique of trawling the weather forecasts until I find a good one isn't working. They're all bad! Edited by - Andrew Willoughby on 19 Jun 2013 19:37:42
  19. That'll be right - thank you. See you there - just hoping for a lovely sunny day! Edited by - Andrew Willoughby on 17 Jun 2013 21:36:54
  20. I see from the Castle Combe entry list that the dual drive cars' numbers (Rebecca's, Gill's and mine) are starting with an '8' rather than a '7'. Just wondered if this was a typo before changing the number on the car. Andrew
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