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Andrew Willoughby

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Everything posted by Andrew Willoughby

  1. Thanks for the very quick response, everyone. We're now full with the maximum of 20 cars. I'll shortly be emailing all those who have booked a place with payment details. Thanks again. Andrew
  2. It's always like that in Lincolnshire, Rob! Pleased you're going to be joining us. Andrew
  3. Thanks for the excellent response. I've amended the original post to include the names of those who have already reserved a place. I'll be in touch individually to give payment details once we've got to 20 cars. Andrew
  4. For the last two years we have had a pre-season test day at Blyton Park. I have been in touch with Richard Usher at Blyton and have placed a provisional booking with him for Friday 1st April. The arrangements would be on the same basis as last year - 20 cars attending with a maximum of 4 cars on track at any one time. This has proved really successful as everyone gets plenty of driving time without feeling crowded on track. If we get 20 attendees the cost will be £87 per car and this would include full medical and fire service provision. I need to confirm with Blyton by the end of the month to secure the booking so the sooner we get the 20 participants the better. First dibs will go to Speed Championship competitors. If you would like to reserve a place please post on here or message me. Please note that this is not an official club event – I will be making the booking as an individual as Matthew and Graham have done in the past two years. Andrew Bookings: 1. Andrew Willoughby 2. Graham Howard 3. John Bransfield ​4. Oli Wright 5. Geoff Corker 6. Clive Marsden 7. Steve Causey 8. Jonathan Heyes 9. Andrew McKay 10. Derek Read 11. Roger Legg ​12. Robert Jacobs 13. Rich Abraham 14. John Clarke 15. Phil Cook ​16. Rob Spencer 17. Paul Collins 18. Richard Price 19. Philip Matchwick ​20. Jeff Smith ​Reserve: Roger Cumming
  5. Me? - a likely candidate, Roger?! Sorry, but I have no knowledge of the missing item. Looking forward to the new season and hopefully not being awarded the dreaded trowel in 2016! Andrew
  6. Well said, Graham! A terrific amount of work has to be done to allow us to go out and play. Many thanks to Paul and Chris.
  7. I have great respect for Longton based upon past experience of really well-run events. What surprised me was that they appeared not to have done the arithmetic which would have shown how long the events would take. Like Richard, I found it rather hard to take that competitors were blamed for the slow running on Saturday because of our dawdling at the green light! The big decision for Longton is just how wedded they are to the twin-lap format. If they insist that this is what they want, entry numbers need to be far lower. There are other things they should consider to ensure that everyone gets a decent number of runs. For example, after first practice cars need to be released in speed order, not class order to avoid catch-ups and the resulting re-runs. Also, I believe it should be possible to reduce the long wait for the previous batch to come through before releasing the next car - that's where most of the time is lost. There is an easier way, of course - just go back to the successful one-lap format and numbers of previous years. That would be my preferred option.
  8. Our menu choices are: Me - steak and ale pie, chocolate pudding and custard; Janice - scampi, ice cream. Thanks again for organising, Paul! Andrew
  9. We're up for dinner at the Crown, Paul - thanks for organising. I'll be in touch with menu choices later. Just a thought - we were with Grahame and Heather at Blyton and I'm sure they said that Heather's daughter was getting married that weekend so they couldn't come. Perhaps worth checking with them before booking places. Thanks again. Andrew
  10. Janice and I would like to come, please, Oli. Thanks for organising!
  11. I've just received the finals from Loton. The running order looks very strange with cars running out of class order. Also, they don't appear to be using our numbers - is there time for them to be changed?
  12. This looks brilliant, Chris! I love Anglesey, and the chance to have a longer run which includes the Corkscrew is excellent. I'm very happy to have fewer runs for the opportunity to drive the double-lapper.
  13. This looks brilliant, Chris! I love Anglesey, and the chance to have a longer run which includes the Corkscrew is excellent. I'm very happy to have fewer runs for the opportunity to drive the double-lapper.
  14. This looks brilliant, Chris! I love Anglesey, and the chance to have a longer run which includes the Corkscrew is excellent. I'm very happy to have fewer runs for the opportunity to drive the double-lapper.
  15. It was great to meet you today, Tony. Really pleased you enjoyed your day - the slippery slope begins here!
  16. Thanks for saving my honour, Graham!
  17. Thanks for organising a great day, Graham - an excellent pre-season shake-down! Had a couple of quite lurid spins and I'm hoping they'll be my last of the season!
  18. I'm happy to have some variety, but either way will be fine. I really like the venue and will enjoy the day whatever.
  19. Count me in, Graham - thank you for organising this! Best wishes Andrew
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