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Rob Walker

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Everything posted by Rob Walker

  1. I am told that Caterham no longer supply the copper cored rads. They only supply Ali standard capacity and the higher capacity triple pass rad. Could be cheaper to have your own re-cored. Edited by - Rob walker on 12 Nov 2001 21:14:28
  2. James, Just look i yellow pages. I used a firm called Arrow Rads and they recored my rad for 90 quid.
  3. The Apollo is pressurized, hence the loss of 0.5 bar oil pressure due to bleed off back to the cam cover and the prolonged time it takes for the oil pressure gauge to register oil pressure. The tank has to fill completely before it can pressurize .Got it now?
  4. Speedy Bees pilots a 1700 K. Bespoke Kiddie steel crank and Arrow rods achieve this capacity.
  5. I think it must be possible to fit a spring at the point where the clutch arm exits the bellhousing pulling the arm and bearing away from the clutch fingures. The spring on the peddle could still be retained.
  6. Allen, Oil is picked up from the sump in the normal way pulled through the oil pump pumped fed to the outside of the oil filter passes through the filter then fed to the bottom end and a small feed off up to the head. With Apollo a sandwich plate is fitted twix the oilfilter and the housing. Two hoses are taken off this sandwich plate the flow is connected to the large connection near the top of the Apollo tank and the other hose near the bottom of the tank returns the de-airiated oil back to the filter. The froth or airiated oil will have rizen to the top of the conical tank and have been bled off through the small line into the cam cover. Quite clever Eh! Edited by - Rob walker on 12 Nov 2001 11:03:14
  7. Julian, You would be surprised how well manored a tuned K is. Particularly the 1.6 with 740 cams DTHTB`s it will pull from 2000 rpm no problem and is very free revving and very smooth. The 1.8 has a longer stroke but has a little more torque so its not quite as smooth as a 1.6 but will pull from 1500 rpm. I think the good road manors are largely due to the advances in induction/engine management and running a tunned K on carbs may not be quite so refined. I am also very impressed with the fuel consumptiom which is around 30 mpg on the road. Cooling in traffic is not a problem also if you have uprated the Rad and correct thermostat.
  8. Chris, Depends on how long the car has been stood, or if its the start up after an oil change. I found this delay in reaching oil pressure very worrying and cannot do you engine a lot of good. Peter C has fitted a one way ball valve into the bleed off line to the cam caver which he recons solves this problem. The ball valve prevents the tank draining back into the sump. The other problem with this Apollo tank is oil temerature, it takes up to 15 mins to get your oil to temp and if you go on track or cruise at 80 Mph or above 110C plus oil temps are reached. I have junked the Apollo tank. It definately helps get rid of air bubbles in your oil but the potential down side is against its use IMO.
  9. After fitting every go faster bit and a 220 Bhp K series engine in an attempt to make my car go faster there seems to be only one sensible route forward to better performance. You guessed it, the owner needs to loose at least 10 Kg and the car 30 kg. Anyone know how much weight can be shed by removing/ replacing the following:- 1. Carpets from Boot, rear bulkhead and transmission tunnel sides. 2. Windscreen,stansions,side doors in lieu of Jpe screen and half doors 3. Wipers,wiper motor,washer bottle etc 4. hood stays 5. ss rear wing protectors. 6. Heater and valve. As a last resort if my diet doesn`t go well what weight loss can I expect from CF nose cone,front & rear wings and dash. Rob
  10. Oily, Apart from having the head inserted to take 31.5 inlets what would you advise in order to get optimum results?
  11. Peter, I fitted the steel oil pump rotor and was concerned during the build at the increased clearance rotor to annulus but have found my oil pressure to be slightly higher than the stock engine set up. I am also running with all grooved top main shells. When hot 4.5 Bar above 3000 rpm and a tad over 2 bar at tickover 1050 rpm. In my experience the Apollo that you have re-fitted looses in excess of 0.5 bar across the range due to the bleed off into the cam cover have you factored this in?
  12. Now we can fit uprated pads which will work well at high temperatures so there is not too much of a problem with brake fade, I now wonder if it would be possible to fit some sort of shim between the pad and the piston in the caliper which could be made of a poor heat conducting material which would prevent the heat transfer from the red hot pad into the caliper and prevent the brake fluid from boiling. I have found that heat transfer into the caliper gets much worse as the pads get worn, presumably they become better conductors of heat as they get thinner?
  13. I have a Banner that I bought in haste thinking my old one was knackered. The Banner should turn over your engine it turns my tuned 1.8K no problem and it has 11.6:1 CR £20 its yours, I am in Bristol. Edited by - Rob walker on 9 Nov 2001 19:19:22
  14. The other critical factor is oil temperature a mates SLR was seeing 110C at donington on Tuesday and at this temperature his oil pressure was falling away like crazy and he was on thick Mobil 1 15W 50.
  15. Its not just the braking that worries me my hubs were so hot you couldn`t touch them at Donington on Tuesday you could feel the heat radiating from them and the wheels. This can`t be good for the rear wheel bearings and seals. Improved air flow must be the way ahead, just can`t understand why the race teams don`t duct cool air onto their rear brakes????????
  16. There is nothing particularly difficult in replacing the head gasket. The Haynes manual 3399 for the Rover 211,214, 216,218 &220 gives a good desciption. You may need the head refacing mind that will cost about 20 quid and the head gasket is about 25 quid from any Rover dealer. To get a Rover dealer to do the job expect a bill for around the 180 quid mark.
  17. Rob Walker


    DTHTB`s need to be matched to the inlet ports. Its possible to insert a bent felt tipped marker down the port from the combustion chamber and mark the TB flange when the TB is bolted in position. Metal can then be removed with a carbide burr from the TB. A fingure is the best judge of alignment in the end.
  18. Rob Walker


    Try Halfords, they will do an exchange unit at a reasonable price and even fit it for you . Or if you want a secondhand Rover unit and the proper brackets " Universal Select Rover Salvage 01234 765555 " will fix you up.
  19. I know that Dave doesn`t want to fully strip his engine. Fitting the uprated liners would entail honing the liners under a torque plate in his block. This as you know is very messy and would necessitate a lot of cleaning to get rid of all the abrasive particles. In fact it took me longer to clean my block following honing than to assemble the bottom end of the engine. Try the PTP web site for the part numbers of the grade `A` liners. Rob.
  20. About 160 bhp, After that its a head porting, bigger valves and cams job which will cost about another £1000. Emerald Telephone number is 020 7737 7114.
  21. The latest K engines have two coils housed under a rather ugly plastic spark plug cover on top of the cam cover.
  22. Andy the easiest place is the rear terminals of the rev counter, one of them is coil one is ground and the other is positive. In short all you need to feed your shift light, all you need is three push on spade piggy back connectors to make the connection without butchering the loom. Also if you slacken the two screws that secure the two central toneau poper bases on the scuttle you can feed the shift light wires between the dash and the scuttle without any hole drilling.
  23. Rob Walker


    Phil Stewart fitted a ZF unit into my standard diff. He changed the standard 40 degree ramps for 30 degree and also machined 0.5mm off the back face of the ramps reducing the pre load from 55lb Ft to about 35 lb ft. I am very pleased with the unit it works well.
  24. If you have a rear ARB and its set on the softest setting the drop link could be rubbing on the inside edge of the rear tyre . As this drop link is very smooth it may not have left much of a witness mark
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