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Everything posted by tbird

  1. tbird


    nothing to see here sig test CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  2. similar thread here not sure if its helpful
  3. Guessing its this one here
  4. John you want a Getrag five speed dogleg gearbox as fitted to various BMWs, Jensen Healeys, or the ZF dogleg fitted to Lotus Sunbeams Tim
  5. sadly if I send my filler cap I will get black maybe I could post my bonnet, useful link all the same cheers 😬
  6. loads of info if you search chitchat but here is a good start Tim
  7. couldn't be as simple as a poor connection in ignition switch cct could it
  8. there is a load of stuff in techtalk, starting point here general opinion is its a faff but can be removed relatively easily sorry cant help much more, think Alextangent has idiot guide Tim Didn't intend to suggest your are an idiot by the way 😬 good luck Edited by - tbird on 7 Jul 2010 23:26:44
  9. Give them a bell on . Tel. 0044 (0) 1946 518202 That should be the quickest way to get definitive answer
  10. I want to know what Llentl's owner has been doing letting her into those places even to just photograph them LL
  11. from a battery maintenance site "What is the proper electrolyte level? Battery electrolyte levels should be just below the bottom of the vent well, about ½ - ¾ inch above the tops of the separators. Never let the electrolyte level to drop below the top of the plates."
  12. Midway Twixt Carlisle and Newcastle, manual more out of interest, not necessity, sure its available from samsung site or as you say via PDF from you cheers Tim
  13. Could also be interested if Stuart changes mind, would also need courier and wrapping service 😬 have you still got manuals ? Tim
  14. has to be faulty then, could it be only displaying the trip meter, does it toggle when you press the trip reset, when you press and hold the trip reset does it only reset the trip, maybe you will have to wait another 1000 miles to see what happens 😬. I have a stack so not familiar with display but does it display leading 0s if so how many digits does it display in odometer mode, seems unlikely that a poor electrical connection would cause a problem exactly on 1000 miles sounds more like a firmware issue above just random thoughts really, I am sure you have tried most of them, other than that hopefully someone will be along in a minute with an answer
  15. Do you mean odometer or trip meter ? if it was the odometer and it keeps happening you could have a very low mileage car 😬 not to mention being perfect for low mileage insurance
  16. deleted by me, Edited by - tbird on 1 Jul 2010 22:05:01
  17. ☹️ shame CC going to fix, I would love to have known if it could be pinged back out by pumping up pressure, Glad they are replacing it for you really 😬
  18. This is probably one of those questions I am going to regret asking, but how / where did you take sample from
  19. not sure which yellow / orange colour you have, I have Aztec / Mclaren orange, seems surprising Caterham would supply a touch up paint that would not cure / Harden but have also been following this thread here which may be helpful Tim
  20. My slightly addled old brain was thinking along the lines of removing filter on breather and replacing with tyre valve, zip tie that on with small zip tie and use a foot pump or compressor, dont know if pipe would take pressure or even if aero cap would seal in that direction but if pipe accessible may be worth a go, my original thought was rubber bung fitted with valve in filler neck, but getting correct size bung would be a pita. Alternatively how do these dent master type people ping out similar dents in Panels, just trying to "think outside box" (or tank 😬) really maybe inspire other ideas
  21. would it be possible to pressurise it via breather, and ping it back out again ? don't know just a thought, is there a seem in the buckled area ? Edited by - tbird on 28 Jun 2010 20:18:29
  22. probably notice if it had imploded 😬 might have distorted a bit, sorry pedant mode off, getting coat
  23. Yeah found some thanks both for heads up cheers Tim
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