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Everything posted by tbird

  1. tbird

    QR steering

    Have standard CC QR MoMo after nearly 4 years still no slop, pops on and off easily, suspect the wear/damage tends to occur when trying to locate wheel on splines, once you learn to always leave steering central and that the top screw in steering wheel lines up with keyway it pops on with no hunting. no experience of RapFix wheels although I am sure if 7Tips flog it its very good indeed
  2. Maybe you could consider swapping hoods 😬 CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  3. I am not sure the XS7000 is "more advanced" I think it will just cope with much bigger batteries, I have been looking at these recently as I need to be able to charge Laand Rover battery as well as 7, I think the main difference is they cost a whole lot more wonga, Tim CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  4. Andrew you are correct with multimeter, but the easiest place to put it is accross the battery red on positive black on negative, with the engine running, fast idle (2k revs plenty) , should read around 13.5VDC - 14.5VDC do not spin Alternator without battery connected it could blow diode pack, some other useful info here I would also follow all cables from alternator and clean all nuts, washers, and faces between Alternator/ Battery / earth with emery to make nice and shiny good luck Tim Too slow thats what happens when you wander off to make coffee 😬 CSR 200 Aztec and Black Edited by - tbird on 13 Sep 2010 20:51:40
  5. Think this is the CSR one here visible in second from last picture bottom right hand corner here CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  6. 1) grow a beard 2) avoid running over own foot when pushing car out of Garage (or get elecric doors) above all just enjoy every moment, CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  7. Hmm well maybe but why replace 4 relays when only one has gone US, I guess most people will just buy a new box when relay packs in rather than try to source PCB mounted relay and swap out faulty one, so [Cynicaly grinning smiley] maybe its more in the component manufacturers interest to sell more expensive part Tim CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  8. Have a look at Angus' page here near bottom of page Tim CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  9. [oops read question properly and removed "rubbish" nothing left to see 😬 Tim Edited by - tbird on 3 Sep 2010 20:57:12
  10. Not much different from speed indicated against speed on Garmin on my Landy Tim CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  11. useful doc, have filed away for future, when I won't be able to find it 😔 CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  12. maybe worth belt and braces, have it welded then POR it to catch/prevent any further problems. CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  13. Just came across this while looking for POR15 primer may be of some use to you POR Fuel tank sealer Tim CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  14. Yes tanks can be welded but should be well aired and then steam cleaned (inside) first, another thumbs up for petro patch, fixed many a mini petrol tank in me yoof with it, you get some bandage type material and a bottle of pinky red gloop, paint gloop in area you want to seal apply some gloop onto bandage and then apply bandage to tank, gloop sides together, brush some more gloop over top of bandage, repeat with overlap if bigger area needed and leave to dry, would also fixed cracks in batteries but I guess they are tougher these days. CSR 200 Aztec and Black Edited by - tbird on 19 Aug 2010 21:28:29
  15. click on the little envelope thing to the right of the date and time of message and follow you nose 😬 CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  16. Dont think the condition of the spare is an MOT check, if fitted the security of fixing is part of test, so if concerned just remove it prior to test, there is no requirement to have a spare Tim CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  17. Just had a look at Gates website, interesting, if their claims stack up down to sizes you will require it looks like a good solution, thats what engineering sales and marketing is often about, convincing us old fuddy duddys that new products with innovative materials really work, if the product can be shown to be able to handle and apply reasonable torque in the real world then it would carry a far higher value than I gave it in the survey best of luck and keep up the good work, as someone said earlier we need good new engineers. I don't think we are "Doubters" in a bad way, just trying to help where we can Tim CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  18. may be a bit meatier on a Harley drive train 😬 NB have no empirical evidence that a toothed belt wouldn't do job just a gut feeling Tim CSR 200 Aztec and Black Edited by - tbird on 15 Aug 2010 01:44:24
  19. above comments where why I mentioned a comments box, as a marketing and design exercise ok but as a producion tool it would only work for loose nuts either on or off the shaft it would not be so good for tight nuts ( ) as I am sure you are aware. Thats why I put a low price on tool, maybe a decent chain drive would be a different story but even then it would need careful design and testing Tim CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  20. as above, some info here Tim CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  21. Done, have to keep up my dibs on early prototype testing 😬 if it turns into a production exercise maybe a comments box would be a useful addition to survey, to help analyse why people have set price point good luck with next phase of course Tim CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  22. easiest way may be to upload to Google docs and share out as a public or linked document CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  23. tbird


    CSR 200 Aztec and Black Edited by - tbird on 8 Aug 2010 23:26:36
  24. How to test Aternator here basically if you measure voltage across battery terminals at fast idle it should read around 14.5 volts. its certainly strange that fan would switch in and out with headlights, if you get 14.5 volts at battery at fast hot idle, try switching on headlights and see what Voltage does, wouldnt expect it to drop much but cannot think why fan would cut out, may slow down if you had an Alternator problem and weak battery, unless, as suggested, there was something in ecu prioritising circuits CSR 200 Aztec and Black
  25. tbird

    Intermittent Wipe

    Someone still selling the unit here CSR 200 Aztec and Black
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