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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I had exactly the same problem at weekend, whether I put crinkle washer above or below plate the plate would not swivel once bolt with flat washer nipped up, at the moment have just nipped it all up with harness pointing in correct direction, maybe will ditch crinkle washer and see from there, I guess they cannot be too loose really (its on a CSR with standard Caterham 4 point Harness) although as Nick says they might Rattle, oh well another rattle is neither here nor there 😬 Tim Edited by - tbird on 22 Apr 2011 15:13:38
  2. I think you just get to know and love the little rattles, cluncks and grumbles, it's just the car talking to you 😬, the trick is to get used to the conversation so you notice when you get a new ping, grumble or rattle, they are the ones that need checking Tim
  3. tbird

    Stack Dash

    Andy sounds like a similar fault to this one here, although it also sounds dodgy connection ish as well Tim Edited by - tbird on 18 Apr 2011 16:30:53
  4. Mankee Cannot answer your question but when I had some queries recently I rang on the contact number given here and the were very helpful with which charger/conditioner was suitable for the job Tim
  5. Organic rev limiter cutting in Tim
  6. Phil re removal, not tried mine yet but Mike's post here makes quite amusing reading Tim Edited by - tbird on 11 Apr 2011 00:16:59
  7. TADTS, although I believe stack can replace silica and reseal, I need to think about getting mine done this winter, along with new battery Tim
  8. Zetec will let you know when it arrives ☹️ about the gearbox, hope you get it sorted quickly and have a trouble free rest of year Tim
  9. Angus Hi, I think the mounts you are thinking of are the much sought after and elegant design from Nifty, but as you mention they are for use without sidescreens, Glasgow I dont think so, the hinge is around the same height as the mounting point for the standard mirror, obviously the mirror stem could be tailored for the correct height, the top hinge could also be used, but my gut feeling is that may look a little odd. One early idea I had involved a thin bar running hinge to hinge and the mirror could slide up and down to get perfect position, again not sure about looks, but I haven't discounted that idea yet . Tim
  10. wall to wall fog up here on the Misty Isle, if anyone wants to swap Tim
  11. A thought has been kicking around in the back of my mind for a while now, I was wondering if making up a small bracket to allow a side mirror to be mounted onto the lower Hinge plate of the side screen would be a good idea, I think this would be a more rigid mounting point than the "normal" mounting position. It could be sized to allow the mirror to clear the stanchion and allow full opening of the sidescreen. I am sure somebody must have already done this or rejected the idea for a reason I have not thought of. anyone any info or thoughts Tim
  12. tbird


    Roy has it been upgraded or tinkered With in any way
  13. fair enough, although I would have thought it would be dodgy from day 1 as yours was, the reason I suspected charging problem was it has been fine for 6 days, my thoughts were that if the current draw is 250 - 300 amps for 3 to 4 seconds each time it is started then like god the battery would rest on the 7th day 😬 but I take your point about dodgy battery being possible whatever it is it must be a pain in the 🙆🏻 for Douglas and be somewhat taking the shine of his new toy Tim Edited by - tbird on 31 Mar 2011 11:29:13
  14. another quick thought, its a new battery, have you checked fluid level is correct, just covering the cells Tim
  15. 😬 that should cover it Roger , you recon Battery, I recon charge ccts, between us we' should have nailed it Tim
  16. seems strange, not sure but Alternator has to be at least 30 amp so running with headlights on, 2 x 55w + side 4 x 10 w max so around 12 amps, should leave plenty left over. Can you connect DVM on amps in series with battery, ignition off and see what the GPS tracker is pulling, then switch lights on to get total current draw (dont try to start with dvm in series 😬 you probably know that it would be DVM ) Tim Edited by - tbird on 30 Mar 2011 23:40:06
  17. Shouldn't be a problem, (obviously it is) Mine starts a CSR no problem, you have not said whether you have a cut off switch that you use, but I think the general wisdom is the drain from the immobiliser will stuff the battery in 2 to 3 weeks with no use, so if it is being used daily and is dead after 6 days, I would suspect dodgy battery or not charging for some reason (favouring the latter), have you checked charge voltage across battery, putting the DVM directly onto the battery terminals not on the cable clamps, at about 3k revs, should be around 14.2 volts Tim Edited by - tbird on 30 Mar 2011 23:06:58
  18. tbird

    Touch up paint ?

    Touch up paint is soon to be replaced with stickerfix I seem to remember something like this years ago, a small book of coloured leaves that you applied to small dings a bit like letraset Tim Edited by - tbird on 30 Mar 2011 12:30:43
  19. Try having a look here, seems to be more tech info on cars than the UK site http://www.caterhamcars.it/tecnologia/manu.html although its the Italian site the manuals are in English Just noticed Geko already posted this above Doh! Tim Edited by - tbird on 27 Mar 2011 14:32:49 Edited by - tbird on 27 Mar 2011 14:59:05
  20. tbird

    Mud Flaps

    Billyboys are also incredibly neatly done using bighead fasteners, my thoughts at the moment are leaning toward using 3m Dual lock Tim
  21. tbird

    Mud Flaps

    I know people swing both ways on this subject, but if you are considering making any at the moment, Ikea flexible chopping boards on offer in Ikea at the moment in Pairs of same colour, only saw Black or Red yesterday, as I was after black didn't look any further. £1-83 per pair Thanks to Billyboy for the design and idea Tim
  22. I am 6ft SWMBO 5'-4" but short legs (as defined by her physio so must be correct 😬) CC moved runners forward so we could both fit, without adjusting pedals, dont recall them lifting the seat, it only took them about 20 mins, so she could have a test drive Tim Edited by - tbird on 25 Mar 2011 02:00:48
  23. here 8th post Tim Edited by - tbird on 23 Mar 2011 23:26:42
  24. tbird

    CSR engine running

    page 9 of LF has registration form at bottom, possibly also worth ringing the club in the morning just to try to reserve a place until form arrives with them. Thread here Tim Edited by - tbird on 18 Mar 2011 01:40:34
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