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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Can't believe this splendid CSR is still available, you won't find better one, go on you know you want it 😬 Tim
  2. Does the fuel pump run for a few seconds as soon as ignition key is turned, if not is the immobiliser working correctly, Tim
  3. Well of course it f***ing does, just like I "sense that something is heavy and don't pick it up to compensate" Nicely put 😬 Much simpler than trying to explain Mr ohm and his law Tim
  4. so if I understand correctly, to summarise, yesterday with GPS device connected and ignition off passive current settled at 600mA today with GPS disconnected passive current around 250mA which would be closer to what I would expect so 600mA passive Battery drained in 50 hrs with 250mA battery would drain in 120 hrs although I suspect it would baulk at starting at around half that time if charging ccts continue to work as per yesterday, which seemed to be OK, then, unless you drive the car every 3 days, I guess you could run the risk of killing your battery fairly regularly, bearing in mind that conventional lead acid batteries do not respond well to being totally flattened, maybe an FIA cut off switch would be a good idea, or, although a bit of a PITA, disconnect the battery after each blat. Tim Hope you had a good blat by the way Edited by - tbird on 30 May 2011 16:22:01
  5. so 600 mA passive current with ignition off, 30Ah battery 30 / .6 =50 hours so battery will be flat within 2 days, that seems a lot of current to me, going back to Audi it has imobiliser and a load of modules drawing current for KAM and as said only pulls 240mA the main difference on your car to other 7s is your GPS module, can you measure passive current with GPS tracker disconnected my gut feeling is that will draw quite a high current, does it transmit co-ordinates in real time or only if you dial in to it ? Tim
  6. shouldn't really matter which side you stick the DVM, I would just pop the earth terminal, ideally get a second pair of hands, and making sure your DVM leads are plugged into the DVM current sockets and set to at least 1A range, stick it between battery and lead, should not be anything spectacular happening, if you had a passive draw of amps rather than milliamps something would be getting warm. When you disconnect the battery have you noticed it sparking, that would indicate a reasonably high current draw but nowhere near 10amps. if you were drawing 10 amps not only would your battery be flat as a pancake in less than 4 hours but cables would be noticeably hot, if you want to be really safety conscious try to work outdoors or at least with battery area of car by open garage doors, once you have a current reading divide it into the battery amp/hr value to see how long before battery goes flat so if 1 amp and 40Ah battery would last 40 hours if 500 mA then it would be 80hrs if 250 mA then 160 hrs etc etc you may find this useful ignore the bit a "keep alive memory" just as an example my V8 quattro drains an 80A/hr battery in around 14 days if I don't use it, bloody modern computerised cars, which is a pita if i go on holiday, (so I have fitted a battery disconnect sw ). from this I can infer that the ignition off parasitic current is 14x24hrs =336hrs /into Ah of battery Battery is 80 Ah so 80 / 336 = .238 A or 238 mA hope this helps I am around most of tomorrow if you think talking things over would help feel free to give me a ring on 01434 250017 ( after 10 am would be good 😬) Tim
  7. That puts us back to wacking the DVM in series with the battery, with ignition keys firmly in pocket 😬 and seeing how much passive current is being drawn, although I agree with Bricol if battery down to 10.52 over night I wouldn't trust the battery, But I would also want to confirm the Charging voltage across immediately after a new was fitted, also why has it been ok for the previous 3 weeks, wonder if charge reg is intermittent Tim Edited by - tbird on 28 May 2011 19:04:26
  8. DVM showed some 12.3v across the battery terminals while the engine was idling Don't like the sound of that, should be 14v or better with engine running, does it increase much as you lift the revs, still sounds like a dodgy charging cct to me, unfortunately if the battery has been completely drained at some time it may also have compromised the battery Tim Edited by - tbird on 27 May 2011 22:54:07
  9. What about one of these, would allow you to quickly route through fuse when working on electrics then quickly revert to high current when needed, can be easily removed when not working on car Discarnect I know it gets 2 crappy reviews but the one I have permanently fitted to Audi went on without problems and works fine to isolate battery, I use without fuse to stop battery draining when on Holiday Tim Edited by - tbird on 26 May 2011 00:09:17
  10. tbird

    CSR to R400

    Why would I ?, I don't want to drive in tackety boots Tim Edited by - tbird on 19 May 2011 22:48:24
  11. tbird

    CSR to R400

    John CSR foot well is wide but pedals ain't, on mine anyway, you definitely need Pumas or similar to drive safely, now I know I am a bit Lardy around the middle, but only have size 10 feet, I was surprised how close the pedals were when I first drove it. SWMBO ok in trainers but she is only size 5 (feet) rest of here is size 12 so she does rattle around a little on corners 😬 Tim Edited by - tbird on 19 May 2011 12:58:57
  12. OK I will need to have a think, Its a goodly distance from Northumberland, but so is TSK et al if they are that good, and I am sure you are correct, it would be worth it, probably won't contact until I know my plans, but thanks for the info Tim
  13. Don't know if this would work in the engine building world, do you have any garages, engine builders etc who regularly need advice, if so you could offer a retained service for a fixed fee per year for e-mail and telephone support and then any on site visits/training are billed separately at a daily rate, works well for SWMBO, it avoids people being dissuaded from calling incase they get into a long phone call at an hourly rate, Obviously in the first year you need to try to work out how often they will call and how much of a pitta they will be, SWMBO goes for around £800 PA for HR/Employment law retainer and about £450 per day plus exp for on site training etc, other stuff like writing procedures/contracts is quoted individually, seems to work well and with modern IT you can pretty much respond from anywhere Tim
  14. DJ did you strip suspension, Screen, scuttle etc and deliver stripped or did they do the Dis assembly / RE-assembly for you Tim
  15. OK thanks for info, the 12 month thing is not a problem as I was thinking winter 2012 anyway and if its that good its worth getting organised 😬 and finding a way to get it to them cheers Tim
  16. Not disagreeing with DJ at all, but surely if your paint work is as bad as you say within 4000 miles, and I am more than happy to believe you, surely TSK would want to know and have a chance to fix it, it certaily concerns me as I am starting to think about a re spray and they are one of the obvious choices Tim Edited by - tbird on 27 Apr 2011 21:46:55
  17. Like any other consultancy you can and should charge for expertise, yes once its given its in the public domain but there is nothing you can do about that, if you give it for free it is also in the public domain. if you do go down the consultancy route I would consider some indemnity insurance, it shouldn't be to expensive and as mentioned if someone claims, and can prove, you gave duff info that destroyed their engine (and we can all make mistakes) you have some cover. I guess the decision comes down to, do I give out lots of info for nowt or do give out info less frequently but for a small fee. I would certainly be prepared to pay for information from someone of your proven knowledge and calibre. edited to add I agree with above about transcripts, we don't record but SWMBO always follows up telephone call with the information/advice she has given but in written form, which also give her a chance to spot small errors Tim Edited by - tbird on 27 Apr 2011 12:48:10
  18. would one of these be compatible Econoseal 3-Way Male Connector (CON-002) Tim Edited by - tbird on 24 Apr 2011 22:53:55
  19. Thats what happens when you remove the cat, no emission control 😬
  20. Whats that swishy, whooshy, howly, blasty thing Sounds like it must have one of those chavy mock turbo dump valves fitted Tim
  21. such a differance a rubber makes in life!! Does it save you from Dong wallop I do hope so Tim
  22. you may also find some better wiring diagrams here Manuals and wiring diagrams Tim
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