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Everything posted by tbird

  1. not that long ago I ditched a couple of compaq Lte 50s still worked perfectly, still ran Word Perfect, still ran my old remote diagnostic software for printers , logging in via Modem :-) 4M ram (outstanding for its day) 40M hard drive, with room to spare, programmers were neat and tidy in those days :-)
  2. Think I still have a colour Palm Pilot somewhere, I know i have the charging cradle and I rarely thro tech out so it will be somewhere :-) if I can find it you ae welcome to it :-)
  3. we had "touch screen" RIP interfaces well over 20 years ago that must have been similar to airbars, the side bars of the screen overlayed a grid (can't remember if it was sonic or IR) just above the surface, I know they worked on PC and Linux and I seem to recall Mac screens, obviously pre Intel Macs, I think our biggest screen was 30 inch, but the design was scaleable to any size, Something else Kodak should maybe have capitalised on, story of Kodak really, missing out on opportunities
  4. Fair enough, you are in a very different environment to me , the problem I seem to have is V1.0.0 fingers that just don't sem to work well with touch screens , could you not use an Air bar, or do you use 15inch macs
  5. I have a horrible feeling it may have ended up as a lot more, just theorising from figures in accounts so far and the date the Amortisation (is that even a word, but you know what i mean) is due to be complete, and I agree wholeheartedly
  6. yes you are correct Anthony, i am technically not zooming the pic, but the page, but as picture size is limited at upload, I think, not sure zoom would help any more , Stephen re mac and touchscreens, my macbook pro doesn't have a touch screen as you say, thank goodness say I , but it does have an exceptionally good touchpad, not sure what benefits a touch screen would give me, my Tablet has and I would only consider using that for convenience when traveling out of the country ,
  7. I can zoom the whole page Anthony, therefore by definition the image, just using normal gesture 2 finger zoom
  8. Be an Old age thing, he'll be along when he needs the toilet
  9. Tin Hats and waterproof pants on, He's back, get he kettle on someone he'll be down in a minute
  10. Yep Looks like 7faq is well and truly hacked,
  11. I'm glad you phrased that with care ;-)
  12. <p><a href=https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006937096245764373541:r7k7s3ivmhs>SEARCH</p>
  13. <a href=https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006937096245764373541:r7k7s3ivmhs >test</a>
  14. <a href=https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006937096245764373541:r7k7s3ivmhs >google search</a>
  15. If we still have the sheds access card can we buy beer with it, maybe it still works in the cash machine, we could have a party
  16. yes sadly only a few pages work, but it has been languishing for quite a few years :-(
  17. Just noticed an old laptop in the corner, seems no one remembered to switch it off when everyone abandoned the sheds years ago , Ahhhh memories
  18. It's me age sir, pretty much imagination and Voyeurism all I've got left, and the voyeurism is under threat if the restraining order goes through ;-)
  19. a camelid girl band, could work , Banana Llama and the alpacas
  20. GJT Gang of three, BC10 , somtimes have trouble keeping up :-)
  21. Maybe I should have added some form of irony emoji ;-)
  22. That's because it has been streamlined and improved
  23. they went of to the north pole to find Icicles to test
  24. You Channeling Hoopy CageyH and carpet bombing Chitchat, It won't end well, was "I Reply To Every Thread" one of yours ;-)
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