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Everything posted by tbird

  1. hmm I think I BMed myself have just sent another, have also just received your mail, will reply now Tim
  2. Dibs please YHBM (hopefully) Tim Edited by - tbird on 21 Oct 2012 14:53:01
  3. I suspect Part of the condensation problem will also be that you are continually pumping moist air through chamber, bracing roof with Blue water pipe should work, have used it in the past to build mini polly tunnels, jut need to refine design so it is free standing inside air chamber as for Fans I would turn off/remove and seal and use a dehumidifier. The De humidifier you linked to is unlikely to perform at quoted figures at outdoor temperature in winter, so as you say would also need a heater, if you use a desiccant type dehumidifier I believe they are more efficient at lower temperature, but also generate more of their own heat as part of the process, I use one of these here which I find very efficient, if you pipe to external drain then the tank would not need emptying, my one concern would be the drain pipe freezing. I guess you could line with bubble wrap to increase insulation of air chamber and I suppose you could use external drain pipe into a jerry can and just empty once a month or so, once the air inside is dry then the dehumidifier goes into a low power mode. The main annoyance with this dehumidifier is if it looses power it does not auto start so you have to remember manualy start it up, I think there are probably desiccant dehumidifiers that will auto start. Tim
  4. tbird

    Polishing ally?

    Is this the sort of thing you are after http://www.usa7s.com/forum/uploads/solderguy/2006-06-01_180615_silv1.jpg Tim Edited by - tbird on 3 Oct 2012 23:12:35
  5. OOps gone again, resubmitted profile and back again, this doesn't usually happen, not changed anything in my set up, Win 7 Chrome Version 22.0.1229.79 m not running any cookie blocker or auto cookie delete, other cookie based services seem to be ok Tim
  6. No worries, just magicaly re appeared Tim
  7. Barry, don't normaly have a problem with sigs and pics, but mine have disappeared some time in the last 3 hours, have resubmitted profile but still no fix, is it just me Tim
  8. tbird


    Stagemaker there is a thread here, I am sure there is another but cannot find it at the moment aha found here Tim Edited by - tbird on 23 Sep 2012 17:47:52
  9. Ah I was presuming he had the 4 point with Aero type release, that was what was fitted to mine, Revilla which type of harness do you have Tim
  10. revilla The anti creep spring looks like a piece of 2mm (ish) wire bent in a sort of U shape, the ends of the wire sit on each end of the knurled roller and the middle wedges onto the frame (terrible description sorry ) it forces the knurled roller against the webbing which is in turn in contact with the frame. It gives the knurled roller its spring when you pull it back Tim
  11. Only time this happened with my CC fitted harnesses was when I removed the anti creep springs to see if it made adjustment any easier, in fact one was already missing, not sure if previous owner removed it or it fell out somehow, have you checked all yours are present. Tim
  12. Pics from Tom (Alaskossie)
  13. Or bung them accross to me Tom, Tim
  14. http://www.lotusracing.co.uk/
  15. not teaching you to suck eggs but you do know that buttons 1 and 2 on dash are not stack buttons 1 and 2 Think stack 1 and 2 could actually be 2 and 3 on dash (counting from left button) Tim Edited by - tbird on 13 Sep 2012 20:29:51
  16. tbird

    Kenda Tyres??

    Have you looked at Maxxis Tyres, usually a good price, well respected in Bike world and I have been running MAZ1-Victras on the v8 Quattro for a couple of years, after they were recommended by my favourite Tyre fitter, and cannot fault them Tim
  17. tbird

    Wind deflector

    fraid not, best I can do is vouch for you and hide their Banjos, they're pretty harmless after the first gallon or so, thats when they start looking 🥰 at the local sheep. 😳 Tim
  18. tbird

    Wind deflector

    large muscular arms and shoulders, the better to lift a pint with ? 😬, Planning to run a beer festival in Bellingham in April, maybe see you there as well then Tim
  19. "an oeuf is enough" 😔 😬
  20. tbird

    Wind deflector

    Nel's best, Auld hemp, or I have some nice beers in from some of the better midland breweries, or Peroni if you don't like real beer :-) Tim
  21. Linky to Carl's Car Covers Tim Edited by - tbird on 6 Sep 2012 23:36:04
  22. tbird

    Wind deflector

    certainly doable, Hanns Per Kober, over in Austria, had a working prototype a couple of years ago, not sure if he still uses it Tim
  23. tbird

    Wind deflector

    I also made something similar to Ians, got my mesh from The mesh company. Certainly find it reduces spray through roll bar, not sure It reduces buffeting for me, I wonder what the difference is ? Tyrone if you are around Kielder in the next coupl of weeks you are welcome to have a look at mine 😳, probably arrange coffee and cake/ beer as well Tim Edited by - tbird on 6 Sep 2012 01:05:59
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