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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Not really fixed :-( Tim
  2. Ian the stuff I got wasn't layflat per se , although it could be flattened, the rubber coating on the inside was thick enough (think top hose thickness) to keep hose round when not under pressure, have no idea what it was used for but it made great replacement airbeams for my tent :-) Tim
  3. don't know if its still in use but I got some fabric/rubber line 2.5" hose from my local fire station, think they had scrapped it for some reason, it was still air tight let alone water tight, it was quite a few years ago but might be worth dropping in to see if local firemen have any old hose around.
  4. you should know better than that Toby, me speak wisdom twas the old sage OBNS speaking wisdom as always but I concur, done and dusted and money in the bank is the way forward Tim
  5. was just going to ask same, SCAYT default on, Please Tim
  6. tbird

    Iphone 4

    Keechy Hi, is the iphone unlocked or locked to network, if so which cheers Tim
  7. fair point, don't navigate between forums that often, but yes aggreed it does seem a little quicker, another small step to perfection, :-) Tim
  8. test, hmm still 3 seconds ish to post
  9. Just to confirm we haven't lost The famous Mike Bees canoe tale Tim
  10. Well Phil , "unless I am missing something on Facebook." you are ;-) thats what Private messaging on FB is for, and as the people in the FB group are , in the majority members or ex members of L7C or at least Caterham owners I guess one would have the same levels of trust. Tim
  12. Lithium grease would be my grease of choice for sunroofs , but being a Land Rover owner we get round the problem by sealing them shut with tiger seal, stops rattles and leaks :-) Tim
  13. Well they have done something, its running even more like a lame dog tonight, its so slow i'm getting web page unavailable messages before each topic opens Tim
  14. Hope they are not telling you that 2 million records is big for MySql, it ain't even quite large, Facebook uses MySql and I suspect it has a few more than 2 million records, the hosting company and Devs need to up thier game.
  15. yep I'm with Chris, tediously slow getting to chitchat and navigating around it, going back to threads etc. Mac Yosemite Google or Safari, not changed much if at all since day one, speed was one of the many simple beauties of the old BC, on mobile devices, phones, slow rural connections it was almost alway virtualy instant, I have, like many others I suspect, got to a point where I can't be bothered to navigate around the threads, sorry Tim PS took over 7 seconds to post that, that is ridiculous
  16. tbird


    line 1 (CR) line 2 (SH CR ) line 3 yosemite chrome so better but not fixed still 2 lines for normal CR Tim
  17. ah yes, didn't read that just looked at the MSDS Tim
  18. IPA 10-30% NAPHTHA (PETROLEUM), 927-510-4 HYDROTREATED LIGHT 60-100% Tim
  19. Now tthet's what I call a marketing idea, espresso and suede cleaner in one handy unit, think you may have a goer there JK
  20. couple of threads here and here , the gist being steam from kettle and brass brush, and or soak in hot water and washing liquid and then brush. I guess one of those mini steam generators for cleaning kitchen might be better than a kettle, especialy if like me you only have an electric kettle which keeps switching off . Steam worked well on mine although mine wasn't very shiny, do it once a year now .
  21. tbird


    line 1 (cr) line 2 (cr cr ) Line 3 looks fine in preview but not when posted (saved)
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