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Everything posted by tbird

  1. well brake lights are 21/5 W and the filaments measure 2 ohm and .5 ohm ish using a DVM so that would give a power output of 72W and 288 W resp. for 21 watts you would need a resistance of around 7 ohms for 5W you would need a resistance of around 28 ohms but its non Linear so that doesn't help much, other than suggesting that doing the above (JK post) would not give the true wattage But if you put your DVM in series with the bulb and turn the ignition on and measure current then 12 x I will give you the Wattage of the bulb however this may be complicated if the circuit has a resistor wired in parallel with the ignition light which some if not all older systems have . think the usual size bulb is 2.2W Tim
  2. Cant help thinking the shower cap on the one at the far end is a bit over the top ;-) Tim
  3. well I suppose thats one way to improve it slightly, change to 30 posts per page :-) Tim
  4. sorry about that, as we had a few hours wit no rain yesterday (heat wave, what heat wave) I had to re-skill and do some more house exterior painting and varnishing, back to misty today so was able to sort Caesar . Big thanks to Stack as well, very helpful chap on the phone this morning Tim
  5. OK problem solved, wasn't me being stupid, for once , stack had lost calibration, just did a quick partial recal and the reading is more realistic, on the down side looks like my stack needs a new battery, at around £120 +vat; I will never complain about the price of my watch battery replacement again on the positive side the stack came out easily enough, once I found my 7/32 socket that is. Tim
  6. Looking at flaps readings his sender reads low for full and high for empty, that is the opposite of mine
  7. logical thinking as always JK the pump unit fits in tank at about 45 degrees so I cannot see how it can be upside down, also my first thought, but pipe bends/location prevent it from fitting any other way , top/body cannot spin either, Caterham advice is not to bother earthing but have tried both earthing tank, and earthing top of pump, no change, with pump properly orientated (as far as I can tell) with float at bottom of travel, the sender reads IRO 100 ohms, with float up reads IRO 4 ohms, I suspect it is possible to re-cal the Stack , but all the stack should have seen is that the power has been off for a while, all other readings, Oil pressure, water temp etc are fine so don't want to go there just yet. it has all the hall marks of me being stupid but after several coffees I have not spotted anything, just going to see if I can find an electrical diag and see if it has any resistances for full and empty, The only thing I have done is removed and refitted the float arm, but again it can only go back on one way . Tim
  8. replaced fuel tank on CSR put fuel pump/sender (single unit) back in and it seems to be reading fuel level backwards (stack Digital dash), no electrical connections disturbed, only fuel pipes disconnected and it worked fine prior to removal any ideas please Tim
  9. cheers, was that where the bottom locating bracket would be likely to chafe, already taped that, have also put the foam tape on the bottom of tank instead of on the frame, bigger area for adhesion, hopefuly stop it coming loose, think I will do leading edges, can't do any harm :-) Tim
  10. Just before I bung the tank back in, where was your leak, mine is on the near side front seam, I wonder if it could be stone damage, wonder if its worth putting some foam tape along that edge if other people are seeing damage in same area, Tim
  11. does anyone know if anything is being done about this, it does make it a bit difficult to follow threads over multiple pages Tim
  12. tbird


    Sneaking into my local during the wheelchair gymkhana , Pleasure to meet you , hope dinner was ok and the rest of the locals didn't get you too drunk.
  13. Big ask, anyone likely to have trailer or Van at silverstone classic or that area around the same time as classic that could transport a packed up Gazebo, sides and flooring and get it North for me, even as far as stoke or chester would help. Gazebo 1.55 mtrs x 35cm x 35cm 46Kilo side panels, not sure of size 14Kilo flooring which I imagine is tiles to fit 3m x 3m, can find out size and weight if needed Happy to contribute to beer fund or fuel or NTL Tim
  14. I am sure you have probably done this but just in case, I had exactly that on my CSR and and after a lot of faffing around it turned out to be the screw holding butterfly to spindle was loose, once tightened fault was still there. eventualy worked out that with the butterfly closed so you could tighten screw it sat slightly low in the housing causing it to stick. I ended up fitting screw but left loose, slipped tip of finest feeler guage under butterfly then tightening screw, this gave just enough clearance top and bottom and all was tickety boo afterwards. Tim
  15. Cheers, we did ask them , they had a clearout a few months ago and skipped all the scrap, will try one further afield Tim
  16. Cheers Ian, we have one so far, just need a second one for that side by side edginess and maybe a spare or 2 for the pits may have to buy if no free options, talked to local red cross, response was, if only you had only come 6 months ago we skipped loads of them, Tim
  17. Just on the off chance, anyone got an old wheelchair kicking around, this is not for use by someone who is unfirm, I am involved in organising a charity auto trial type challenge but we are going to use wheelchairs, passenger navigating, driver blindfold, can't promise wheelchairs will survive so no bright shiny decent ones that might go to someone who needs one, happy to refurb if needed, and if we can figure out a way to get it up here , Northumberland not Skye. cheers Tim
  18. test and pics
  19. good it may come back up again when I haven't just bought something else, Tim
  20. Thank goodness for that, probably couldn't have resisted much longer :-) Tim
  21. Shaun Hi, was just trying to find the BC film club thread, and knowing it had a post on Werner Herzog films I tried searching on Werner, then werner, both returned some hits but not the one required, then tried Werner Herzog, nil returns, "Werner Herzog" nil return, and Werner AND Herzog, nil return, Just to let you know there may still be some search bugs, cheers Tim
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