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Everything posted by tbird

  1. the lack of response below 3-4k revs is normal , once you are at running revs its fine, shouldn't be too slow to respond, it uses a stepper motor so looks a bit notchy but never found mine was inacurate or unreliable, (other than now as the internal battery has packed in ) Stack are very helpful if you give them a ring on T: +44(0)1869 240404 I have the 8130 manual if you need a copy Tim
  2. tbird

    CSR electrics

    even better JK, haven't got my car here to see where its possible, didn't realise there were fly leads to the loom, thought loom went straight to lamp holder. Trouble is I am used to mill spec diagrams with every connector defined in the diagram Tim
  3. Yep pure Green eyed Monster creeping in,
  4. thats a bloody shiny exhaust, you need to spend more time driving, less time polishing :-)
  5. tbird

    CSR electrics

    Just occured to me , I have not had fuse box off but it maybe possible to split back and front ccts on the back of Fuse 7 holder, worth a look to see if there are two or more connectors that could be disconnected. Tim
  6. tbird

    CSR electrics

    dean Hi, the secret to electrical fault finding is splitting the ccts if possible, difficult with that cct, you know that with the lights turned on starting the engine causes the fuse to blow, so , as jk said, can you disconnect all the lights at the bulb holders, then turn the light switch to on and start the engine if fuse doesn't blow then problem would seem to be at a holder, if fuse does blow then its the wiring somewhere, more of a problem to find as its pretty much only physical inspection that will help, its a big step but you could cut wires to split cct and use Multimeter to find shorts, then use in line splice to rejoin wire Tim
  7. tbird

    CSR electrics

    Steve has created our secret CSR stash Here :-) on my diag fuel gauge , heater fan switch, water temp gauge , oil pressure gauge , wiper sw, tacho and speedo are all have feeds from Fuse 6 Tim
  8. don't know about that , what would be the benefit, (not saying it's not a good idea BTW :-) ) tell you what is annoying, reading something in updated tab coming out then having to hunt it down accross the various forums :-) (this is not a complaint ) :-) Tim
  9. tbird

    CSR electrics

    Just had another look at Diags, fuse 6 seems to feed a few gauges as well as lights, presumeably that explains higher rating Tim
  10. tbird

    CSR electrics

    On my diags the number plate is fed with LHS, fuse 7 , can I upload a PDF to here CSR-SVR Cosworth 2300 - main loom.pdf CSR main loom diag, I also wondered why different fuse ratings Tim
  11. tbird

    DAB Radio Aerial

    Mag aerials not too bad in price or high gain for a bit more
  12. tbird

    CSR electrics

    Still going with vibration/stretching/nipping of a cable, somewhere were it runs up to the front side light, trouble is can't see anywhere you can easily split the cct down between front and back :-( guess a physical inspection of visible cables front and back is the first step , I suppose with the igntion and lights off you could connect meter between 12v line at front light and Earth and physicaly cause vibration in light units support bracket Tim
  13. tbird

    CSR electrics

    What CSR and year is it by the way, are you also aware of http://csr.informe.com/forum/ its a dedicated site for CSRs, not as busy as BC but a lot of knowledgeable folk drop in and out, might be worth posting there as well
  14. tbird

    CSR electrics

    Thats not going to be an easy one, int shorts are a bugger, trying to think how heat could be having any effect, as you say fuse 7 only supplies LH lights and numberplate. I wonder if its heat or something being stretched when driving that slowly eases when stopped, so I guess the place to look could be where cable runs up to the sidelight, could turning the steering be nipping/stretching the wire Tim
  15. tbird

    CSR electrics

    Does it blow fuse even when lights not switched on, so when you drive a distance then put lights on has fuse already blown or does it only blow if lights on all the time you are driving Tim
  16. It would be a bit of a faff but is the old website still complete and backed up somewhere, could it not be re published behind a member login for reading and searching only, shouldn't require much maintenance , then if we were looking for something that turned out to have a broken link it would be possible to go to the old website and either read it there or indeed port the info accross, if all the members did that when searching I am sure the important data would be ported accross fairly quickly. Just a thought Tim
  17. Thats a useful list , cheers for the research Tim
  18. There is also one here don't know if it the same as above
  19. probably for the best, its not big and its not clever to exploit peoples rear entries, and the thought of you turnining tricks, well no wonder the sheds are a tad quiet
  20. Just hitting return, sorry about late response, I think we have already established I am running an older version of Android which seems to work better 4. something I think Tim
  21. nope its just the Forum Decorators, painted the walls bright white to match everything else, , shhhh, can't say I don't like it or some folk will have a case of the vapours
  22. Never touched 'er M'lud, alias all the others seem to have buggered off , can't even see any droppings from Monsieur Mouse anywhere
  23. Think I saw Llentil lying down in the sunny corner, chomping on the last curly wurly, a few weeks ago
  24. Broad Green (thats employing the Hammersmith Jink btw, just in case you were going to try to put me in Nidd )
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