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Everything posted by Blokko

  1. Blokko

    CR322 and AO21s

    My only emergency stop to date (since I changed from 322’s to 539’s) has been in the dry on last years Monster Blat - mighty impressed how quickly the car stopped (I think if anything has been behind they would have smashed into the back of us). Point taken though re stopping distances in the wet. Friends Phil & Moira have an identical car to mine running A021’s. If we happen to be in the same location this year in the wet, maybe we can have a go at comparing stopping distances I would have thought that stopping distances would be shorter than tin tops given the lower mass of the 7? Or does the being lighter work against us in the wet - aquaplaning? Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  2. Blokko

    CR322 and AO21s

    TBH Tony, I don’t know whether it is the fact that I have a relatively lowly powered car, or that I drive like a girl (especially in the wet), but on the occasions I’ve found myself out in the rain in the 7 I’ve always felt that the 539’s give me plenty enough grip. -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  3. Serious discussion in The Sheds I email Tony links to my Picasa albums as I add them - he then gets back to me with any he is interested in and I email back the relevant hi res jpegs - saves me sending loads of speculative pics (by email or cd) and its pretty quick and simple for Tony to fly through the album and pick the shots that are of interest to him. Every now and again he does drop one of my pics onto the Fridge Door - sometimes up to a year after being submitted Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  4. Blokko

    CR322 and AO21s

    I switched to Yoko 539’s from 5 year old 322’s (as fitted to the car from new) after an off at Curborough - really happy with the 539’s apart from sump clearance reduction in going from 70 profile down to 60. I shied away from A021’s because of the mileage I cover (5k pa over the last couple of years, but will probably be nearer 7k this year). I didn’t want to be getting through a set of tyres in less than a year Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  5. ... and you may get to see how Neil got the very apt nick-name of Flymo Fraser -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  6. Wasn’t expecting such a quick response for something like this (just 10 minutes after posting). Ok Rob, first dibs to you. Will wait to hear back from you before venturing into garage to check it is still in perfect condition. -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  7. Includes net and bats. Was in perfect nick when last used, but would have to check condition as I’ve been storing stuff in the gap between the two leaves of the table. I want to wait to see if there is any interest before shifting loads of crap out of the garage to make sure everything is ok. Obviously, due to size we are looking at collection only. I’m located in the north of the West Mids - mid way between Walsall and Cannock. Assembled it would have to go in a transit size van. Broken down it might get into a smaller van but I’d imagine that at about 1.4m*1.55m per side a car/estate might be out of the question (I can measure up more accurately if needed). -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  8. Matthew You have Blat Mail -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  9. Andy YHM – could you get back to me please? -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  10. Eight of the ten calendars were posted this lunch time. I’ve mailed Malcolm and Andy Steele as I don’t have their delivery addresses at the moment. -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  11. Huston, we have a problem... Calendars are bigger than I expected - thought it would be A4 opened out via a central binder to A3. As it turns out it is A3 and has a fairly rigid plastic cover and backboard. As a result they will be posted in A3 Jiffy bags so some of you might end up with the inconvenience of picking the calendar up from the local sorting office if there is no one at your address when they call. I’m planning to go to the post office at lunch time tomorrow, so if anyone knows that they will probably be out when postie calls - if you want to contact me before then to give details of an alternative address I’ll use that instead. -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  12. Yours Andy. Could you BlatMail me your email address and postal address please? -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  13. Well, somewhat later than promised, the calendars finally showed up at my place of work this morning from Photobox (though to be fair, they did warn of a potential delay due to the number of orders they had for calendars in January). I’m very happy with the results – very heavy, high quality paper has been used and the photos look nice and crisp. I’m off to Staples tonight to get some suitable packaging and hopefully I’ll get across to the post office tomorrow lunch time. p.s. if anyone is interested there may be a spare calendar up for grabs for a tenner. -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  14. … and the same photo is used on the front cover of this calendar here.
  15. Neil Long time no see ❗ Hope to be at the next Mid Staffs - are you going along 🤔 Mainly classoneorangecar test day 😬 😬 😬
  16. Right, order placed for the following people - Mike ‘The Laddie’ Roger Cumming Matthew Willoughby Malcolm Hickey Alistair Gibbins Alan Johnson Mark Gibson Mark Durrant Adrian Williams I shall be BlatMailing you shortly with details of how to make payment to me - I’ll also need your delivery addresses. Thanks to those who helped to identify the drivers in each picture Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  17. Just missing this one now... -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  18. Just missing details for 3 of the photo’s now - here. I’ve added captions, so please let me know if I’ve got anything wrong. -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  19. As Santa didn’t bring me a calendar this year, I’ve decided to make my own on Photobox, with a theme of Caterham sprinting. The images that I’m looking to use can be seen here. Whilst I’m getting a couple printed off, would anyone else be interested in a copy? Photobox are doing a toofer at the moment, so as long as there are an even number of copies printed the price will work out at about a tenner each. I’ll need to know fairly quickly as the Photobox offer finishes @ midnight on 08 Jan. Also, it would be a great if you could help me to identify the people in each photo so I can add captions (not sure how easy that will be on dual drives) Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  20. Blokko

    Push Start

    Forgive me BlatChat, for I have sinned - not used the 7 for 7 weeks now (by far the longest time that the car has been idle since I bought it) Today there wasn’t enough juice left in the battery to start it in these cold conditions. Could dig the jump leads out of the garage, but it would be much easier to do a push start. I remember back to ‘96 when I read the manual for my then new Clio in which it stated that you should not push start the car as fuel could get into the catalyst converter and cause damage. Is this the case with a ‘K’ engine 7, or am I safe with the bump start? Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  21. Have you worked your way through all of the 140 pages of that post on PH Guy? Took a look at the first couple of pages - some interesting machinery -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  22. Blokko

    photo needed

    Loton Park Shelsley Start Line (Could probably improve this one a bit in Photoshop). Shelsley II Let me know if any are of interest and I'll get you a hi-res. -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  23. Blokko

    photo needed

    Will have a look when I get back home, but don't think I have anything as good as that photo from Kevin. -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
  24. Sorry Shaun - your reply email was available, just not displayed Shaun, Matthew - YHM Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective. Edited by - Blokko on 5 Nov 2008 21:40:42
  25. Got your email - no problem with your request, but I'll need a 'proper' email address rather than private.mail@blatchat.com -----Steve - Orange and Black ex Academy - now looking at things from a slightly different perspective.
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