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Everything posted by Shaun_E

  1. MSA Blue book - permitted tyres. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  2. Autoglass refused to let me fit the replacement - something about them not being able to guarantee it! Daft really as I take the screen off for every sprint. Other than that they have been excelllent both times I've had to claim. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  3. YHM Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  4. If you download the manual from the Stack website, it has a template in it. I can email it to you if you blatmail me your email address. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  5. Thanks Mark - like Adrian I put 23 on the form. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  6. I see that we have been lumped into class 4 or 5 for Saturday. The regulations for those classes require a windscreen and list 1A tyres (amongst other things). I think class 3 and above should probably be in class A or B dependent on engine capacity (or C for 2.3 Duratecs). Should we contact Harewood to get this corrected? Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  7. Shaun_E

    Hose Clips

    Hi Russ - I now have these fitted on most of my hoses and they work very well. I put the silicone lower radiator hose back on and have had no problems with sealing it (previously even with 3 standard clamps it leaked). I am happy to recommend them. Shaun Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  8. Cold Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  9. I run softs for sprinting and hard compound for road and track. As Simon says - 16 psi all round. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  10. Shaun_E

    Loose floorpan

    This seems fairly common - I had the same situation recently. Rivets are 5/32" and it is best to use steel rivets (which are hard work in a hand riveter). Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  11. It's in progress - hopefully be finished this week. Taking longer than first thought but so far looks good. Will post some pics when complete. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  12. Hi Dave - I had the same problem with my 1900K and replaced the starter with the "Caterham Race Starter" which is a Bosch unit. It's probably this one but they don't call it a race starter anymore so the buyer would have to check with Caterham. It doesn't fit with the old competition 4-1 exhaust or the early SLR 4-2-1. Shaun Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  13. Video of Saturday's timed runs here. The wet run has a very small mistake on it - see if you can spot it! I didn't record Sunday's as the video camera was still a bit damp .
  14. The Drowned Rats are home - just a little damp. About half way home a slight missfire developed - just one miss every now and then. They became more frequent as we passed Reading and I began to think we might not make it home ☹️. As I was reversing into the drive the car died - looks like the coil packed up right at the end of the journey . The car's rewire starts on Tuesday and we are converting to wasted spark - not a moment too soon. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  15. Shaun_E

    Plug spanner

    Get a magenetic one - the rubber ones are rubbish as the rubber bit eventually comes out. I just got this one from JustOffBase. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  16. Happy isn't quite the word I would use if it's peeing it down ☹️(which it often is at Harewood). However they take everything in their stride and don't even complain when they have to sit in the tillet puddle 😬. We had a great time there last year even though it poured with rain most of the day. to the instructors there. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  17. Shaun_E


    Try Polevolt. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  18. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll give them a try. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  19. I have a steel framed mountain bike in which the aluminium seatpost has seized. I have tried penetrating fluid and hitting it hard with a mallet but it just won't budge. Has anyone got any suggestions on how to get it out? I would sacrifice the seat post if the frame could be saved. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  20. Shaun_E


    I replaced my old AP Suretrac with a Titan diff this season - it certainly seems more effective. I was worried that it might be a bit agressive but it locks up in a very benign way. If you are considering a plate type diff then I guess the Titan should be top of the list - it was developed specifically for use on Caterhams. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  21. Thanks for all your views. To be clear I will NOT be doing this myself - I hate car electrics and they hate me . ECS will come to my house and do it but I would be happy to take the car to the supplier. I will be having the loom made in sections joined by multi way plugs. Circuit breakers will be used in place of fuses I already have the Savage Motorsport switches (got a deal at the Kit Car Show) I'm planning on waterproof connectors where appropriate (similar to the Stack ones) but I guess there will be lots of multi way connectors where this isn't practical. There will be no cooker cable used in the making of this loom 😬 I need to decide on a supplier very soon. I have 3 possibilities. 1) Use ECS as they will come to my house - but I have no knowledge of their capability. 2) Use m-cal - a recommedation always helps. 3) use DC electronics who did a great job on Rob Grigsby's Duratec. Suggestions welcome. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  22. I have decided to have my aging, lightly toasted and definitely unreliable wiring loom replaced with a custom made loom. I realise this will not be cheap . If you have done this or could do this, what would you change about the existing Caterham electrical system? What would you add/remove? I have a set of Savage motorsport switches to be fitted (and a new blank dash) - I would be interested in peoples thoughts on a dash layout. The car is currently fitted with an aftermarket Stack dash which I intend to keep and it has a windscreen and heater. I will be having circuit breakers fitted instead of fuses and the loom will be modular to allow easy removal of the dash, the engine and to separate the front and rear car looms. I am also converting to wasted spark ignition. Finally has anyone used or heard anything about ECS who appear to be able to do just what I need. Any other recommendations before I commit? Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  23. If you put [ code ] and [ /code ] (but without the spaces) either end of the text then it should look more like how you typed it. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  24. Nick - you can camp at the circuit. They have showers and the clubhouse is normally open in the evening for food and bar. We have camped there the last 2 years but probably not this year (assuming we get an entry). Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
  25. Just putting a last minute entry in today. Have spoken to Alun and there were a few places left but he hadn't opened today's post. Fingers crossed. Yellow SL #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing
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