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Posts posted by Shaun_E

  1. Hi David - what are you trying to find?

    You can search for:

    speed AND championship - this will give you everything that has both those words in it

    "speed championship" - this will give you everything with that phrase in it

    Search covers all content types - forum posts, news, events, etc. There have been some problems with indexing and these are being investigated.

  2. Hi Ian - you can send the jpg to me shaun dot elwell at lotus7 dot club and I can try posting it for you. Posting pictures is normally OK although, as I said, there is a size limit. Or, if you send me the Word document, I can see if I can get the table into the post for you. Posting a link is fine as well or even uploading the original Word doc.



  3. It would appear that you need Full HTML editing to be able to paste a Word table. We have had to restrict members to "Filtered HTML" to avoid some of the wilder and riskier HTML coding that a user might use.

    If required, I can paste a table into a post for you, especially if it's a useful technical post.


  4. A




















    I have just pasted the above direct from Word 2007 so I guess it does sort of work. The problem comes if you want to adjust the width of the columns as that is not possible in the CMS - it tries , badly, to auto-adjust depending on the content of the cells






















    I adjusted the column widths above in Word


  5. I know the table tool in our CMS editor isn't great so you can either post as a picture (which can be hosted on the site although there is a size limit) or link to a document (which can also be hosted on the site). It depends on the size of the table and it's intended use as to which option is best.

  6. I've had a look at this.

    1) Some events do not have and address entered

    2) Some have entered a "City" that does not exist (Stratford City for example - should be London) and this causes an issue with the GMap API. Also using "nr City" doesn't work

    3) GMap seems to have become more sensitive to the city field not matching the postcode or it just doesn't like a number of the towns entered.

    I have asked NDP if we can pass only the postcode (where it exists) to the API to avoid this problem - this would solve 2) and 3) above I think.

  7. As Oliver says, Gill drives and sprints our car. She is 5'0" *yes*.

    The pedals are in the closest position to the driver but I've played awith the adjustment so they don't sit too high. Gill has got used to lifitng her foot to get the brake and clutch but that could easily be resolved using a block or reversible panel as Peter suggested. Grip tape on the floor helps as well.

    With Tillet seats at their furthest forward setting, Gill still has to use a foam pad which we've made up from camping mats cut to shape and stuck together - we have in the past used 2 part foam moulded to shape but it's never lasted that long. Years ago when we had leather S-Type seats, we removed the seat base and then used 2 part foam to make a new insert that moved the driver higher and closer to the wheel. This worked really well until the foam began to shrink.

    It's definitely possible for a short driver to get a reasonable driving position, it just needs a bit of effort.

  8. I reckon your choice will be between Avon ZZS and Toyo R888 or R888R.

    R888 are available in soft (SG) compound in  185/60R13, 205/60R13 (same widths also in 14" and 15") so they might well be the best. ZZS and R888R are in medium only.

    The problem for me will be that for the width I need, I'm stuck with Avon ZZS which being medium won't be ideal.

  9. I agree with Richard - we can only respond to fact. If we try second guessing what will happen, there is just as much chance of us having to backtrack and change the regulations again. We don't know what tyre manufacturers will do or exactly how the MSA will change the regs for 2018 (F rated tyres will be allowed to be sold until November 2018).

    IMO messing with the 2 most popular classes is not a good idea at this time especially as in many cases people will feel they have to buy not just new tyres but new wheels as well - aren't most class 2 on 15" rims and most class 3 on 13" rims? 

    I know we want to attract new drivers but alienating a large percentage of regulars isn't the way to go about it. The R300 and Roadsport 175 drivers can compete in class 4 which is very small at the moment and splitting it further won't improve things. Despite it not being ideal for me, I think maybe class 5 and 6 ought to be combined again just to get the class to a decent size.

    We just have to accept that things will be in a state of flux while the tyre changes are settled.

    If we were setting up a championship from scratch we wouldn't set the classes as they are today but any radical change is going to upset a number of regular competitors on who the championship relies - changes have to be evolutionary not revolutionary.


  10. The regulations for next year haven't been settled yet so anything I say may be subject to change but I wouldn't expect it to be massively different.

    A 125 Sigma would fit in class 2 or 3 depending on tyres (2 = List 1A and 3 = List 1B). The tyres thing may well change as the MSA have moved most of the current 1B into 1C which are not "road going". 

    If it's an ex-academy car then it would be class 1 on List 1A tyres.

    Current favoured list 1A are Yokohama A539. Favoured list 1B are Kumho V70A or Avon ZZR in supersoft compounds but these will move to 1C for 2016. I would wait until the 2016 regulations are published before deciding on tyres.

    FIA bar is fine as long as you have the petty strut fitted.

    Classes 1 -3 fall within the MSA "Road going" class and therefore HANS is not required.

    Helmet will need to meet one of: FIA 8860-2004, FIA 8860-2010, SNELL SA2010, SNELL SA2005. (Not valid after 31/12/2018), SNELL SAH2010, SFI Foundation 31.1A, 31.2A. (Not valid after 31.12.2018).

    2015 MSA Blue Book has all the details but there may be some changes for next year.

    The last introduction to sprinting day was 2014 so there may well be one in 2016 - normally around April time.

  11. I think it's too early to consider merging 2 & 3. As above, many standard Caterhams come with 1B so these would be forced to buy new tyres and possibly wheels. We don't know what will happen to the tyre lists - we could see the merging of lists 1A and 1B. As 2 & 3 are, generally, the best supported classes, it seems wrong to merge them at this point.

  12. Would consider slicks depending on the outcome of the vote on other things but don't agree with limiting the compound as this defeats the "unlimited" aspect of this class and would make the car less competitive in another championship. 

  13. For mod prod - yes you need the sticker to be compliant. For road going it's not required.

    The reason is that the neither the FIA bar nor any of the Caterham cages meet the basic material requirements in the Blue Book and therefore have to be manufacturer certified ROPS and this requires the sticker.

  14. There is a cost to creating an additional forum and then hiding it from the search (a few hundred pounds).

    The view of the team was that there is very little that can't be discussed in an open forum - we have nothing to hide. The few sensitive subjects we have cannot be shared with all members anyway as they may be confidential (hence the MT and AR forums) - examples being discussions with suppliers and other entities including Caterham Cars.

    The feeling was that a members only forum would a) dilute chitchat and b) perhaps encourage inappropriate behaviour if members thought their posts weren't visible to the outside world.

    I would be interested to know what topics people think would be discussed in such a forum and why they could not be in a public forum. I realise there is a view that we shouldn't "air our dirty laundry in public" but, as above, what dirty laundry do we have?

    I don't know of other clubs that have such a forum although some hide all their forum from non-members. There was no such forum on "old blatchat".

    There are a number of other changes to make and we are progressing those instead.

  15. Ian - I think I've fixed yours as the text format was set to "Full HTML" which users aren't authorised to use. I've set it to "Filtered HTML" so you should now be OK to edit.

    Nick - the text format on your signature was correctly set to "Filtered HTML" so you must have a different issue. I've edited and saved your account which may fix the problem but if not, let me know and I'll report the issue.


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