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Everything posted by susser

  1. Alex, etc Ive indicated on that digram where the pain is;here. The are in red is the area that I had intense pain in on the trackday afternoon. In the early hours of the next day, I has a tingling, developing into numbness in the area in magenta/cyan whateveritis. The pain that occurred was in the area that I would have gone for to get a femoral pulse. (My fear was that the spreading numbness was an indication of a blood clot that had been forming in the leg. hence a call to the Med Centre at 07:00.) The pain is being held in check with ibroprofen and is gradually getting less, although the area shaded in magentacyanetc without much feeling, but is gradually getting more sensitive. This all started at the Snetterton Trackday 2 weeks ago. When I last went out in the car, I used the lower belts, but started getting the acute pain again. This relented once I reverted to the 4 points. Does that information supply the detail that you wanted. ?
  2. I suffered increasing pain in an upper leg during a recent trackday. I put this down to a strained muscle (one of the few). Turned out that, after some more pain and a visit to the Doc's, that it was caused by the tendon in the upper thigh/groin area being agravated by the 5th/6th strap. Nuralgia parasittica of the natural cutaneous (I think she said, whilst rubbing my upper thigh. (by then, I wasn't listening)) 🥰 I didn't feel that they were too tight, but under braking, they could have been pulling a bit. Is this a common problem with 6 pointers ? Can't be a problem with 5 pointers, although, I'm sure, there are other pains to be had with them. He asked
  3. Went and cluttered the place up at Brands. Saw quite a few; Including S7 7 COS. R 400 GB, Adrian Russel, etc. You know who you are/ were. Got some really good pics and some rubbish ones. Edited by - susser on 29 Aug 2007 23:21:34 Edited by - susser on 30 Aug 2007 09:35:42
  4. The purpose it serves is to absorb fuel vapour when the car is standing, thus preventing the nasty Bezene Rings from getting into the atmosphere. 😔 When the car is started, it allows air to flow through the charcoal filling, thus sucking the fuel/Benzene into the Plenum wher it can be safely (depending on whether you drive safely) burned. How useful it is rather depends on your viewpoint IMHO.
  5. Colin I left that bit out to see if anyone would pick it up. Well done !
  6. I use something even better than Nitrogen; It's an exotic mix of gasses which include Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (20%),Helium Argon, a spash of Krypton to help the turn in and a bit of Xenon to help through those wobbly bits, and I can get it by the bucketload. I find my grip is a lot better than it was before I fitted it.
  7. rossybee Blitish Reyrand ?
  8. Niftty I can only speak from memory, but AFAIK the brown wire must be the Alterator output, so putting it on the battery should be OK. There is a small wire that attaches to a spade terminal on the starter solenoid that should be live when you attempt to turn the engine over. Get a light bulb between the spade and earth to see. Provided that it's live in the start position, then there should be a click as the solenoid tries to engage. If it's not then the problem will probably be at the switch end. If it is then it could still be at the switch end ( high resistance). The flicker you get as you go to the start position will probably be the auxilliary circuits switching off during cranking.
  9. I had this when I had contact with the periphery of the disc on the caliper guide. here and here. I couldn't get the noise to occur on axle stands or when the discs were not hot.
  10. Had the privelidge om meeting Mark Piper. Did I miss any other club dignitories. ?
  11. Approximately; "A tiny little bit"
  12. AFAIK The two bosses/splined columns are not interchangeable.
  13. You tell 'im Pierson. Nifty's mounts.
  14. Mine's a Lifeline and only now 1000 miles old and it's got play. The sharp machined ends of the splines on the column have cut away the alloy of the boss as it's slid on. I've filed a small chamfer on each spline to remove the cutting edge and it's got no worse since.
  15. Weren't there for the Who gig were you ?
  16. susser

    Spa Mirrors

    I agree with previous; RIF's mirrors are good value and come with the special mounts that get the angle correct.
  17. We parked up today at lunchtime for a break and spotted your car. Would have liked to stay and kick tyres but had urgent business at Ikea 😔
  18. Neal I am a K series boy. I've got them in my Rover V8 and never had a problem. batteredoldsupersport. I hadn't considered the foaming issue. I guess it's Apollo Onto My Upgrade List time then.
  19. Agree with that; No point in spending time/money on valve opening lift and duration and throwing it away with a slack valve train. I would have thought that hydraulic tappets have no disadvantages.
  20. I've got a click adjusting wossname for Fords, but that has the 1/2 " AF socket and the slotted screwdriver adjuster. The principle of The X Flows that I've messed with recently have all had the hollow adjuster with the self locking feature. (Presumably to reduce the reciprocating mass.) This includes the Zetec E ? (X Flow). A click adjuste (er) can't work with this configuration. The principle of the click adjuster, however, can; The idea is that you loosen the locking nut with the handle, torque down the adjuster until it contacts the valve stem and the central screwdriver clicks (as a torque limiter.) Next, undo the central screwdriver a prescribed number of clicks (in other words, a specified angular rotation), and lock up the locknut with the handle. The principle being that of a micrometer; at 40 teeth per inch, a complete revolution of the handle will open the jaws by 25 thousands of an inch (in old money). Therefore, a 1 thou gap will be generated by a 25th of a revolution and so on. So, If you know how many teeth per inch you have on your adjuster, then you can calculate the angular rotation required for a given gap. QED. Don't I run on ?
  21. My Luke (CGM4)harness expired at Dunsfold, when I had the pleasure of passengering to Alan Bowler, with his Aircraft buckled Caterham (3" Luke). Severe attack of the upgradeitis-ness resulted in me losing control and ordering a Willans (Silverstone V6). Dunno what I'm goin' to do when 'er indoors catches me. 😔
  22. There is of course, the Secret seven sign. My lot keep on about me making it. So far they still don't know what it is. It's the "Flemings right hand rule inverted" kind of thingy. Been spoken about here before.
  23. This is brilliant. This is a case of solving the problem. I believe that if you ask the question "what's the problem" enough times, you'll find out. If your answer to the question "What's the problem ?" is "The starter won't work", then you're not a problem solver. I'm called "susser" at work because of my methodical problem solving skills. well done that Naked Engineer.
  24. I've had the usual wear trouble with my LifeLine boss. I've dismantled it and filed very small chamfers on the spline ends. This reduces the amount of wear as the boss is slid on. The clue is the small pieces of swarf that collect on the splines.
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