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Everything posted by susser

  1. So I gotta drill out the sideskin rivets, pull the skin away and get the vertical bit up the side of the rail, then how do the rivets go in, from the outside and through the skin ?
  2. I am convinced that the only way to get the top of my head low enough to stop it catching the vortices off the top of the screen and also remove the screen top from my direct line of vision, is to fit one of them lowered floor jobbies; Been and seen one at Dartford today and it's raised a few Qs.1, How does the outside (sideskin) side attach. ie is it behind the skin like the normal floor ?. 2, The outside side is vertical, so are the rivets are fitted horizontally ?. 3 If I drill out all the rivets am I going to get rattles as all the mandrels and bits clatter about inside ?.
  3. I've got some pics from when I repaired mine; If you mail me at home; (paul@susser.freeserve.co.uk) I'll sent them this eve. (But the description from Tony C is pukker.)
  4. Nifty. Like I said. It could not be of this planet. I've got a bit of metorite wot I found on a beach. It's got some baling twine embedded in it. Proves it to me. Mind you, it does look like a bit of baling twine embedded in a bit of concrete to the untrained eye.
  5. Baling twine is such an extraordinary substance, it is not of this planet. Out in the cundry you can see it in the hedges where it lands as it comes in from outer space. Some enrepreneurs then gather it up and sell it to the punters. Edited by - susser on 5 Mar 2005 18:48:06
  6. pierre Does yours knock a bit 'till it's warmed up ?
  7. Youngbutnotslow. Agree with that; my 16 year old volvo looks 16 years old, it never was beutifull. Now me on the other hand.....Anyway, mine has got some jack dents. I wish they weren't there, but like you say, It's part of the patina. Scotty, Cantley, Carrotland.
  8. Geoff. Wot are kitten heels ?. I drive in my old Kart boots, wot int got no heels. Paul.
  9. Guy, Tony C I got some pix (Put the digicam on a stick and used the self timer ); there is a line of holes in the leather covered stuff, and it looks like some screws were fitted that just cleared the end of the honeyomb. There's a rivet at top and bottom but they've pulled out. Guess I'll have to strip the pedal box to refit them. Gives me an excuse to get away from 'er indoors !. Edited by - susser on 2 Mar 2005 20:47:59
  10. Guess I am. There are some holes from what I can see. I just had a blindingly simple Cunning Plan; I'll poke the Digi Cam down there onna stick !!. Brill. I'll do it when I get home.
  11. The front of the side trim in the driver's footwell adjacent to the throttle pedal is not fixed.It doesn't move much, but enough to just catch the edge of my boot. Should it have a rivet or two ?. If so how do I get to it ?
  12. Air getting in the nipple is the most likely cause; you might think that this couldn't happen cos the fluid is above Atmospheric pressure, but it gets dragged in due to the Bernoulli Effect. (kinda like a venturi). Put plumbers PTFE tape on the nipple threads (not too much, say 2 turns ), refit the nipple and it stops it.
  13. susser

    Diesel 1600 K

    Alex, that's what I mean about not every stroke. I know it goes suck squeeze bang blow, and it desn't knock on any particular one, hence the original desciption of the relalatively random nature as described in my original post. If it was piston slap wouldn't it occur on every (bang) stroke like what it did on one of the pistons in my Volvo 340 after it had siezed. (we are talking a long time ago here). But it sounds as if it's searching for the correct timing, at least 'till it's warm. Edited by - susser on 16 Feb 2005 13:34:54
  14. susser

    Diesel 1600 K

    Dave Piston slap sounds about right, but it's unusual as it's not every stroke. Certainly dead sweet once it's warmed up. On a club night it doesn't get cold enough to do it properly. wlegge Thanks but I tried that. It's definitely internal.
  15. susser

    Diesel 1600 K

    Well that kinda stops that theory dead in it's tracks. Another clue, it only does it when it's stone cold. It doesn't get cold enough on club nights, so no one in Carrotland has heard it properly. One concern; maybe I should warm it up at 1500 revs to keep those hydrodynamic bearings dynamic-ing.
  16. susser

    Diesel 1600 K

    I've got a noise which I think is different to Bigfoot's. It goes like this; burble burble burble knock burble burble burble knock knock knock burble burble burble burble burble burble burble burble knock knock, and so on. It's a 1600 K Supersport, got a light flywheel, full race exhaust, done 20K and well cared for. I suspect the noise (Which sounds exactly like a diesel knock and not like an on load pink) is due to the EMS trying to get the timing on cue and being fooled by sudden changes in RPM such that the ignition pulse is arriving when it thinks it should but the crank hasn't got there yet. Then the microphone picks the knock up and retards the ignition by a few degs. This only happens when cold. Am I totally out of my tree ??
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