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Everything posted by susser

  1. My neighbour used to use it for ally wheel cleaner. It was a car valeting product. He's moved so I can't tell you more.
  2. Guys I'm impressed. You must be much more 🙆🏻d at scientisting that me. susser (1/2 🙆🏻d scientist) 😬 😬
  3. Tony I concur with your age/g theory. However I would hypothecise that the value of age/g is not a constant . It is affected by the local OH group. I usually find that after 5 pints of the stuff, it reaches a critical value and I fall over. 😬
  4. Davey Bee. Threw me there for a minnit. You're right. That was a bit of non literal communication. The less said the better. 😬
  5. Don't you just love BC 😬
  6. Colin Yes I did. There was a bit about a biker who died as a result of sliding on some overbanding, if that's the one you mean. Can't remember what it was called, but there was a bit of what you might call journalist science in it. They were wittering about the tyre melting or was it the tar melting and a total loss of grip once the tyre broke traction. Was that it ?
  7. Oright, maybe it's 0.001927 but consider this; At standstill or low speed rolling contact, the force required to break static friction of tyre/road is higher than that to cause tyre slip at 100 mph. Therefore the brakes can do less work ? The greatest grip a tyre can give was 15% tyre slip (once) At high speed, the amount of force it takes to exceed this is less than at low speed due to the static/dynamic friction thing. (bit like the principle which causes brakes to squeal and chalk to squeak on the board.) (This last was a series of statements with brain in idle mode.) I've seen video of a NASCAR car at high speed getting the tiniest nudge, and going into 4 wheel slide with no evidence of any grip at all. This, I assumed was because the tyre slip was much much bigger than that 15% and dynamic friction was pretty negligible. And I did say I was only 1/2 🙆🏻d Apart from this bit of frivolity I'm not having an easy day. Don't know how long I can keep this up,,,,,,
  8. Colin I concur with that. The reason I quoted 8.8 m/s/s/ is because my brain was being outrun by my fingers. It's usually my mouth that does that, so that's a change. I realise that it is of course 9.81 and I usually shove the additional 27 on the end for the hell of it. It's this constant dissipation of kinetic energy thing which should not produce a straight line speed/time graph which is doing my head in, (to use the Parlance.) As you imply, at high speed we would see a reduced deceleration so that would satisfy my theory and leave my head intact. I'll quit now before I blow any semblance of cred that I still have. susser (still 1/2 🙆🏻 physicist)
  9. Martin Yes I got a caravan. Pick the bones out of that. Anymore of that and I've got a rather good picture of you exiting Russel backwards. Myles. I've often wondered about my EMF. Colin. 2/3 g ?? If your energy is quadrupled by doubling your speed, then clearly to halve it you gotta quarter it. If your brakes work at 2/3 g then they would produce a speed/time graph of Y=mX+C. But your energy/time graph would be Y=X Squared. (Can't do superscript). On the other side of this argument. Acceleration due to gravity is 8.8m/s/s. but kinetic energy aquired is 1/2 mv squared (still can't) 8ugger, I'm running on again. If I'm not careful I be demoted to 1/8 🙆🏻 physicist. susser (1/2 🙆🏻 physicist)
  10. Here's a ramble I had this morning here on the VOC site.(bear in mind Volvo's are more about stopping quickly) (Something that hasn't been pointed out so far, and answers 5lab's question; If you double your speed then you will travel twice as far in a given time, ie 0.7 seconds reaction tine. If you double your speed then you will quadruple the kinetic energy your car has and therefore the amount of energy thet the brakes have to convert to heat. 1500kg of 760 at 30mph has 114.7 kJ of energy. Brakes which can dissipate 60kW of heat can stop the car in 2.44 seconds. 1500kg of 760 at 60 mph has 578.8 kJ of energy. The same brakes can still dissipate 60kW of energy and can stop the car in 9.6 seconds. This assumes no brake fade and no loss of efficiency due to cold brakes of course. It just explains why it looks like it does in the Highway Code.) On the side of the fence that on sit on here, it also explains why it is so hard to go fast. ie 0-60 in 5 secs needs 4 times the power that 0-30 in 5 secs needs. Therefore to back up what Davey Bee was on about here Don't I run on 🤔 Edited by - susser on 29 Jun 2005 08:14:14
  11. Now would be a good time to start hoping it is due to poor quality control during manufacture.
  12. I have found the knock that I referred to here. I just thought I'd share it. It's the petrol tank float knocking on it's stop. Only happens with just so much petrol and at just so much right hand lateral g at just such an application rate.
  13. Theres a number of ways to skin a cat. BC's great for finding them out. *thumbup*BC.
  14. Two ways round this one Rob. Gentle tap to seat the taper, or put a jack under it to do the same thing. Paul.
  15. Rob I usually find that if you hit the bit that the taper fits into it usually drops out; A normal BJ splitter will either push down on the top of the threaded part ( favourite) or pull on the ball part (which usually damages the rubber). If you can apply (not much) force to the end of the threaded part with a G cramp etc, and then hit the part that the taper fits into; (your blow needs to be horizontal, ie radial to the shaft, not axial.) The resulting wave that travels around the joint will free it. Sorry but that's the simple version. Don't I run on 🤔
  16. Joe Just what exactly, are your favourite back roads around Yarmouth.? Apart from the Barnby Bends and Haddiscoe Dam they are crap. That came out as a statement but I'm open to discussion. Round Cantley, the Cow Parsley is up so high yer can't see. Only last night I came face to face with a tractor and trailer. How can I not see something that big ? What about you Oldbutnotslow.? You got a favourite "test" area? Paul.
  17. Guess they made my cheapie pads outta the box the race ones came in.
  18. Pagid Those pads I said were Jurids were Pagids (See scary BMW,,,,,,,,) Pagids were £18+ from ECP, BMW Gen items £29. No contest. Even to a poor person. Mind you there's pads and there are pads. I'm not up on materials. PS Got some biiiiiiiiiiiig smoke off my OSF tonight at 60, even though it's weighted a bit, looking at the shox. Edited by - susser on 14 Jun 2005 20:38:58
  19. Went and sent Sprog on remote control to the local BMW main dealer to get a set of pukker pads. £29. That's not out of the way. Shoulda known better.
  20. Sometimes the wear is on the seal rather than the bore. They are designed to expand against the bore as pressure increases. Occasionally one will leak a bit when standing, but you can stand on the pedal all day without it moving. If you look at the edge of the seal (the sharp bit) you may see it has been flattened. That will be the problem. If that's the case, then a new seal or pair of seals will make it perfectly serviceable.
  21. If that pin of johnjulie's doesn't push down it will probably pull out. It's a backup to prevent the piston clearing the barrel. Sits in the hole revealed by removing the resovoir. PS Push the piston in to take the weight off the pin. There are 2 springs trying to eject the pistons in a dual circuit cylinder, only one in a single circuit. Edited by - susser on 14 Jun 2005 10:15:41
  22. Green Flag I got excellent recovery to home address the other day.Easy to add/subtract other vehicles. I've got recovery only; Take to a place of repair/destination/home. Ideal for the non average car I think.
  23. Mav Thanks. He's still got to learn that gentle touch; he's a bit harsh on the equipment. I've got another set of those pads in the garage, due to go on mine. I'll get some gen ATE jobs. Paul PS It's nearly a year now since I saw you and Norman and Co
  24. No. When I get confused it goes like this here
  25. Today, Sprog called to say his brakes had failed. Went off with a bang at about 65 knots (Fortunately he had an escape route.) Got the car Recoveried home and found one of the pads had shed it's friction pad.here Looks like there is some rust under the material which has forced the friction material away from the backing. Hard braking then sheared the pad lining off. They were down to 6mil and so were coming off soon anyway. Some questions arising; Is the crazing and cracking of the other pads here due to his lead footed driving, or are the pads (Jurid) just not as good as the proper (ATE) jobs ?. Or some other ?
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