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Everything posted by susser

  1. susser

    12V to 24V

    Cor ! The wonders of modern technology !. I bet thass not even got any baling twine in it. They'll be putting a man on the moon soon. Ohhh arrr boooy.
  2. susser

    12V to 24V

    12V into an invertor to produce AC at some frequency. Feed AC into a 1:2 transformer (2 secondary turns for each primary). Rectify the 24V AC. Depends how smooth you want the DC 24V, how you rig the rectifier. ie simple bridge rectifier gives a kind of DC that is AC but all one way kind of thing. Good enough for a light bulb type stuff. If you want to make it easy, you could stuff a 240V invertor on and power a 24Vdc power supply unit such as those available from Tandy. Arf arf. Edited by - susser on 27 Mar 2006 09:51:47
  3. Peeps What donor cars should I be looking for to get a set of wheels/tyres to seriously mess up hooning. (Sierra ones fit but are too far inset.) Please.
  4. Dry should be good as it doesn't make the grit stick. I've used silicone. That's wet.
  5. susser

    Special K

    Bozz That's some really rivetting stuff. I always said cams were a passing fad. Arf arf.
  6. As a general rule; Never work Stainless Steel with Carbon Steel, it destroys the process that makes Stainless Steel work. Wire wool needs to be Stainless. Don't go at it with a 8rillo. IMHO
  7. Thanks. That explains it a bit; I couldn't see how the piston could rotate in use. I'll get the pukker tool.
  8. I've seen a set of instructions on how to replace the rear Pads. It suggests using a piston wind back tool that engages in the piston and rotates it as the screw pushes the piston back. What's the reason for rotating the piston ? Why can't I just push it back with a G cramp ?
  9. Brute force is good. What alarms me is a method I've read about that uses the wheel and upper column as a slide hammer. This must knock the hell out of the instruments as well as the lamp filaments and switchgear. Has anyone bothered to remove the steering lock engagement collar and fit it to the plain QR column. ? (Very slight hijack there Nifty ).
  10. Nifty I've just done mine, dead easy; I put a fan heater on the cockpit floor for about an hour. this warms up the column outer, column, bush and all the works. Obviously after releasing the middle clamp, just pulled steadily using a good bit of manual handling technique and it slipped out a treat. The trick, if you can call it that, is that the rubber was warm (40 deg C or so ) and so was nice and soft. We know it works for tyres. Putting the new one in was slick, using a dollop of silicone grease and warming it. I did play with the idea of taking the steering lock collar off the old column and welding it on the new (Caterham) one. But only for a little while. Susser (Manual Handling Instructor )
  11. My BMW Touring has a little spoiler to trip the airflow that's trying to get down the rear window. That's all very well to reduce the low pressure area of the tailgate, but means that the air that gets there comes up from underneath and round the sides. Hence, as Angus says, they get covered in the 5 hit. The spoiler in Angus' example Tipo acts in the same way as a leading edge slat of an aircraft wing, or maybe more like a Flap, in getting the air to make that sharp turn without detaching. Rivetting stuff ❗
  12. Doing a bit of research on NACA ducts led me here it's a very non technical explanation of why a se7en doesn't slip through the air like a greased pig. Consider a 1 metre cube of air to have a weight of 1 kilogram and you'll see the size of the problem. susser (1/2 🙆🏻d physicyst) completely 🙆🏻d physicyst please line up here to argue units.
  13. David; Once you get that angle grinder in your hand, take the trouble to cut the heads off a couple of the long M12 bolts. (The important point here is to make sure they are not the ones you are going to use to bolt it together( a couple of plasticine 8.8s are adequate)). Use these to form a couple of guides. That way the gearbox/engine will line up as long as you make sure the axis(es) are in line. 'spect you've already got it on by now.
  14. 😬 You're not gonna believe this. Here's how it went; Managed to get the head of the MIG down onto it. "Smashin" I goes. "lets weld this big caphead onter the busted Torx. That'll do the Biz". Gets the stonking great 12mm caphead welded on, tried the bolt and got movement. OK, so far so good. (If you're familiar with the Zetec, now would be a good time to start laughing.) "Let's try the Torx bit on the other one and see if that's OK spouts meself." BANG goes the bit. "No sweat I'll weld another blinking great caphead on". Got that done. Got the 18" bar on it and it moved. "Smashin" I says. " Cor are we the boys or what" he goes. (Daughter's boyfriend and proud owner of busted Zetec) Right then, now to undo the remaining headbolts in the prescribed sequence, about 15 degrees at a time so as not to distort the head etc. (OK All the Zetec fans will be falling about by now. I just wish I had some pics so you could all share the mirth.) After some very carefull angle loosenening, we spun the bolts out. Turns out the "Bolts" were screwed core plugs. Oh How we laughed. 😳 😳
  15. curses ❗ gone and chewed the head of the torx bolt that's between the plugs of a zetec. apart from drinking more beer, has anyone got a solution 🤔
  16. Eureka Thass good stuff !! These go faster wheels what weigh a ton make the chavs even slower that I'd realised. Smashin.
  17. If it's an 15,17,19,23 etc ACR then there should be loads of em going for a song. I gave 3 to Jingers (not jingars) some time ago.. 11 ACs could be a bit thinner on the ground. OOPS, shot from the hip there. I jumped to the conclusion that it was Lucas. Guess it's not that old. Edited by - susser on 9 Oct 2005 19:55:53
  18. No damage at all ?? Well there would not be anything visible with no air in. Wot's happened is that the sidewall cords have seperated, allowing the rubber to bulge because of the pressure. The rubber does not contain the forces produced by pressure. This is done by the cords. with damaged cords the rubber will bulge with pressure and return to normal with no pressure in. Like a bit of rubber really. Think your tyre bloke is missing a key learning point there somewhere.
  19. From what I've seen on OBNS's bolt it's not shear but tensile failure. The load on that bolt is a kind of single shear as it only needs a single shear to fail, but there are 2 shear planes, (Could even be 0.5 shear ) but it seems there's a lot of tensile stress as the spacer tries to rock. Maybe welding the spacer to the bracket would reduce the tensile load as the spacer could no longer rock, and it would be in true single shear, if you see what I mean. Kind of type stuff
  20. We've got a stonking great Black Alsation type dawg and now aquired a couple of 2 year old cats. Question is; how do we get them to integrate. 🤔 At the moment (day 2 ) the dog is just curious and we are making a fuss of him to stop him feeling displaced down the Pack. The cats just hiss and spit at him but he's so dozy they'll have his eyes out if he gets too close. We're keeping the moggies indoors for a week or two as is done, we believe.
  21. Also, if you put the lights, screen heater etc on, and still get 14 V it says a good bit. There's all sorts of things like terminal resistance, internal resistance etc that can cloud the issue though, as the starter can pull hundreds of amps.
  22. Grubster We probably did meet, it's just that we didn't know it. I got there about 11 and parked me old Volvo and Oldbutnotslow's trailer next to Tessa's car. Went and introduced meself to her as she is one of the more famouser ones and I recognised her from the pictures. Me and Sprog wandered about and generally cluttered up the place for the rest of the morning. I feel frustrated that I was in the prescence of the dignitories I see on BC but didn't know who they were. Anyway, what a lovely lot you all were. I liked the easy going cameraderie that even I as a stranger felt.
  23. MY poppers keep failing; I've got the tool and when I fitted my Tonneu I clenched them until they were just beyond the point where the two parts wouldn't rotate. Any more than that and they pulled through very easily as the female bit is so thin. I've aquired the skill (read luck) to stop them from collapsing sideways. I had a failure rate of 50% to start with but it's better now, but I don't know why. Is there a key point that I'm missing here ?. As I call for another DD resupply,,
  24. Bozz I bow to your superior knowledge. 😬
  25. And I always thought they flogged up our turbine casing till their arms got tired.
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