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Everything posted by susser

  1. Slightly O/T but; Wasn't there a thing a little while ago about people not needing to pay that old charge that was designed to support the Lighthouses ? Light dues I think it was called. The Idea was "we don't need your lights anymore 'cos we got GPS". Well I guess it's gone full circle if the ships can now see each other and what they are and what they are doing, and now the coastguard are coordinating it all they need an income to do it with. Maybe Light dues should be renamed "Automatic Identification System Coordination Dues." I'm amazed.
  2. Yes, It must be a great comfort to know if you are about to get chomped by the Blunt end or Pointy End. To use the nautical term. There's been some good articles on it in Practical Boat Owner but I'm sure there are some people who'll be along in a minute. Or six bells O'clock as we say in the Andrew.
  3. susser


    I had a bit of a debate with myself on Nifty's thread. I reckon the wide angle is the way to go. I would like tiny race mirrors, but, as they are there to show me what's on my six at a glance, I wouldn't like to miss the "Bogey" (Top Gun) 'cos it was too small to see.
  4. Whoops ❗ I hope I didn't inconvenience anyone with my wrong size answer. However, I will point out that I did say IIRC, well I obviously didn't. So if anyone's got any ideas of suing me for every penny I've got then I'll just point out that that will just about cover the cost of ther correct size bolt. Sorry.
  5. Captive nut size changed my 🙆🏻 I just got it wrong. Sorry.
  6. Errrrrrrr That was a joke. Actually.
  7. Based on the simple physics that Pressure is Force per unit of area. It follows that a tyre at 30 psi will have a contact area of 60% of one at 18 psi. QED. Don't get carried away and think that if you drop the pressure to 5 psi you'll get 6 times the grip *idea*'cos you won't.
  8. Martin Glad you see it that way. I'm amazed when people say things like "It's electric, so it's pollution free"
  9. Sorry guys I printed it and it's in my Upgradeitis file. Stage 8 I think. I'm currently at about 5 I think.
  10. Not wanting to start a big debate or thread hijack but here goes; (The CO2 that's absorbed by the plant is then returned to the Atmo' from whence it came so there is a neutral balance.) Is not totally the case. There is always fuel burned in the manufacturing and distribution process. Maybe if the entire process including the distribution is done using "Biofuel" then there is a net saving as there would otherwise be fossil fuel burnt in distributing the fossil fuel in the first place. I'll stop before I start running on,,,,,,,,,, So if we do more driving about because of the neutral impact of the biofuel (If it was 100% Bio) but the stuff is distributed and manufactured using non bio, then we get a positive impact. I said I wouldn't do that.
  11. 3/8 UNF IIRC But in retrospect it may well be 7/16 UNF. 😳 Edited by - susser on 2 May 2006 08:58:22
  12. It's about the going rate for helicopter leading edge (blade) tape or similar. AFAIK
  13. Stu HP Tech support were very good. Very quick online replies and suggestions. Upwardly delegating instead of faffing about where they didn't know. *thumbup*HP. Copied everything from level 3 up to level 2 to see. (If level 3 fails) Still nothing from the Kling(st)ons. *mad*
  14. Stu Yes. the very same. The other 3rd level folders are all OK apart from the other 3rd level one that went. Annoyingly enough, it was the one called "Caterham" that had all my Cat stuff in. Tech support at HP have diverted me to the CF card manufacturers. HP Tech support were very quick to respond online. Have yet to hear from the CF card people. Could be an idea to bring everything up one level and live with it. Paul.
  15. This is the second time this has happened and I'm getting a bit disgruntled; A folder within a folder within a folder has become apparently empty. Another folder beside that one has all the .docs etc intact. (I'm not well covered by Ativesync either 'cos my PC's HD had been replaced as well.) As there are a number of users here I thought I'd check for a solution. Is this a TADTS situation ??
  16. What a source of all knowledge and wisdom BC is BC Thanks. As it happens I have a spare fob and battery; I'll replace the batt in the spare fob as well (otherwise it wouldn't be a spare). OBTW It is a cr2032 (20mm dia 3.2 mm thick)
  17. My immobiliser ('97 1.6 Roadsport (with supersport upgrade C/W shiftlight)) used to just click and switch off I think. Now the LED does a double flash repeated about 10 times and then goes off. (Disarms). Is it trying to tell me something ? Is it just me being paranoid ?
  18. Steve Guess I'm OK for the 13th May Dunsfold Handling day ? You didn't mention it. Paul. Errmmmmmm Could that be 'cos it's not in the title ? I'll go get another drink. I just got a glimpse of reality. Edited by - susser on 12 Apr 2006 21:26:17
  19. Dunno what it did at Thruxton; I spent most of the afternoon sitting in the orbital car park at Heathrow. It rained a bit there, just to add a bit of interest I think.
  20. Mark I was there from 12:00 for about an hour; I was travelling home from Bath. What were you doing ?
  21. Enough Caterhams to satisfy my addiction after being offline and cold turkey for 5 days. Thanks guys. Especially Andy Hawken for allowing me to make his look untidy by standing next to it.
  22. Grant That shrieking of which you spoke came from, I reckon, the end of the shaft that you lubed; My Bimmer has the same problem and it's the shaft walking round in the bearing. It's because the bearing is (was) dry and the shaft, instead of running on a wedge of oil in the manner that hydrodynamic bearings do, contacts the bearing surface, climbs up it and rotates around the bearing in the opposite way to the shaft rotation, causing that shriek. It's entirely unconnected with the shriek made by (for instance) chalk on a chalkboard. That is a different process entirely, and one that I can expostulate all kinds of explanations for. I'll stop now before I start to run on.
  23. Thought it was better here than Shining Wit 'cos it's not funny when you actually do it; Oil Changing Instructions Women: 1. Pull up to Wilco when the mileage reaches 3000 since the last oil change. 2. Drink a cup of coffee. 3. 15 minutes later, write a cheque for £40 and leave with a properly maintained vehicle. Men: 1. Go to Halfrauds. Write a £50 cheque for oil, filter, spill granuales, hand cleaner and scented tree. 2. Dump old oil from last oil change in recycling bank. 3. Open a beer and drink it. Jack car up. Look for axle stands. 4. Find axle stands under kid's pedal car. 5. In frustration, open another beer and drink it. 6. Place drain pan under engine. 7. Look for 9/16 box end. Give up and use crescent spanner. 8. Round off drain plug hex with crescent spanner. 9. Unscrew drain plug with mole-grips. 10. Drop drain plug in pan, splashing hot oil on you. 11. Clean up using hand cleaner. Have another beer while oil is draining. 12. Look for oil filter wrench. 13. Give up. Poke oil filter with phillips screwdriver and twist it off. 14. Drop oil filter in full oil pan. Clean up a big splash. 15. Beer. Mate shows up. Finish case with him. 16. Next day, drag pan full of old oil out from underneath car. 17. Throw oil lift (granuales) on oil spilled during step 16. 18. Beer. No, drank it all yesterday. 19. Walk to supermarket, Buy beer. 20. Apply thin coat of clean oil to filter gasket. Install oil filter. 21. Remove oil filler cap. Drop it down there somewhere. 22. Dump 1 litre of fresh oil into engine. Remember drain plug (step 10). 23. Feel around in full drain pan to find drain plug. 24. Clean dirty black oil from hands (step 23). 25. Install drain plug. Stay out of fresh oil on the floor. 26. Slip with crescent spanner and bang knuckles on chassis. 27. Bang head on same chassis in reaction. Begin cussing fit. Throw spanner. 28. Hit Miss December 1992 with spanner. Cuss additional 10 minutes. 29. Clean up. Apply plaster to knuckle. 30. Beer. Dump in remaining 3 litres of oil. 31. Look for lost filler cap (step 21). Give up. Stuff old rag in hole. 32. Lower car from axle stands. Accidentally crush one axle stand. 33. Move car back. Throw oil lift (granuales) to spill (step 22). 34. Drive car to Halfrauds. Buy new filler cap and one litre of oil. 35. Open hood in front of Halfrauds. Remove rag (step 31). 36. Pour in oil. Install new filler cap. Check oil level on dipstick. 37. Go back in Halfrauds. Buy another litre of oil and a strap wrench. 38. Crawl under car. Tighten oil filter. Burn arm on hot exhaust pipe.
  24. I reckon wet molecules like oil etc which have; (a) mobility to creep and stick in crevices, and (b) a repusion to water (like oil) are far better to go sticking to your se7en that hard molecules like paint. Which don't. IMHO
  25. Disagree on the immersion theory; Galvanic action will occur where there is a circuit. This happens at an atomic level. The ally panels, steel rivet mandrels, steel chassis tube, braze, monel rivets etc etc will all be producing voltages between each other, that are directly in proportion to their places in the galvanic series. The only way to save your Cat is to; Keep it dry; (no electrolyte) Give it something lower in the series than anything else (a sacrificial anode) This will take more than a bit of metal bolted to the hull,,, damn !! I meant body. More like a coat of something. I wouldn't like to advocate a coat of "zinc rich paint", in case the paint was higher up the series than the ally body and you get left with a lovely coat of paint held together with rivets. For starters.
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