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Everything posted by millsn

  1. What do Dunnell do to their engines? I think that they alter the tappet design and fit a differently machined cam (although the profile is supopsed to be the same). Their sump is obviously baffled and modified (wider, lower) and you get a dipstick recalibrated. You also get a bespoke ECU if ordered and they'll set the carbs up for you with correct progression drillings. You get a nice manual style folder and bits n bobs and a power curve. Personally, I'd go for weber alpha's ECU as it seems simpler to fit, and I'd use JWhiting for all the bits that you fit to it (for reasons of local tech support). I have an all Dunnell set up. Don't forget to remove all those crossflow bits that aren't engine though as I forgot and it cost a fortune to replace. Why diodn't Caterham fit one: I'm advised that they trialled what they asked Ford for, which was not a zetec. They asked for a part number and got it. It was actually a late twin cam 2.0 ltr from a Sierra which was too big for the 7, put out low power and was rough- wasn't a zetec. Nigel Mills - xflow
  2. Ford RS is 10W 40 and cheap and available everywhere. It's generally for their top spec engines but recommended by Dunnell Nigel Mills - xflow
  3. millsn

    Zetec bits

    Get yourself some stell plate. The engine doesn't match the bellhousing completely so there's a hole that needs plugging. Nigel Mills - xflow
  4. I did of course mean twin rate! Nigel Mills - xflow
  5. Does anyone have any (I assume they're 1.9"). Nigel Mills - xflow Edited by - millsn on 15 Mar 2001 06:26:59
  6. Well I got round it. If you use the xflow sandwich plate between bellhousing and block, you are left with a small gap at the top of the block where there is a mismatch between belhousing and block. I'm mAKING UP A FILLER PLATE TO CLOSE THIS GAP OFF. i DON'T WANT STONES FINDING THEIR WAY IN THERE. Sorry about the caps! Nigel Mills - xflow
  7. Does anyone know a)Which gasket I should use and b)Where I can get one from at short notice on a Saturday? Nigel Mills - xflow Edited by - millsn on 16 Feb 2001 20:13:46
  8. Depends on the spec of your car. If spax, others have gone for AVO. Bilstein conversion kits are available. If Bilstein, you can get these revalved (about £90 a pair I think by Prodrive - Banbury) they'll take ages to return them though, or you can get new ones obviously. Ledas are also available through JWhiting, I have had difficulties with these but then my car's never felt right to me anyway where dampers are concerned really! They've been better than anything else I've had on the car so far though. As to when to change them I don't really know. Depends on the type of use. Nigel Mills - xflow Edited by - millsn on 6 Feb 2001 21:57:35
  9. millsn


    I have two wires previously connected to my coil +ve and -ve which run to my Vecta. I've tested them and they don't seem to output anything with key in at any ignition state. What are they for? Does anyone have details of how the Vecta actually works? Nigel Mills - xflow Edited by - millsn on 4 Feb 2001 11:01:15
  10. I'll raise it at our next club meeting. I'm sure we have a selection available Nigel Mills - xflow
  11. Can't say I disagree, however, I don't believe it's realistic to assume that all 7 owners will have their car set up specifically for the tyre they've chosen or that anyone would pretend to understand what a given tyre requires in term of suspension geometry. I would imagine things like turn in, ultimate grip, breakaway progression or whatever would be comparable all at the same settings. Ok ACB10s are another kettle of cold water beings but for radials surely some comparison could be drawn for those of us not given to flat floor setups? Nigel Mills - xflow
  12. Isn't it about time that the club magazine ran an article by someone authoritive (spelling?) about tyres? ACBs hard / soft compound, R500s, 021s / 032s. There must be members out there all using Ford centres, 13" wheels with each tyre variant. They could do a report on the difference fitting each variant to the same car. I've got A510s and think I'd change to 021s when I next need to (want to). but 032s??? Is anybody out there listening? Nigel Mills - xflow
  13. Thanks for the assistance, I finally resorted to the coat hanger, the I read the mails you sent! I've run two wires through as I'm advised you can experience preferential corrosion on the chassis when using the ali as a ground. Chassis is a 92 dedion and I also took the lid off around the gear lever
  14. When I had problems of the carbs going out of balance regularly, I found that the rubber washer that should sit behind the balance adjuster screw, was missing. Replacing it allowed me to keep the carbs in balance.
  15. Got mine (foam) from Hyperion for £90 which was a sound investment Nigel Mills - xflow
  16. millsn


    I changed to using the lower mounting hole just to see if I could get improved ride. It definitely helped. It's odd though as this is supposed to be the racing position, I think that the dedion tube wants to rotate when it hits a bump much less if you're on the lower mount. Nigel Mills - xflow
  17. How do I run the cables down the tunnel? I can't seem to reach high enough. I can't take the propshaft out as the car is without ngine and on axle stands. I want to run the cable at the top of the tunnel to keep it out of the way of the prop. Can I access the tunnel top somehow?
  18. Obvious but have you checked that the battery connections are done up tight. If they lose continuty the engine wil stutter. Nigel Mills - xflow
  19. millsn

    engine hoist

    Sorry, I've just looked at Cheltenham on the map. It'd cost me loads just to get there but thanks again anyway. Nigel Mills - xflow
  20. millsn

    engine hoist

    Can I borrow an engine hoist from someone for two months? early Jan - late Feb? I'm in the Aylesbury area Nigel Mills - xflow
  21. Ref: Zetec suspension - I have a xflow at the moment and am going zetec.Point is that I've done loads of changes on the car ref dampers. So far, my best advice is don't change from standard. However, ther is no defintion of standard. My car ran '92 spec dampers which Caterham shouldn't do any more. Again, however, if you go for the new versions there are two pitfalls to avoid. The easy one is to avoid the widetrakc front dampers which are longer in the body. Caterham regularly send people the wrong (longer) ones even if you give them all the right info. Next is that the new dampers that should fit have a wider top link so won't fit. The solution is to send your dampers to Prodrive (Catreham can suply the number) and get them revalved. The spec you have is nothing like the valving they use these days so a change is worthwhile. I went to Leda dampers and am still trying to finalise the valving so avoid this route unless you really, really like playing. Nigel Mills - xflow
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