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Everything posted by millsn

  1. I can drop my tank out of the car. I can't lift it out though. Drain it of fuel (pump it out) and mount the chassis on axle stands as high as it will go. At least I think that's how I did it. Why can you never recall the exact details?
  2. Car ever been on 4 wheel alignment? Mine's doing this since I removed the old washers aligning the 'A' frame.
  3. Amazing what you can do with photoshop. That unpolished iron bellhousing looks real
  4. i think you can set them at almost any number and convince yourself that they're ok if you don't know what you're doing. My Ford garage have proven this theory a number of times. As does many a fiesta that drives past me.
  5. In fairness he would polish an iron one too so I'm not sure that the polishing element is really a weight saving for that reason
  6. Sophie 😬 Edited by - millsn on 25 May 2007 16:44:56
  7. millsn


    My zetec had something sounding similar, one of the wires running to the coil was loose at the coil. Once reterminated all returned to normal
  8. millsn

    BIG USB Hardrives

    very concise, thanks
  9. I just removed a small amount of the flange on the nosecone which did the trick
  10. millsn

    BIG USB Hardrives

    1) Anyone still watching this thread? Just got USB 2.0 as a cardbus card plugin (thanks Blatchat). Question is, it states data transfer rates of 1.5/12/480 Mbps. Why does it state three different rates? 2) Interestingly, if you've a 2.3Mbps broadband link and you're using USB 2.0 (as I am) to connect your pc to the net, does this mean you're throwing away 1.9 odd Mbps download rate? Nigel Mills - 2.0 zetec
  11. You don't say what chassis you have. Mine's a 92 car and I couldn't fit the prog springs on long dampers even with the new tube using the lower mounting point. My particular problem was that the damper topped out on droop which made a horrible clunk. I also found that the dampers at M0 spec all round (which is actually really difficult to achieve) on a 92 dedion didn;t really suit the car. Long, long, long story short, I replaced everything with Freestyle dampers and am really pleased with them. I would commend this route to you also.
  12. Same day for (1) and (3) but (2) could be as long as the piece of string. You could ask Arch to press your bushes in for a beer. With the right kit it's a 10 minute job.
  13. Riff, the weblink in your signature doesn't work
  14. Mine does the same thing. MBE told me to wire in a relay through its coil which might help, it did raie point at which the revs displayed 'hit the dirt' but wasn't a fix. i'll be reading with interest to see how you get on with your resistor.
  15. Seems I'm the old one out with 105 dB at 4000 rpm then. I've got the original Caterham silencer, TBs and FZ2002 cams
  16. I think most welders will have stains but you could ask them to wash their clothing before you go. Good luck with that 😬
  17. If you;re re piping I'd do it in fuel injection rated pipe to future proof yourself. Long time aqgo I did this which one day mot so long ago helped me a little
  18. Thanks chaps, any suggestions as to sourcing chemical metal?
  19. Pretty sure that you only need ditch hydraulic valvegear once you aim over 220. My final target (if there can ever be such a thing) is 220 bhp as my car is pretty daft as it is. No one I've spoken to has ever told me I need to go to solid lifters to get 220.
  20. Anyone know a good place, preferably near Peterborough?
  21. Mine are fine, never replaced (despite me keep checking their condition), was something joint related changed after 1992? Mine's a 92 car
  22. compression test should give you something around the 200 mark. Lord knows what units that is but I assume your gauge should tally. I think anything more than 20 off this mark and you've a problem that you shouldn't have
  23. millsn

    BIG USB Hardrives

    How cool is that?
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