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Everything posted by millsn

  1. millsn

    expansion tank

    unfoortunately not. I recall one that is bottle shaped rather than pot shaped.
  2. quick to to arch would confirm any doubts
  3. millsn

    expansion tank

    I seem to recall seeing a new caterham with a bottle shaped expansion tank. Does anyone have a link so I could see it again? I can't find the tank on the caterham site, might be duratec related but I can't recall where I saw it, sorry
  4. the lights on his car at the moment are the 5" and they look good. I would imagine the website shows this combo
  5. Any chance you hjave adjustable platforms and the circlip is on the damper a few rings to high?
  6. anyone got a picture they could post?
  7. makes a good jacking point just forward of that bracket in emergency (no dedion)
  8. looking at catch tanks there appear to be a few varieties, some larger than others. i wonder if they were ever fitted here. My XF catch tank appears to use a smaller bracket than the later washer bottles do. Has anyone ever fitted a catch tank here - is there a tank that suits perhaps?
  9. I've tried to oget my washer bottle to fit but it's too small. there must be a few available?
  10. There's a brazed on bracket under the induction on most chassis. It almost fits a washer bottle and owuld make a good point for a cattch tank on a zetec. Does anyone know what this is originally for? It's on the engine bay diagonal adjacent to the sideskins Edited by - millsn on 4 May 2008 15:19:44
  11. if mr hay's suggestion doesn't work the roll bar linkage has been in a few locoations over the years. mine's above the axle centreline. some are underslung. Perhaps you have wheels designed for one and not the other? I expect you can swap but it's proably not a moments work
  12. rather late as responses go but mine did a similar thing when running with too much fuel in the map. check your fuelling. Assuming you still have the car!
  13. they're adjustable. You should check the fronts fairly frequently for oplay and tighten accordingly. i never really bother with the rears which don't give much trouble. remove youor wheel and the little black knock off centre cap. Under there is a 17mm nut if I recall the size correctly. Rem[ove the split pin and wind thte nut in a little. There are two holes you can put the pin into, select the one that suits the 'tightness' you want in the bearing. After greasing and tightening, run the car for a few miles thene recheck, they've usually got ta little loose, i tend tot do mine on the tight side to avoid the disassembly required due to thie movement of the grease. i expect you don't need new bearings at all. PS, worth avoiding listening to MOT gargaes where 7's are concerned. If in doubt go to a 7 specialist for verification (or a club meeting)
  14. millsn

    silver and blue

    today on a421 leaving the black cat rdt going toward Bedford. My hopes are that you spotted the red beemer on the other side of the road flashing you vigorously! did the boys in blue collect their fee, or not?
  15. I have 185/60s with 200 brake on 13" wheels. no problem at all. Just don't banzai every corner until you're past the apex. I have just gone to 205's but am not on the road yet so no report to be made. PS LSD helped drive out of corners loads though when i went that way
  16. emerald is quite ubiquitous, I have MBE myself. Either would be good for you being vaguely in Stev Greenauld's neck of the woods , that's where I would go. just this side ofo the tunnel. If youo live anywhere near norwich I'd go emerald as you can go to Dave thingumy's which is nearby. I think ECU is as much about the mapper you choose as it is about spec
  17. here's another fragile sufferrer, also using firefox and F5
  18. You probably need to put both ends in simultaneously. You're creating a diagonal that's unhelpful to assembly in the pictures
  19. I seem to recall it was possible to get tghe little drive (that sits inside the speed cable at the gearbox end) in wrong way round. Icould never actually close the drive onto the gearbox but it may be possible, have you tried putting it in the other way around?
  20. anone else wanting one i have one
  21. millsn

    tee shirts

    now that one's tempting Edited by - millsn on 8 Apr 2008 19:23:16 Edited by - millsn on 8 Apr 2008 19:24:11
  22. Gents, I have no wish to start another "how do you fix cycle wings on the car" thread. So I'll not be drawn. 😬Thank;s for the location info. Mr Foster, you should know better!
  23. my wings aren't drilled. I don't really know where they should go fore/aft versus the mount. Does anyone have the bolted variety they could let me know how far along the curve of the front wing the bolt holes are? I.e. distance between leading edge of wing, following the profile of the wing to the hoile centres.
  24. millsn


    just bought one thanks, posted here in error rather than tech talk
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