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Nick Pargiter

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Everything posted by Nick Pargiter

  1. Dave There is always this
  2. I have one in the corner of the garage. Will give him a ring. Nick
  3. With a standard engine you probably won't gain much by fitting the DCOE other than a lot of noise As a guide though check that you have the following:- Choke 35 Main Jet 150 Air Corrector 180 Em Tube F2 Pump Jet 40 Idle Jet 50F2 Aux Vent 4.5 These were taken from 'The Bible', or 'Tuning BL's A-Series Engine' by David Vizard 😬 Nick
  4. Keep what you have for now (unless it needs a rebuild) and just add on all the bits that don't require taking the engine apart, ie TB's, verniers and an Emerald plus mapping session. If you want a bit more and have the cash then get the head ported and maybe change the cams. Nick
  5. My brother-in-law is selling his Land Cruiser and I thought it might be of interest to someone here for a tow car. It has been very reliable and did low to mid 30's fuel consumption when loaded up for the family holiday. The mileage is high but is probably good for the same again See here for more details. Only selling due to lack of parking space at the new house. Nick
  6. I have an ECU from my 1.4 Supersport you can try, I will be in Billingshurst at the weekend. As Kevsta says try re-setting it first as this always worked for me. Nick
  7. Anthony I think it depends whether it was factory built or not. If it wasn't factory built then I think it is something like August 98, after that an SVA was required. For factory built cars I think it was about 92, 93. Nick
  8. I would recommend the same as NC, get all your holes drilled before the paint goes on. That way you won't have the worry of the drill slipping or the Dremel sliding across the panel If you scratch it now the paint can cover it up 😬 If you are considering changing your exhaust then it might be best to get that sorted first and cut the hole to suit. I did the re-build thing last year but painted it first 🙆🏻 Even after using rolls of tape and card and bubble wrap I was still nervous every time I had to make a hole.
  9. Mike If you have the Banner battery there is just enough room for it in front of the heater. Nick
  10. Hi Simon I have a pair of AO48's with about 2.5mm tread. YHM to arrange meeting up. Cheers Nick
  11. The AO48's are Medium. Cheers Nick
  12. I seem to have an excess of old tires lying around in the garage that will probably not be used by me. Most are just road legal but would be ideal for track days. CR500 175/55/13 2@ 2mm £10pr CR500 175/55/13 2@ 2.5mm £15pr ACB10 7/21/13 2@ 2mm £20pr A24 compound AO32 185/60/13 2@ 2mm av £10pr soft AO32 205/60/13 2@ 2mm £10pr soft AO32 205/60/13 2 @ markers offers soft I am in Billingshurst, West Sussex but could also meet up in the Guildford/Dorking area if needed. Updated to include compounds. Cheers Nick Edited by - Nick Pargiter on 28 Jul 2008 13:29:17 Edited by - Nick Pargiter on 30 Jul 2008 08:05:40 Edited by - Nick Pargiter on 31 Jul 2008 14:01:40 Edited by - Nick Pargiter on 31 Jul 2008 17:58:46 Edited by - Nick Pargiter on 4 Aug 2008 11:10:23 Edited by - Nick Pargiter on 14 Aug 2008 08:42:56
  13. Hi Andy Its only the injection fuel pump thats for sale, not the tank. I'm in Sussex by the way and unfortunately not going to Silverstone Nick
  14. Hi Stu Yes they are the standard ones for a 1800K. Will e-mail you my details and get a price for the postage. Cheers Nick
  15. Standard Rover in-tank fuel pump taken from my 94 supersport. Replaced with JPE version for the new engine. £20 4off Bosch cream/beige injectors 280 150 749, serviced last year but never used. £40 All prices plus p&p
  16. Cracking panels sounds a bit alarming, would like to see the photos. It does sound like there is a problem elsewhere with the chassis. My 94 chassis would creak and flex if driven over humps at an angle, the rivet holes through the ali panels had opened up allowing things to move around more The old transmission tunnel does not really do much other than cover the propshaft. The newer one with the centre handbrake does provide some torsional stiffness to the chassis. Nick
  17. Hi Anthony I'd be interested in the alternator if you are willing to sell these separately. YHM Nick
  18. Darren Add my name to the list for more info. Nick
  19. Just checked my wiring diagram for the 967 from an R400 and you are right. Nick
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