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  1. Blade Try Gaz Nickels, just changed to these on my Tuscan and have transformed the car Will be ordering a set for 7 soon, get good deal from Derek at absolutley shocks.com John
  2. ED HPC on pistonheads for 9.5k If i didnt already have six cars i would be going to see it John
  3. Ed Welcome back, i think you have one or two pointers to go on now As stated before, all types, and some really nice ones in your price bracket are available on Pistonheads ( i assume you know that anyway ) Let us know what you decide John
  4. Hi All Thread still going and no sign of ED No one has picked up on one important fact, the FABULOUS CROSSFLOW ( well according to Adam Hay anyway ) is 40 Years old this year, so 7 is 50 C/F is 40 Happy Birthday to both John
  5. ED And all you nutters If you have 12k, to spare, simple answer is just buy the best you can and f***ing get on with it Is the longest ever 1st post ? PS mines got 3 more bhp than yours ( oh big deal ) Murf
  7. Brunel Agree with you as stated before, I bought mine cos i can take it apart and make it what i want it to be in my own little garage Ed Are you following this thread, dont be put off they are all fabulous little cars Get one and enjoy yourself John
  8. ED Loads on pistonheads, all types, nothing seems to be selling due to crap weather !! Revin Kevin Agree with every word you say, why cant people just enjoy these cars for what they are, great fun, who cares about all the crap just enjoy. Adam Hay I have the worst of the crap you despise, 92 Supersprint ( XFlow ) 4 Speed LA 4.1 LSD And i absolutley love it, could have a new one if i wanted it, but chose a crapper !!! Mind you if i want to go Really Quick i go out in my Red Rose Tuscan ( crap as well i suppose ) Regards All Just Enjoy What Youve Got John
  9. Hi All Thanks for all advice Cars in having some paint done at the moment, look into it furthur when it comes back Cheers John
  10. Hi All Further to my dodgy gear stick question i am now thinking of changing to 5 speed Does 5 speed ( type 9 ? ) come with proper gear shift ? Gear box fitted is Escort casing with 4 speed with close ratio gear set ( BGH i think ) I am running 4.1 LSD so even with only 135 bhp it is nippy up to 90 but top speed is only about 105 mph So question is where is best place to buy c/r 5 speed box ? Thanks John
  11. Hi All Thanks for replies, will try Redline, am now looking at fitting 5 speed as i am running 4.1 LSD and top speed is about 105 mph Gear box in car is escort casing with close ratio gear set by BGH i think and considering only have 135 bhp it is nippy up to 90 mph, guess i need c /r 5 speed any suggestions where to source one from, i will put this last bit back on Tech Talk i think John
  12. Hi All The gear shift on my 92, Q plate, supersprint, live axle, escort 4 speed seems like a very Heath Robinson affair 2 flat pieces of metal clalmped onto gear stick and then on to remote stick, wobbles all over the shop and very arkward to change gear neatly Had a look in Live Axle catalouge cant see any specific part Any ideas appreciated ( or is that how they are ? ) Many many years ago Superspeed ( I think ) used to do a remote quick shift conversion for Cortinas and Anglias, seem thats what i need ?? John
  13. Hi If you are on here I was in Blue TVR Tuscan Are You local John
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