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Everything posted by mikeo996

  1. Guys, hoping that you can tell me that I'm on the right lines. My throttle cable snapped at the Throckmorton handling day a few weeks back, but (with the help of friendly club members) I managed to fit a new one, which luckily I was carrying. I noticed right away that it had a bit more of a tendency to kangaroo on light throttle, but not too badly. Since then I've taken it out on a spirited country lane drive, where I didn't notice any significant issue (but probably used little light throttle), but today, taking it out to fill up with petrol it was a nightmare in traffic. It idles fine, and is fine under acceleration, but is horrible at steady, low speed. The guy who helped me at Throckmorton (thanks again Nigel) said, I think they they do tend to stretch a bit initially, and that there may have been a bit of slack to take out. Does this sound right to the collective and if so what's the fix, just a twist of the screw fitting at the roller barrels end (it's a k-series R300 on roller barrels) or something at the pedal box end? I've taken the pedal box cover off and the cable does feel slightly slack now at that end, but I'm not sure why, if you have pressure on the throttle pedal, any slack should matter. Before I pull it out and put a couple twists on it, as I say, just want to make sure I'm not barking up the wrong tree. Thanks, Mike
  2. I only took my camera out for 10 mins or so, but have uploaded what I did take to Flickr - check out the link and let me know if there's any you like (or want removing) https://www.flickr.com/gp/132604967@N04/9d762T
  3. Turned out nice in the end. some great running in the afternoon. thanks Andy, Merrick and all
  4. Weather not looking too great
  5. Search on here for Hans Device and Seat (linky things don't seem to work). Sounds like it's potentially quite complicated. It's about harness positioning as much as the seat. tbh it's pretty unusual to see people on track days with Hans, although at that price it would become attractive if not technically difficult.
  6. That's great value. Just be sure it'll work with your seat.
  7. That's three of us living very close together then.
  8. If we're meeting up the night before for a meal, do people have thoughts on accommodation? I usually stay over in Lincoln on the Sunday night, but if we are meeting up I might try to get a bit closer to Cadwell.
  9. I'll get to Cadwell whichever date, but Donington would be a great addition.
  10. Received today, will have a play later - thanks for getting this organised!
  11. Yes interested (given that my ears are still ringing after today's trip back from Brands to the Midlands!)
  12. I have a R300 so have a pretty good idea of how a Caterham k-series should feel. The car I'm looking at is an upgraded k-series so not a million miles away, and as I'll arrive in mine I will be driving them back to back so that's a good test in itself.
  13. Any tips on a showroom visit and test drive for assessing how "fit" or conversely "tired" a car might be? I'm viewing a car in the next few days that I know by reputation was a cracker when it was competing in sprints and hillclimbs about 10 years ago, but clearly that's a long time ago now and it seems likely to have had some hard use in between. Obviously the paperwork should help (a recent engine refresh would be nice) and it should look well cared for and drive properly but anything that's a good indicator? And getting beyond first viewing would you be looking for a compression test for instance before signing on the dotted line? I know that it's had a roll cage in the past (now removed) and has run on slicks - does this raise any additional concerns? A specific issue is that it has a carbon propshaft - am I right in recalling that carbon-fibre doesn't age well and therefore this could be getting brittle by now? Thanks for any tips. Mike
  14. Probably me, coming home from Cadwell
  15. I've got a bad feeling it's riveted on, in which case I think I give up and fit the strap to the inner popper, or bash the security fitting onto it with a rubber mallet, as someone on a related thread seems to have. If I do it's on for good!
  16. Hard to see in the dark, but looks like might be a screw, any idea what sort- looks like it might need a tiny Allen key?
  17. Just bought the half hood plus. Had no problem with fitting the poppers on the night cover, and think I have fitted the security poppers right on the boot cover. However I can't get the new popper to fit over the existing male popper on the side skin. Does this need replacing too? I have been supplied with what looks like a replacement with a greater indent, but how do you replace the original as you can't get behind it? I'm also not sure I see the point. The new secure fitting will hold the boot cover onto the side skin, but the strap is held on to the outside with a standard looking popper. Help!
  18. Just bought the half hood plus. Had no problem with fitting the poppers on the night cover, and think I have fitted the security poppers right on the boot cover. However I can't get the new popper to fit over the existing male popper on the side skin. Does this need replacing too? I have been supplied with what looks like a replacement with a greater indent, but how do you replace the original as you can't get behind it? I'm also not sure I see the point. The new secure fitting will hold the boot cover onto the side skin, but the strap is held on to the outside with a standard looking popper. Help!
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