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Mike Bees

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Everything posted by Mike Bees

  1. Mike Bees


    Ammo - surely if you're accelerating they're in compression and if you're braking they're in tension. All of the accelerative force must go through the radius arms and the A-frame - they're the only things holding the wheels to the chassis! I don't see how anti-squat properties will reduce the tendency for the wheels to leave the ground over bumps. You're right in that in general softer springs (and softer or no anti-rollbar) will give better traction on non-smooth surfaces. Mike
  2. Mike Bees


    Oh so *that's* why your car is almost scraping along the ground smile.gif (or is that only when Keith is driving?). Mike
  3. Mike Bees


    The lower position reduces roll-oversteer. Or if you set the suspension low enough it induces roll-understeer. For roll-neutrality you want to set the ride height so that the radius arms are more or less horizontal. My simple brain tells me that if anything the upper position might give you a degree of anti-squat that the lower position doesn't. Think of the DD tube trying to drive forwards when you put the power on - if the radius arms are higher at the front end than at the DD tube end then the tube pushing forward will try to lift the rear of the car. Well that's how it appears to me... Mike
  4. The JPE one has quite a difference dial appearance, if that matters. Elliot do a reasonable tacho for 103.50ukp +vat from DT (probably cheaper elsewhere), in 0-8 or 0-10. The cheapest Stack is 158ukp. Mike
  5. Well well, I'd always wondered whose it was! I *might* be able to dig out the magazine with the article in, given a bit of time. Mike
  6. Mike Bees


    If your car was SVA'ed with a cat then it'll need it at MOT time too. If it was factory built pre-SVA then it'll need the cat at MOT time. If it was built from a kit pre-SVA then it won't need it at MOT time. Just removing the cat and keeping the same manifold is a waste of time, it's a big free-flowing cat which loses you less than 1 bhp. Changing to a complete better exhaust will be more useful. The "easy" option is to buy either the 4-1 or 4-2-1 competition exhaust from Caterham. On a 1.6K there seems to be little difference between the two (from a back-to-back test that I've seen), on a 1.8 the 4-2-1 apparently does "work" and fill out the torque around 4000rpm. Mike
  7. Hmm, I wasn't saying "Thou shalt change to a K", but I was questioning why a switch to a Vx or K was "much harder" than to a Zetec. Steve Day sprints (very effectively) a K-powered live axle car, is he around to tell us how hard it was? A while ago I saw a K-powered live axle being built in a well-known factory, destined for an overseas market... Mike
  8. Pierre - anything that's fitted to the production Elise will be much harder than the 'soft' tyres that we love on our 7s. Mike
  9. Actually I have - and I wasn't *that* scared so he can't be *that* big! Mike
  10. Gareth - either you're in training for "World's strongest man" or it ain't 150kg smile.gif Mike
  11. Why so? OK you'll need a different bellhousing but what else? If you're going to run injected then you've got to change the fuel lines & pump (maybe the tank depending on how you decide to do it) regardless of which engine you choose. Mike
  12. Does the 150kg include the 'box? If not then that's one hell of a lump! Even if it does it's still a fair old lump. Mike
  13. Geoff - the M3DK is plug compatible with the K-series, but it's a Vx that's being discussed here. Mike
  14. It's not "mine" to mind, I got it from someone else, I think it's on the web somewhere too. Mike
  15. Dimensionally similar to the Ford Type 9 if that helps - they're interchangeable. The 6-speeder weighs 29kg. Mike
  16. And here I am. Being pretty useless myself I didn't make it out into the garage last night, but according to PTP's website (www.powertrainprojects.co.uk) a 1.8 K-series is 615mm tall. That'll be with the std. transverse sump, although I don't think the height is reduced by an awful lot with the Caterham sump. I guess that's the bottom-to-top height as if it were mounted upright (in which mode it wouldn't fit into a Caterham). Mike
  17. Mike Bees


    Don't rely on the colour. All the Suplex springs that DT sell are red by default, irrespective of their poundage. Mike
  18. www.sbdev.co.uk Also take a look at www.qednet.demon.co.uk Mike
  19. No-one clever around, you'll have to make do with me smile.gif I'll have a go at measuring it tonight. The K is canted over to get it to fit (it's quite tall). Mike Edited by - Mike Bees on 15 Jan 2001 17:30:56
  20. As Peter says, plug lead cover come loose. I doubt you'd get a tinny sound from *inside* the head. Mike
  21. The small black box under the ECU on my '97 car is the relay module. The immobiliser box is under the dash somewhere AFAIK. Mike
  22. Must be cheap - I want to hack it to fit over my Vx race rollover bar and sling it on when the car is being trailored. Mike
  23. But would the stiffness of the polybushes cause the bracket to break off rather more often? It's only the compliance of the bushes that allows the car to roll with respect to the axle without tearing the bracket off. Mike
  24. 100% is pretty normal retail markup on lots of things you buy. Mike
  25. Only when blipping from idle, it's much slower to blip with the airbox in place. I'm hoping to do a back-to-back power run on the rolling road sometime before the season starts to see exactly what the airbox is doing for me. It doesn't affect static noise tests ('cos they're taken so close to the exhaust) and I don't have any drive-by figures. Mike
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