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Mike Biddle

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Everything posted by Mike Biddle

  1. OK, then the ECU must know the following. Engine speed, which is a given. What gear the box is in and which way the driver is shifting. Must be programmed to account for ratio change to know how many RPM to put on the engine. Graham, are you sure the radical system does not quickly, and briefly, disengage the clutch while its doing this? Don't know about the Busa box, but the Sadev for sure does not have a "neutral" between gears to alow for a blip. I suppose a very precisely timed blip could occur just after the lower gear is engaged, but that would also rrequire the ECU to know exactly where the gearlever is during the change in order to get the timing right. I do know from experience that the Sadev will not change down if the clutch is engaged and there is any throttle on. Maybe the geartronics system includes this function? Even if it does, is it worth 4K just to acheive a throttle blip? Again, suggest you talk to Steve at SWR, he will explain all in great detail. James, when are you planning to do this? I would be happy to demonstrate the box in my car, but that would probably not be posssible untill next April due to shipping back to Dubai and back to UK again.
  2. I have no knowledge of Zetec motors, and more expert advice will surely follow later, but that used to happen on the VX (GM) engine originally fitted in my car. I'm going to asssume your motor is wet sumped? (engine oil lives in the oil pan) When cornering hard sevens generate a lot more lateral G than than the cars the engine was designed for, and the oil in the pan slops around, gets whipped up by the crank, and some gets up past the pistons, and burns producing the puffs of blue smoke. You could try running with a slightly lower oil level, but the the only real cure is a dry sump system. There may be other solutions, or even causes on this particular engine type of which i am not aware.
  3. You are partialy correct, clutchless downshifts are no problem I can do them with my current set up. As long as you are on the brakes and off the throttle you can shift down without the clutch, but if I want to match the revs then I must dip the clutch. Is rev matching on downshifts possible with a sequential box without disengaging the clutch? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.
  4. I have the box, and am happy with it, apart from the fact that it rumbles/clatters on idle in neutral with clutch engaged. The box already has a sender unit in it to connect to ECU for flat shift, so unless you really want paddles they are not required if your ECU can manage the fuel/sparks cut. I have not connected mine yet but will be doing so over winter. Have a chat to Steve at SWR, he will give you some valuable advice on this one.
  5. You can get the parts from Arch, give Bruce a call.
  6. DSL, having one in my car,I fully understand your caution, but the key word in your post is "installation", the more power you seek to extract from any engine, the more crucial the surrounding parameters become. Bike derived engines can be just as reliable as anything else, at comparable power levels to "normal" engines, and beyond, providing the installation is correct, but they do tend to require a lot more attention to detail. I suspect the same would apply to a Duratec at the power level you seek. Edited by - Mike Biddle on 5 Nov 2012 18:13:54
  7. How much power do you want? Stupid question i know, but depending on how much you are prepared to spend, and further engine spec limmitations as yet unknown, there are other higher power but more costly options. for instance RST V8 in 2 litre guise will produce more than 300 HP iin NASP configuration. Russel has a 2.3 V6 also and when supercharged that will produce 600HP. NATASP unit is around 340 HP and it may be possible to reduce capacity to meet your target. recently I saw a 1600 V8 at his shop produced for a customer in motor sport limited to engine size in his class. Power, and lots of it, is available, just depends if you are ready to pay the real price.
  8. Or fit a master cylinder witha smaller bore.
  9. Would an optical sensor work with all that oil splashing in from the return line, oil mist flying around etc? float switch placed at a level that would give ample warning of impending doom might be a better bet Edited by - Mike Biddle on 26 Aug 2012 16:41:56
  10. Pro Alloy are very good, friendly, helpfull and good quality, I hve one of their creations on my beast. Some pics here. http://www.facebook.com/northamptonmotorsport#!/photo.php?fbid=10150843980714862&set=a.10150843978909862.414178.175063699861&type=1&theater Not sure if they would be able to supply a standard product with standard mounts though. Edited to add that if shipped out of European Union, you will not pay the VAT. Edited by - Mike Biddle on 23 Aug 2012 11:25:03
  11. Graham, am looking for acar for my 21 Y/O son, and it will be his first car with no previous insurance record. Am interested, please send pics if it is still available. mike@asiawaterjet.com
  12. Elie, be carefull you don't introduce a big air flow restriction using a fine mesh.
  13. Roger, if you want to have things set up professionaly, you need to go to a place that has a pukka alignment system. I had mine done at Northampton motorsport recntly and would certainly reccommend them. I have a photo of my settings on the screen of their laser alignment system, but I don't think I can post it directly, seems it must have a URL to do that.
  14. Thanks to others that have mailed me on this subject, and apologies to Eli. I had left the box with Russell at Rs Performance tears ago with the understanding that it was for sale, but since nothing nothing had happened I responded to Elies post, but Russell had already sold it and is in the process of building it into a car, so sorry it's no longer vailable.
  15. Elie, it's a six speed, I will accept 1500 to avoid any haggling.
  16. Elie, my motor is 350HP, and I have used two Quaifes and a Sadev in it without any problems. I think your rear tyres will spin up before you can damage the box.
  17. Elie, I have a Quaife unit, the first model in a type 9 casing. It was rebuilt by Quaife in 2005 and was only back in the car briefly for about 2000 miles. Has been sitting around since then and I have been meaning to sell it but never got round to it. Mike.
  18. You can see pictures of the lights on the car on a thread in chitchat "desert storm" kindly provided by Troy at Northampton motorsport.
  19. Just had them fitted to mine, they look good on the car, smaller diameter than 5.1/4" lights but a lot longer, so may not be to everybodies taste. I chose the "Chrome" finish rather than the black shown in the link. In the process I removed the standad indicators since there are indicator LED's in the lamps. LED daytime running lights as well. Changes to existing, and additional wiring are required. Be warned, the wiring info provided is way south of minimal, unless you are an electrickery expert, best leave it to someone who is. They mount straight onto existing brackets. They are quite a bit lighter than the 5.1/4" units Edited by - Mike Biddle on 28 May 2012 19:49:03
  20. All car speedos over read because law says that they are allowed to be up to 10% fast, but not allowed to read slow at all, so manufacturers play it safe. Edited by - Mike Biddle on 23 May 2012 08:06:31
  21. You should also look at Quantum, I've had excellent service from them. I did try to buy Nitrons, but found them very difficult to ddeal with, so went with Quantum instead.
  22. John, your approach will work, I had the same issue with a 7.25" clutch when my car was rebuilt back in 2005, the pedal action was heavy, and "light switch" was the most fitting description of control over clutch engagement. A smaller master cylinder was fitted, 0.5" I think, and now its a pleasure to use.
  23. They will be going on my car shortly. I like the idea of the daytime running lights and the built in indicators.
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