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Mike Biddle

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Everything posted by Mike Biddle

  1. I had this ECU tun my old VX engine. I recall that a special Rs 232 cable was required to connect. A standard one is wired incorrectly. Try giving MBE a call.
  2. Pete, I'll need your address and a phone No for the courier, please blatmail me before 10 AM UK time Sunday 25th and I'll get it done right away, otherwise yuo will have to wait a week because off to Thailand and Burma tomoorow evening. Mike.
  3. Pete, I have a set of standard front calipers that I took off the car years ago. Very low mileage and been sitting on the floor of my office ever since. Constant air con means low humidity so should be fine, in fact I just pushed one of the pistions back by hand. I'll send them to you if you need them. (No charge) Come to think of it I'll send the discs too. This stuff is making the place look untidy and I have a suddenn urge to get rid of it. Mike.
  4. Anthony, as you know I've got these on my car and I can assure you that the handbrake operation/effectiveness is a major improvement over the standard rear caliper. Wonder why it took so long for delivery? Chris got mine in a week or two. Mike.
  5. Mike Biddle


    I'm amazed that this motor has'nt been snapped up by now, I know from past VX experience that i's an absolute steal at this price! Good luck with it Peter.
  6. Probably too much oil in the sump, this has happened to me when I had a VX in my car.
  7. Hi Mark, I sent an entry but my name does not appear on the 15th July list, I wonder if it was recieved? Not sure if I would do it, but on the other hand I have not seen any entriy forms for Longcross either, how are these sent out?? Re the selection process my only comment would be that it would have been really helpfull to me if this had been made clear beforehand. Knowing I would not be considered would have made my travell and event planning more efficient, and saved me the hassle of sending the entry, and of course the fee. I only have the oppurtunity to attend seven events now because of business and family issues, one of which is longcross but bearing in mind the question above, I'm not even sure of that now. Regards, Mike.
  8. Geoff, you will get my form for croft by the end of this week. Can I send postal oder/s instead of cheque? Don't have UK bank account. Regards, Mike.
  9. Try fitting a slightly smaller bore master cylinder, this will give a longer, easier pedal action. Did this on my car, it's a tiny reduction in size down to a 15MM bore but it made a huge difference. It does mean using a remote resevoir mounted on the bulkhead but that's not a big problem. Mike.
  10. I could be wrong here, but what you're saying is that you cannot adjust it by moving the steering wheel one spline bec ause thats slightly too much. Surely then, the resolution is to adjust the tracking just enough to make a half spline differenc at the steering wheel. Which way is irrelevant.
  11. They need re calibrating every so often as well so make sure you get one from a supplier that can offer this service. There is a very good German one which has a unique mechanism which means it cannot be left tensioned up, which is a prime cause of the re calibration requirement. It's also quite compact, usefull if working on a seven. It's called Stahlwille WWW.stahlwille.com is the website, and I seem to recall the price was reasonable.
  12. Ive got a pair, almost new, only used for 3 weeks and 3000 miles on USA 2005 last year.
  13. Alex, it was on a 225HP build at the time, and in fact still is. Right now the engines lying at Mr RST's workshop awaiting a buyer.
  14. I have Hi Specs front and rear. No problems with Hi Spec or the product, they work very well for me.
  15. Alex, I fitted one from SBD a couple of years ago, and while I can't quantify the effect on noise levels, I can tell you that it was significantly quieter afterwards, cutting out a lot of the induction noise.
  16. I can't make it so my Wednesday Blue place is free, contact Geoff.
  17. Mike Biddle

    Car Details

    1996, originally VX 2.0 Now RST V8 2.4 380HP claimed by RST, yet to be ascertained. Weight, not sure yet, somewhere between 500 & 530 Tyres, rear 245 CR500 or 10.5" slicks. Fronts 215 Cr500 or 8" slicks.
  18. Won't be able to mkae it now, so please contact Geoff if interested.
  19. I've got these gauges on my car, they are far more reliable than electrickery, and the oil pressure readout responsd instantly.
  20. I do have them on my car. They are not a direct replacement for the sierra calipers because they mount in a different way, but this was solved by Chris at the seven workshop by machining the de dion tube ears a bit. Do they work? Yes, much better than the sierra items.
  21. Don't think there are any more out there at the moment Dave, course I could be wrong. Maybe it's a bored out 2.3 Dratec? I am planning to take part in the events on July 1, 8, 9 & 15th, plus the events on Sept 2 9 16 & 17th. This allows me to spend two fairly short periods in UK, but make 8 events. Assuming of course that I can get places, because I'm relying recieving low flying in Dubai and getting the applications off from there.
  22. Copperslip is not much use at very high temps, we use a nickel based anti seize on diesel engine manifolds and turbo bolts. Never had a removal problem yet.
  23. Nickel based anti seize is much better than copper for very high temps.
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