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Everything posted by Mcalvert

  1. You've just driven past my house three times - hope the rain doesn't get any heavier for you! Anyone on here?
  2. Hi Garth - I had exactly the same thing a few years ago on my Minno when one tyre burst, then the other on the same side failed only 10 mins or so later. I'm not sure what triggered the first wheel to blow (age?) but the problem is that when the first wheel blows, the trailer remains so stable that you don't realise it has until quite a while later, by which time the tyre is completely shredded and has thrown sharp bits of steel belt all over the place, damaging the other tyre in front or behind which fails soon thereafter. The only good news is that I found you can get home fairly well (slowly and carefully) on just 3 wheels (probably not recommended practice however)
  3. This Month: Series 1 Lotus Mk.7 #449 • Introducing: Mo Steer • A Postcard From Cornwall • Seven Hacks • Sprint and Hillclimb Reports • Driven: Three Lanes Drive • Spot The Difference • News And Events Lowflying is currently with the printers and should be sent out towards members around August 6th.
  4. Does anyone have any they could send me please? (editor@lotus7.club(link sends e-mail)) I need a few for the LF report.
  5. Mcalvert

    Barbon photos?

    Does anyone have any they could send me please? (editor@lotus7.club) Sam Hayto has provided a few from the paddock (thanks!) but a couple more wouldn't go amiss. Many thanks,
  6. Read about the outcome of the vote here
  7. This Month: The Ultimate Roadmap Out Of Lockdown • Caterham’s Electric Surprise • A Grand Day Out • My Seven Saga • It’s Just Three Bolts… • An Uncommon Upgrade • My Month In Sevens • 2021 Club AGM • News And Events Lowflying is currently with the printers and should be sent out towards members around July 8th.
  8. The way to check when the chassis was built vs when it was registered is to check the stamp on the top of the rear suspension turret behind the driver's right shoulder. Assuming an Imperial car, it will be stamped AM then two digits, and below J1 or J2. AM is Arch Motors (who build the chassis) and the two digits is the year. J1 or J2 is which of their two jigs the chassis was built on, so if work is needed in future, it goes back on the original one. I love this continuous history!
  9. Announcing an "All Members' Vote" on the Club's name Click here to find out more and how to have your say...
  10. This Month: The Road to Enjoyment — Seven Style • TrackChat • Driven: The Essex Gateway • Hethel and Curborough Reports • Weapons of Mass Reduction • News and Events Lowflying is currently with the printers and should be sent out towards members around June 8th.
  11. Nigel Cole, who has been kind enough to provide me with photos from Wiscombe for LF, has also posted a video from last year's event on YouTube . There are shots from the paddock right at the beginning, and action from the startline of L7 competitors starting at 18:53.
  12. Fantastic to be back. Brilliant competition. Superb driving. Great atmosphere. Just everything that club motor sport should be about
  13. This Month: It’s All About The Lap Time... • Controlling The Beast • Graduation Day • Glorious Goodwood • Comic Capers • Portuguese Passion • Seven Hacks • News And Events Lowflying is currently with the printers and should be sent out towards members around May 11th.
  14. At most track days, you'll find people wearing all sorts of things, but if you've got a race suit and boots, just wear them! Safety kit won't do you any good if left in the cupboard. Race boots in particular make a huge difference in a narrow footwell.
  15. Rob's YouTube channel is here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovER5GiegKYCctnxP9VwoQ I know that this is not a Club trackday, but the Club's "Trackday Safety Requirements and Recommendations" should provide some useful suggestions here: Most of all, have fun!
  16. Enjoyable YouTube video with some great Climax engine sounds and a fair bit of engineering in "Ivan's Shed" video
  17. There's some history here from a Lowflying article by John Watson that may be of interest? here
  18. Mcalvert

    Epynt entries

    Hi Graham - do we have any news about if / when entries are likely to open please? I assume it's all tied up with the lockdown uncertainties in Wales? Cheers,
  19. Looks like a great time was had at Goodwood. Graham has sent me some sunny photos already but I'd happily take a few more if anyone has some nice ones
  20. My mailbox isn't (yet) overflowing with emails from volunteers all fighting to do me an event report... Come on, don't be shy
  21. Best of luck to everyone who is competing at Goodwood at the weekend - particularly anyone having their first event! Wish I could be there Since I'm not, would anyone be willing to volunteer to do a write-up for Lowflying please? It could be a personal account of the day or just a factual account of class positions, whatever you fancy. Oh, and I'd also appreciate some photos too... Many thanks,
  22. Hi Alan - this Lowflying article from April 2016 should provide you with the required steps . Good luck :-) http://lowflying.lotus7.club/2016/2016_04_09_Rollbars.pdf All the best,
  23. This Month: Introducing: John Martin • Making The Fastest, Faster… • Controlled Flying • The Arrival Of Our Seven 420R • The Policy Makers • The Essential Upgrade Lowflying is currently with the printers and is expected to be sent out towards members around 9th April 2021
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