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Everything posted by Mcalvert

  1. This is the problem. According to Caterham, the Narrow Buttress version was fitted to all cars from 1990-1993 and some cars from 1993-1996. The race support guys all look after more recent cars ☹️ Michael.
  2. Thanks All. I've just been to James Whitings and for the 1991 chassis it looks like there's no way that a wide buttress later model would fit. Thanks for all your offers - I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that Caterham come through. Having spoken to most 7 repair outfits, it looks like they all have De Dion tubes on back order :-( Michael.
  3. I've just heard that the slightly vague handling on my car is due to a cracked De Dion tube. It didn't feel quite "right" but I'm gobsmacked that it was something as serious :-( To make matters worse, Caterham are out of stock and we're meant to be going away in 2 weeks. Does anyone else have any ideas? Will try Redline. P.S. I understand that it's the Narrow Butress version that I need. I didn;t realise that there were different versions, just that the more recent ones had been beefed up? Michael.
  4. Phil - I had this wnhen I first had my Xflow. I found that the nipple was not properlty greased where it is connected to the pedal so that instead of pivoting, the cable bent. I had 2 go in as manty months. Since putting a bit of grease on every year, I've not had one go in 7 years... Regards - Michael.
  5. Hi Mike- yes, I have the same problem that they distort in the sun. Pretty poor design really. If you find a solution, I'd be keen to know!
  6. Mcalvert

    Horn failure!

    You can get new kits from Halfords for no more than £10-£15 from memory, so all is not lost if this fails! Michael.
  7. Hi Mrs K. Yes, I really liked that one with the big "GO" sign. Sums it all up really Michael.
  8. I haven't got everyone by a long way, but I've uploaded my photos here Great day, despite the "variable" weather Michael.
  9. Fabulous day Thanks to Geoff and all concerned with the organisation. Some pictures of the day here
  10. Mcalvert

    Car Details

    1991 SuperSprint 1700 Xflow 150 (ish) Bhp 540 Kg On Yoko 48s Oh - and "god's" wings - flares :-)
  11. Thanks Angus Would like to pop around on the way back from work one evening to pick up the wings Could you PM me what sort of time you get home normally? Thanks ❗ Michael.
  12. Hi - they are a great improvement on the standard Caterham set-up which I was never very happy with. They are also lighter, and cost effective as they use the same disk. All in all, from me. Neil, I'm afraid we're not trailer trash, so we'll not have any spare space. Sorry! Michael.
  13. Does anyone please have the part number for the Green Stuff Pads for Alcon Front Brakes as fitted by James Whiting? Also, any recommendations for the best place to buy these? Thanks, Michael.
  14. Hi Danny, Your car looked fabulous and certainly went - I did come and have a chat with you at lunchtime to admire your car. I was in the Red Crossflow. Great day Michael.
  15. BIG GRIN 😬 😬 😬 Oh for a camera eh?!? Michael.
  16. Thanks - no type pressures all OK as was the tyre surface (just normally scrubbed). will have a look at the propshaft. Thanks to all for your ideas! Michael.
  17. Possibly, but it was a "feel" rather than a "hear". I know that this is Sooo vague though ❗ Michael.
  18. Had a fabulous day at Snetterton yesterday with Goldtrack. Despite the dire weather forecast, the track dried after the first session and stayed so for the rest of the day. The 2x30 minute session format ensured more track time than anyone could possibly want. However, in the afternoon, I became aware of what I can only describe as a "Rumbly" rear end to the car when going down the straight from an "indicated" approx 100mph upwards. What worries me is that it was not doing it in the morning sessions. Does anyone have any ideas where to start looking? The wheel bearings were adjusted and greased only last week by James Whiting. Other than that, everything feels fine, and the moment the speed dropped again, everythig was normal. I did have one blast up a clear road at (ahem) similar speeds, and could not reproduce the symptoms. Any suggestions welcome! Michael.
  19. Crudders all, Any recommendations for who will do a basic geometry set-up in the South-east. Sprint season is starting and my car has not been set up other than by eye for about years! Thanks Michael.
  20. Mcalvert


    Thanks all. Form was sent off last night Just keep my fingers crossed for a space! Michael.
  21. Mcalvert

    Longcross Map

    Does anyone have a copy of a map to the Longcross sprint course that they could scan and send over please? I'm trying to understand where the track goes from the Year in the Club DVD and struggling! Thanks, Michael.
  22. Mcalvert


    Thanks Mark - So - who else is coming along? What's a likely trip from Boulogne/Calais - 3.5hrs? Oh, and how far is it on to the Nurbergring? This really could be some trip! Regards - MC Edited by - Mcalvert on 14 Mar 2006 18:17:27
  23. Mcalvert


    Am in 2 monds about putting my name down for the SPA trackday. POSITIVES Fantastic, historical venue, Eau Rouge etc NEGATIVES Long way to drive I'm sure this will be a popular one - maybe already too late to book? Please, help me make up my mind! Michael.
  24. Hmm - Guilty as charged - Alloy head AND silicone hoses! Seriously though, having had a big valve head from Vulcan that went like stink, but lasted only 2 seasons of track days and sprints, the alloy head seemed to make sense. It is MUCH lighter and better designed with the repositioned plugs allowing more material between the valves. Car still goes like stink, and I;ve had the head for 18 months now without problem. Time will tell how long it lasts this time, but at least I feel that I've maximised my chances.. Michae.l.
  25. Ian, I can't comment on the cap as my setup is different, but as for changing the leads, I would say it's probably a good precaution after that length of time, and Magnacor offer an excellent product, and great after-sales service if you ever have a problem. Yes, the leads do just push in, but a couple of things to check 1)It's surprisingly easy to get the leads mixed up, so change them one at a time and label them - I use cable ties to denote 1,2,3,4 from the front of the engine at BOTH ends of the leads 2) The leads have boots at the end of them, and it is quite easy to think that the connectors are well engaged, when instead, it is just the boots holding the leads on. If you pull the boots up the cable a bit, you can ensure that the connectors are well engaged, the push the boots down. I don't believe that top quality leads like Magnacor will ever add power, but poor leads can certainly make problems and rob you of some. Regards, Michael.
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