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Everything posted by Mcalvert

  2. Competitors in the Club's Speed Championship gathered on Sunday for an awards ceremony to recognise all those who had been successful in various classes and categories. Pictured is Shaun Elwell being presented with the Overall Champion's trophy by Stuart Cresswell of Premier Power, the series' title sponsor. Congratulations to all who received awards. We hope to bring a fuller report in a future edition of Low Flying.
  3. This month: Exclusive road test of the Seven 485 • The power of BlatChat • Dreams can come true – Piloting a Spitfire • Girl Power • Wiscombe Hill climb report • Meeting the head of Caterham Aftersales • Area profile: Somerset and Wessex
  4. Just to throw another option into the mix - I have a relatively well developed Crossflow. Vulcan Engineering who built it advocate Valvoline racing 20W50. All the best Michael.
  5. We are pleased to announce that we are once again going to produce a Club calendar for 2015. This will be sent out to all members alongside Low Flying in January next year. We are looking to feature members’ own photos on the calendar’s cover and for each month. So - not only is this a chance for you to have photographs immortalised in print and hanging on walls around the world, but those whose shots are selected will be rewarded with prizes selected from the Club’s regalia range. The theme for the photo competition is “Lotus 7 Club Life”. We are happy for you to interpret this as you reasonably see fit, but themes of cars, touring, track days, Club events and the like will be particularly welcomed. A short caption for each picture submitted would be appreciated too, and any photo not used on the calendar may well be chosen to appear in Low Flying at a later date. Because of the calendar’s layout, pictures will need to be in landscape format. Please also make sure that files are of a high enough resolution to allow good quality reproduction. Please send entries to lowflying@lotus7club.com, with a single picture and caption per email. A maximum of five pictures is allowed per person and membership number. Please mark all entries with the subject title “Club Calendar 2015 Photo Competition”. Submissions should include your name, phone number and Club membership number. Competition Prizes 13 entries will be selected for the calendar, and the following prizes will be on offer: 1st Prize of a Lotus 7 Club Micro Fleece Jacket 2nd Prize of a Lotus 7 Club polo shirt (mens or ladies) The remaining selected entrants will receive a t-shirt from the Club’s regalia range. Terms and Conditions. 1) The closing date for the competition is the 17th November 2014. Images received after this date will not be eligible for consideration. 2) The competition is open to Club members only. Although you are welcome to submit up to five pictures per membership number, typically no more than one from any member’s set will be chosen in the final winning selection. 3) No images submitted to previous years’ competition will be considered. 4) Entrants must warrant that the photograph that they are submitting is their own work, that they own the copyright for it and that they have obtained any necessary consents relating to its capture and reproduction. 5) Entrants will retain the copyright to the image, but by entering, agree to allow the Lotus 7 Club licence to reproduce the submitted images royalty free in any manner that the Club deems fit for Club purposes. 6) The Club will endeavour to credit your picture wherever possible with an appropriate attribution, but this is not guaranteed. 7) Late, incomplete, defaced or corrupt entries will not be accepted. No responsibility can be accepted for lost entries and proof of transmission will not be accepted as proof of receipt. 8) The Judges’ decision is final. 9) The Club reserves the right to alter the prizes awarded in the event of unforeseen circumstances. 10) Submission of an entry implies acceptance of these terms and conditions in full.
  6. Media Statement Caterham Group wishes to clarify that, following the sale of the F1 business in July, it has no affiliation with Caterham F1 Team. Regarding news reports today that bailiffs have removed several items from Caterham F1 Team’s Oxfordshire base, Caterham Group also wishes to assure its customers and suppliers that this action has no bearing whatsoever on the car company or any of its affiliate business arms. Moreover, the Group wishes to reiterate that neither the Company nor any of its automotive or engineering divisions are in any financial danger. The shareholders of the Group, including co-Chairmen Tony Fernandes and Datuk Kamarudin Meranun, are wholly committed to the business. The Caterham brand name is in Formula One as a result of the Group’s former ownership of the F1 team and is being used under licence. The Caterham Group is concerned about the negativity that these circumstances, which are outside of its control, have on its brand and will continue to monitor the situation. Caterham Group now consists of Caterham Cars, Caterham Technology & Innovation and Caterham Composites; the F1 team is now run by an unconnected consortium of Middle Eastern and Swiss investors, following its sale earlier this year. While the Caterham F1 Team never reached its full potential, the other arms of Caterham Group – Caterham Cars, Caterham Technology & Innovation (CTI) and Caterham Composites – have continued to develop and flourish. The order book for Caterham Cars is full until March 2015, with the Company having to ramp up production from last month to satisfy increasing and unprecedented global demand for the legendary Seven. As Caterham Composites’ work in the aviation, marine as well as automotive sectors grows apace, CTI continues to win new third party contracts as well as the development of the new flagship Caterham two-seater sportscar, codenamed C120, amongst other projects.
  7. Thanks for the response Mark. Unfortunately, I don't think I can be there in time, so I'll have to pass. Really appreciate the offer however... Michael.
  8. Hi do you have any dimensions on the bookcases please Michael.
  9. You'll probably get some more detailed advice in a moment, but a charging problem and a gauge issue would point to a bad earth to me. Your manual should indicate where the earthling points are and worth checking that all connections are tight and corrosion free. Probably worth loosening them off and using a bit of emery paper to clean the connectors up as a precaution anyway? Michael.
  10. Without wanting to state the obvious, buy yourself a multi meter. Easy to use & not expensive and I can pretty much guarantee that this this will not be the only time it will come in useful! Something like this here Also worth looking for alternator reconditioning places (see Yellow Pages) - they will normally test a unit to diagnose the problem for free and repair is cheaper than new.... Michael Edited by - Mcalvert on 7 Aug 2014 11:14:03
  11. A SLOW "speed" event is probably just what I need, so I'm up for it Michael
  12. Yup - that was me. I was busy being rather proud of our 4 year old Alistair who piped up with "Daddy, who's that in the Caterham?" I though I had a pretty decent "Caterham Radar" but his is obviously more highly tuned than mine! I was going to wind the window down and say hello, but missed the opportunity... Enjoy your trial flight, but beware, gliding can be nearly as addictive as Sevening (and at least as weather dependant!) All the best - Michael.
  13. Another Caterham Club member at Lasham or just visiting? Either way, great day for low and high flying. Michael Edited by - Mcalvert on 15 Apr 2014 16:24:01
  14. That would be fabulous - thanks! Do you want to BM me your phone number and we'll have a chat over the weekend? Michael.
  15. Hi All, Does anyone attending this rolling road session fancy playing reporter for the day and collecting material for an article in LF? I think that the comparison between cars would make for a really interesting piece. I would come along myself, but unfortunately, it conflicts with the CTI visit. If anyone is able to help, I'd really appreciate it. I'll happily turn rough notes into a finished article - it would just need someone to take some pictures and details down. Many thanks Michael.
  16. Don't worry - there are a few of us "old timers" here - Xflow in my case. Those with new-fangled cars do deign to admit that there's something to be said for the noise (and flames) from the "pre-sanitised" engines... Besides, it never does any harm to remind them that there was live before the K series came along Michael.
  17. Oliver - I've just checked back to early photos of my Alloy head and confirmed that I originally had a heater running off of it. I can only assume that the head design has changed, as I believe I had one of the first in the country? Michael
  18. It definitely had a stripe, and a Lotus 7 Club plaque on the dashboard... Good to see, whoever's it is Michael.
  19. Are you a member at the gliding club? Michael Edited by - Mcalvert on 12 Jul 2013 09:55:34
  20. Tam and I will be ther even if we haven't been competing this year Michael.
  21. I know that the weather wasn't great, but did anyone take any? Thanks, Michael. Edited by - Mcalvert on 21 Jun 2013 19:39:52
  22. Chris has agreed to do a write up for LF, so we have imposed a gagging order on him Michael.
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