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Everything posted by Mcalvert

  1. Mcalvert

    Round 05 Epynt

    Thanks Tony It was genuinely a shame that the rain arrived after our 1st timed runs, but at least everyone got one fair shot at it. I like Epynt and I'm always surprised that we don't get more entrants... I haven't entered any events beyond Aintree (yet) so you'll have to take over Mr Matchwick "duties" for the next little while...
  2. Charlie - sorry for the delay in responding. Friday was engine rebuild day (yay!) and Saturday was the MT meeting so yesterday was family payback time Will send you a direct mail. Really glad to hear progress is being made on the car...
  3. Not yet Justin so yes please if you’d be willing to. Don’t worry - sketchy is a great start and I’ll do my best to embellish! Many thanks.
  4. If Ray would be so kind as to get in touch with me so I know that (s)he has it in hand, that would be much appreciated
  5. You don;t say where you are based Foggy, but if in the Thames Valley, I had a great job done by PJA Coachworks in Ashford Middlesex. Real Caterham enthusiasts and they did a good, and reasonably priced job for me (in my case it was only a noseband though, so I can't tell you what a full nose respray would be).
  6. As I had to retire from Coventry on Saturday with engine problems, I wasn't there to witness the Sunday's slippery antics. Would someone who was be willing to write a short report for LF please? Many thanks,
  7. This Month: Looking to the Future • How we work and what we do • Feeding my Addiction • Wet wet wet at Dunsfold • Member profile: David Martín Pérez • What a Scorcher • Introducing… Geoff Brown • News and Events Lowflying is currently with the printers and is expected to be sent out towards members around June 7th.
  8. Mcalvert

    Coventry finals

    Well Coventry Motofest takes the prize for the longest set of finals... I’ve run out of printer paper!
  9. Struggled a bit to find somewhere but spaces apparently here which is 20 odd mins away.
  10. Coventry Motorfest 1/2 June. The Sunday sprint forms a round of our Speed Championship and some have also entered the Saturday.
  11. Watch out paddock. Alan's getting serious about this sprinting lark!
  12. This month: Where It All Began • How Hard Can It Be? • Seven Sevens At Seventeen Hundred • Glorious Goodwood • Rolling, Rolling, Rolling • Introducing… Mike Scott • Financial Report 2018 Lowflying is currently with the printers and is expected to be sent out towards members around May 7th.
  13. This Month: Seven People: John Kelly • My Passion For Sevens • Magnificent Sevens • Fridge Door • My First Year With My First Caterham • The Journey Of A Lifetime • From The Archives • News And Events Lowflying is currently with the printers and is expected to be dispatched towards members around 8th April.
  14. This was my modest solution for a bonnet rack - simple, takes up little space and works really well... http://lowflying.lotus7.club/2010/2010_05_03_bonnet.pdf
  15. This Month: Cars With The Guards At Buckingham Palace • Tena-Tastic Touring • My Novice Season • A Tale Of An Amazing Friend • Bonnets Off! • New Member Profile: Zak Sexton • Fridge Door • News And Events Lowflying is currently with the printers and is expected to be dispatched out towards members around 8th March.
  16. This Month: A Visit To: 213 Performance • Meet The Neighbours: SSCN • P‘Cos it’s There! • New Member Profile • Life with my Seven • Hug a Hoodie? • Fridge Door • News and Events Lowflying is currently with the printers and should be dispatched around 7th Feb.
  17. This Month: Touring in a 21 • Bonnets Off – Seven JPE • The Making of ”Leichtbau Sportwagen” • What! No Windscreen? • Fridge Door • Who Lives in a House Like This? • Staying in Touch • The Last Blat of the Year • News and Events Lowflying is currently with the printers and should be dispatched out on Friday 18th, arriving with UK members on the Monday or Tuesday.
  18. This Month: The Rob Walker Centenary Festival • Christmas Day Motoring • All I Want For Christmas… • Portofino 2018 • The Longest Build Ever? • Speed Championship Awards • Seven People – John Muirhead • Fridge Door • News And Events Lowflying is currently with the printers and is expected to be dispatched towards members around 7th December
  20. That looks great! (Mind you, judging by the warnings on the can, it must contain some "good stuff" )
  21. Can't help but smile at "Prat breakdown services though..." Hope you're back on the road very soon. It's of no use for your R500 but in case this thread surfaces in future for a Xflow owner having alternator problems, the uprated bracket I referred to is a John Wilcox designed part here: http://www.wilcoxengines.co.uk/xflow_parts.htm
  22. This Month: The Longest Build Ever? • Life in a Bubble • Exploring the Wild Atlantic Way • Moving Redline Forwards • Tom Pryce – Man of Denbigh • The Trip the Club Saved • Club Speed Championship Update • News and Events Lowflying is currently with the printers and is expected to be dispatched towards members around 5th October
  23. Realy sorry to hear about your woes. No help for now but having said that the primaries were a bit near the alternator, might it be worth having them lagged / coated? In the early days with my Xflow, I used to fry an alternator about every other trackday. However, having - - Lagged the primaries to reduce the radiated heat - Fitted a slightly larger alternator pulley to reduce the peak rotation speed - Fitted a nylon alternator bracket I don't think I've had a failure in the following 12 or so years. Some / all of these might be relevent when it comes to your long term solution? Good luck with the fix and hope you can get going again soon...
  24. We are pleased to announce that we are once again planning to produce a Club calendar for next year, 2019. This will be sent out to all members with December’s Lowflying. Once again, we are looking to illustrate each month using members’ own photos. So, not only is this your chance to have your photographs immortalised in print, and hanging on members’ walls around the world, but those whose shots get selected for use will be rewarded with vouchers that can be used to pay for, or contribute towards, any product or service that the Club sells, including merchandise, Club-organised events, trackdays or even membership renewals! We always receive a fantastic range of photographs for the calendar, and we are once again going to retain the general theme for the photo competition as “Lotus 7 Club Life”. This could include themes of touring, events, track days, cars – the only real limit is your imagination. We particularly look forward to receiving photos that show the diversity that we have within our members in terms of location, age, gender, hobbies etc. A short caption for each picture submitted would be greatly appreciated, as any photo that is not used on the calendar may well be chosen to appear in Lowflying at a later date. PLEASE NOTE: Because of the calendar’s layout, pictures will need to be in landscape format. Please also make sure that files are sent in the highest resolution possible to ensure good quality reproduction. Please send entries to lowflying@lotus7club.com, with a single picture and caption per email. A maximum of five pictures is allowed per person and membership number. Please mark all entries with the subject title “Club Calendar 2019 Photo Competition”. Submissions should include your name, phone number and Club membership number. 12 entries will be selected for the calendar, and the following prizes will be on offer: 1st Prize £50 credit towards a Club product or service. 2nd Prize £30 credit towards a Club product or service. The remaining selected entrants will receive a £15 credit towards a Club product or service. Terms and Conditions. 1) The closing date for the competition is Friday 2nd November 2018. Images received after this date will not be eligible for consideration. 2) The Competition is open to Club members only. Although you are welcome to submit up to five pictures per membership number, typically no more than one from any member’s set will be chosen for the final winning selection. 3) No images submitted to previous years’ competition will be considered. 4) Entrants must warrant that the photograph that they are submitting is their own work, that they own the copyright for it and that they have obtained any necessary consents relating to its capture and reproduction. 5) Entrants will retain the copyright to the image, but by entering, agree to allow the Lotus 7 Club licence to reproduce the submitted images royalty free in any manner that the Club deems fit for Club purposes. 6) The prizes of credit towards a Club product or service can be redeemed up until 31 December 2019 either by placing an order via the Club office or purchasing merchandise from the ESV. Any remaining credit after this date will expire. 7) The Club will endeavour to credit your picture wherever possible with an appropriate attribution, but this is not guaranteed. 8) Late, incomplete or corrupt entries will not be accepted. No responsibility can be accepted for lost entries and proof of transmission will not be accepted as proof of receipt. 9) The judges’ decision is final. 10) The Club reserves the right to alter the prizes awarded in the event of unforeseen circumstances. 11) Submission of an entry implies acceptance of these terms and conditions in full.
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