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Everything posted by mikes

  1. I was looking forward to TM being in 4 - but he would only complain that he couldn't see anything 😬 Looks like everything will turn up so I can get the R400 -oh no, that's not right - the 190BHP ready for this year - no really!! As long as I can get the ecu connected up I should be up and running - even got some new super softs on order. Have to watch out for a baby blue 7 though - he has just had his engine rebuilt, so who knows what it will produce eh Stuart Mike
  2. Ok - that's one down - perhaps I won't have to use the full scope of the R400 after all Sorry to hear you won't be there for most of the events, we shall miss retelling the story of the trailer on the IoM 😬 Have a great Summer anyway and see you at Curbs... All the best Mike
  3. mikes

    Number Plates

    Stuart, Where do you take yours? I have used New Park Garage for the last few years and they have been very sensible. Be useful to know if there is another reliable tester in the area 😬 Mike Edited by - mikes on 8 Jan 2010 16:10:25
  4. That is just another ugly rumour Anyway, what is good enough for a Welsh rugby player....... And, I didn't book the only gay pub in the village!!! Mike
  5. Graeme, There aren't many withing 2.5 hours of Southampton and Portsmouth - I know as I live between Fareham and Southampton. If you want to restrict it to that, there should also be this one Saturday 26 June – Castle Coombe but otherwise the other nearest (I use the term losely!!) are Curborough near Litchfield, MIRA near Nuneaton and Llandow,other side of Cardiff - all of which I can do in about 3 hrs - but that is with the trailer. For all the others I tend to stop over in B&Bs etc - although a number camp . They tell me it is good fun....... Presumably you are on the Isle of Wight - so I suppose your travelling is dependant on ferry times etc as well. Be happy to help if possible. Mike
  6. I was just applauding it as showing what a talented driver could do - obviously not as talented as the driver who won on the Sunday though 😬 😬 Mike
  7. Yeah - well, I have already banned Kate from the garage and threatened to stop her pocket money so that should prevent her from giving any more dubious evidence in court! The results in most classes show that it is not really the machinery that matters - even something with clamshells won an event in Class 3 😬 And at a wetish Harewood on the Saturday it was a lowly Class 3 car that took the honours wasn't it Mark And a sense of humour helps - especially when you have to put up with whippersnappers going on, and on about Saga Seveners and the ridiculous rumours about R300s in Class 3 😬 😬 Mike - Now nearly ready to attack Class 4!
  8. Or ex R400 engined 7s - obviously restricted to 190 bhp - or there abouts Mike
  9. Just revisiting this as I have just acquired an Emerald which I have to plumb my EU3 loom into. Does anyone have a suitable connector made up to go EU3 to Emerald that they no longer need or want to sell? Alternatively, Steve T - do you still have any of the EU3 connectors available? Cheers Mike
  10. mikes


    Don't worry about the age thing - the young whippersnappers will be a nuisance as usual, but it is experience that counts! Assuming I get it all together - see you in class 4! it is good to see some other SAGA Severners around See you in the paddock at Goodwood - happy to help out if it is your first event. Mike
  11. Ah yes Richard - but as you proved many times the 1600 gives you quite a a few more MPH throught the speed traps at Aintree - even from a standing start at Beechers! Poor old 1800 just couldn't match it. Mike
  12. Thanks Shaun - donation to NtL going to be made. Mike
  13. mikes

    bad taste

    Old man indeed - whippersnappers Nothing wrong with my tyres - they matched the output of the engine perfectly 😬 😬 Any more of that and I will have to demand a revote on the next Comp Sec Although maybe not in case you got out of it. It is all this whinging after such a sporting year, I dunno Mike
  14. mikes

    bad taste

    Actuallt Ray - it wasn't And there I was thinking all that was over with - should have nown better 😬 Mike
  15. mikes

    bad taste

    Got mine too Never mind all you others - there is always next year! Mike
  16. BTT - anyone else thinking about changing from their current K? Mike
  17. I am looking for an 1800 K Series engine with between 180-200 BHP preferably with throttle bodies, ECU and engine loom although just the engine will be considered. Mike
  18. Looks brilliant -would love to do it, but obviously depends on our Championship -do they do double drives? My daughter Kate might not be that keen on UK hillclimbs - happy on the circuits though, but this is something else! Mike
  19. mikes

    What a weekend

    Agree with everyone - brilliant weekend 😬 Congratulations to Nick for a great performance on Sunday - even with his gammy leg! And an exciting finish to the year in 3 with Malcolm pulling out an excellent time on the Saturday (even though he then took points off Judith - are you talking again now?), and a close run thing on the Sunday with really good performances from Graham and Michael back on form. Glad to say my second driver wasn't quite as good at showing me the full potential of my car as Rob's Thanks to everyone for making it so enjoyable - and I can now pull the R300 engine out to upgrade next year.... Mike
  20. Can't believe this is still rumbling on Anyway, if it is wet at the weekend I may as well put the old engine back in as all that extra power won't help much - probably keep the R500 fuel pump though..... Mike
  21. Oh, and just to say I used 7.5" wheels from Image - I got the cheaper 2 piece ones using the offset etc that worked for Shaun - they have been fine, and were just as quick, or quicker than those mag ones on other 7s in Class 3 😬 😬 Mike
  22. In case it is any help - the super softs have lasted pretty well for a whole year's sprinting - that includes Llandow and Pembrey - possibly the most severe tests. Doubt they will last another year though! Not sure how much of an advantage they were and it felt that they were probably going off on the second lap at Llandow - but by then you are pushing much harder. having said that, for the same price, and assuming they were available , I would go for them again. You never know, they may justy give you an edge 😬 Mike
  23. Blimey Richard - 8 seasons - I seem to get through a pair almost ever season -but then I have bought the cheapo Sparco ones. Perhaps you just don't turn the wheel as much as me - just use the car's natural momentum to take corners - sometimes even end up facing the right way 😬 Mike
  24. I will let someone else tell you if they will be mandatory for 2010 (I suspect the answer is yes) but it always occurred to me that the first think I need to do if there is a fire is to get out of the car - and for that I need my hands - so fire proof gloves seem a worthwhile minor investment compared to the overalls etc. Mike
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