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Everything posted by mikes

  1. If it is any help - these people made up a connector for me - and a very neat job too http://www.wiringwinners.com/frames.asp I did have to supply the EU3 'female' connector and the EU2 wiring from Emerald though. Mike
  2. mikes


    Hi Ian, I have got one, but not the small mesh grille to go behind it. Mike
  3. But I wonder how long Avon ZZRs will last Rodney showed they were pretty good out of the box (if you see what I mean!!) well, off the start line anyway, but will they last..... Looks like we might need 2 sets for the season... Mike
  4. That looked a pretty neat lap Mark - well done, despite the childish bits Wish I could have done one like that! Mike
  5. I am sure all the other Class 1 warriors will be devastated by you going 😬 I have to say that when I moved from 2 to 3 it was so nice to be driving on the 1B rubber after years of living on the ragged edge of 1A - I am sure you will enjoy it. Class 3 will be thrilled Good luck. Mike
  6. OK - will try to put something together - obviously no yellow trowel moments - although that is all in the timing! Just hope my editing skills are up to it 😬 Mike
  7. mikes


    Now, that would be telling 😬 Mike
  8. mikes


    We can get Paul out with his tyre temperature gauge to see who is the hottest!! I know the bloke at BMTR said he only had two 185s and two 215s in A24 left and he considered them a set. The 185s are a bit cheaper as well! Won't the R400 switch only get the rears up to temp more quickly - that is certainly what seems to have happened so far this season? Mike
  9. mikes


    I do still have some supersofts from last year - but it would be interesting to try the Avons......and I just checked the diameter - 559mm compared to Kumho 540mm - so they would be nice and snug under the wings - (all you tarts with your CSR wings will be in trouble though ) and the marginal extra width 230mm vs 226mm will be OK - not that I am really thinking about it Of course, I need to keep some Kumhos just in case they don't work properly - or it is standing water wet - but nothing much works in that anyway! Mike
  10. mikes


    If they really have run out then maybe that will mean an order for some nice new Avons - and I won't have to get new front wings 😬
  11. Hmmm...that was what I thought Rob ☹️ I blame the rain shower just before the last run - oh yes, and the complete lack of tread on one of the front tyres now after I locked up approaching Martini on the first timed run On the other hand, it does mean that if the rest of us in Class 4 try very hard at Anglesey we could scupper Chris' aspirations (unless of course some 'spot betting type' offers are made 😬) And well done Shaun - excellent Mike
  12. Thanks Lynn 😬 I am sure it is exactly what Chris needs - of course no self interest for you then Mike
  13. Glad you are back home safely Simon - those hospitals are dangerous places - just think of the doctors you know..... From now on I am sticking to red wine as a proven kidney stone preventer (OK - just made that up, but you never know 😬) I am sure Chris and I will come to a sensible agreement on Saturday and both take it easy - we will just have to make sure the others do the same! Luckily I have my minder to make sure I am fit on Saturday morning, although he was a bit lacking in his duties last weekend Mike
  14. And have you got a suitable deal going on the one ways yet Simon? Mike
  15. At the moment I would say priceless ☹️ I have to find some way of keeping up with the flying Custard 😬 Mike
  16. If it is any help - I have used these people to check if there was a fault on my EU3 ecu http://www.carelect.demon.co.uk/index.html In my case I had a constant drain that may have been an ecu fault - they checked it and said it was OK. So either the problem was elsewhere or I wasted £35. Still don't know as I have now changed to Emerald. Mike
  17. I don't know who you are referring to, but I am hoping to avoid another court appearance 😬In any case I will definitely be getting a different barrister and witness 😔 With those speeds recorded at Loton, I am not sre that the Ali and Custard car doesn't require some sort of investigation. When I recorded a similar speed it meant a major trip to the grass -fortunately not the last Mike
  18. mikes


    Thanks for showing those DAD!! I could see the old bonfire patch coming up in my 'slightly' off-line path - but couldn't do anything to miss it ☹️ At least I wasn't the last one off , phew! Mike
  19. mikes


    Nice one Chris - But I was only competing in Class 5 on Saturday 😬 I just wonder if I remembered to turn the wick down Amazingly close at the end in Class 4 - with Stuart's time (on warm tyres) after the 2nd timed showing what could be done. I am told his lip quivered a bit when we posted quicker time on the 3rd run - well he is only young 😬, but it was a great time for someone who had only seen the hill the day before - and with out walking it before the first practice on the Saturday. I think the grey brigade had better be on the money at Loton! Glad to see that Paul didn't disappoint - but not his usual place..... Mike
  20. But Stuart - isn't yours one of those old EU2 ones - no wonder you keep going on about not having enough power 😬 Again, if it is any help - mine is an EU3 (but now on an Emerald) and only another few minutes away from Stuart. Mike
  21. Richard - are you sure that is you driving? - no drama, near misses etc Congratulations on the Class record - at least I still have one of them 😬 Mike
  22. It did all happen a bit quickly didn't it? I must admit that the first time through I was a bit surprised by the lack of grip. Glad you are OK -but now wondering exactly what we did say that has been caught on camera - nothing slanderous I hope Mike
  23. mikes


    Glad to hear you are back up and running Grahame. Of course I have the R300 engine sitting here in the garage and I did think of offering it to you - but it is EU3 😬 Mike
  24. mikes

    Shelsley VSCC meet

    I am suprised that someone hasn't posted to say you can see plenty of old boys going up the hill on Saturday - some even in old cars Don't think the 7s qualify for the vintage category though. Mike
  25. mikes

    The Busa it lives

    Glad to hear it Rob - just keep an eye on that oil pressure Mike
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