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Everything posted by mikes

  1. Graham, Yes, well done again for organising a great year and making it fun. Congratulations to all the class winners - it has been a very competitive year. It is nice to be thought of as a well organised lot - although the behaviour of some of the younger members leaves a bit to be desired - especially not showing as much respect as they should for their elders - you know who you are!! 😬 😬 Mike
  2. Richard, Thanks for the kind thoughts - I will certainly be trying to make sure Andy scores as few points as possible *smile* And, it is about time somebody took that young whipersnaper Durrant down a peg or two - now where did I leave my comfy slippers...... The SS (that's Saga Sevens)
  3. mikes

    quaife diffs

    I also have one - used for road and sprints etc and although it has taken a while to get used to it compared to an 'open' diff, as Kipper says it certainly seems to do the job. I don't get any additional noise from mine though - so Stephen, I think you had better pull out of the remaining sprints of the season just in case!!! 😬 See you at the Marshall Sprint I expect. Mike
  4. mikes

    regs 2005

    And an events that I can win(please?) would be nice!! I think a minimum weight in Class 2 is a cracking good idea - start eating the pies again Mark 😬 😬 Mike
  5. Dave, As you offered, can you also fax a form to me - the fax number is 01895 452297 Thanks Mike
  6. Richard, Of course I wouldn't include you in the Saga Sevens - you look much too young 😬 As I was next to last running in my group I missed seeing the action at Fallow - but I would not have been so unsporting to have applauded a fellow competitor who made a slight error (not much!! 😬 😬) I will pass on the number for the Qualcast Motorsport Division to you Mark as you too may have done enough this year to deserve one of their awards! Keep trying though, and you may get their gold medal! Mike
  7. Yes, thanks again Graham for organising this - it really is a very pretty place, although a little daunting. It was pretty spectacular to watch the fast boys coming down to triangle - particularly liked Dave's smoke screen effect to try and disguise how fast he was going! Class 2 was competitive as ever, just a shame that the rain prevented the headstrong youngsters who threw it off the track on the first timed run from being able to try and catch up. Folly of youth I suppose. The Saga Sevens obviously didn't make that mistake!! *smile* Anyway, well done Richard for a very good Class 2 win. Mike
  8. For what it is worth Graham, I would vote for 2. Keep up the good work Mike
  9. As long as nobody lets that Mark Durrant anywhere near my car (last time he was allowed near it he tried to ruin the aerodynamics by plastering it with grass)I would also be happy to volunteer my class 2 sort-of-competitive ageing xflow. I tried modifying the aerodynamics myself at MIRA by removing the number plate and rear lights on some carelessly placed cones - but it didn't help. Mike
  10. Don't think there is an expansion tank like there is for the radiator - I think what you have got is a catch tank - intended to catch the oil blown out of the breather. The intention of this is just to stop the oil dropping all over the road/track, so it is not intended to be sucked back into the sump when it cools down. If this is the case the amount in there will vary - depends on how much you fill it, and how hard it is blowing. I think all xflows blow some out. I wouldn't worry about the cap - unless the fumes are getting to you. Most of these catch tanks have another tube which exits from the top of the tank and is directed underneath the car so you don't spend all your time breathing in oil fumes. Just stick some tape over the top if you like. Mike
  11. Have you tried here? www.woolies-trim.co.uk I have used them several times and always very helpful. Mike
  12. Adam & Steve, Copies have been emailed. Good luck Mike
  13. Woolly, I have sent a copy of the entry form to your email address. Mike
  14. Now, now, Mark - there's no need for that sort of thing . Mind you, I see you have kept an eye on the numbers to be at the front of the field as well. I will try and make sure the grass is nice and short for when you have your run!! Mike
  15. Woolly, Mine is at home and if you don't get any other kind person sending you a copy I can send it tomorrow. We can't have too many xflows to show the Ferrari lot what a real car sounds like!! 😬 😬 Regards Mike
  16. mikes


    My thanks to everyone as well for a great weekend. Sorry Andy - I continued to smile all the way home about how lucky I was to have the 4th run *cool* Somebody has to help Dave keep the xflow flag flying though! I was particularly concerned (weren't we all!!) with the times Mark was setting - although I believe it may have had something to do with chilli-power! After managing to mess up the first timed run with a just slightly too late braking into the bus stop - sideways - oops - oh bugger moment, I was always trying to catch up. Still - brilliant times Mark, and well done Colin as well. Mike
  17. I haven't fitted any poppers supplied by Caterham, but with other I have used which have a brass 'tube' in the centre, after pushing it through the leathercloth and putting the popper over, I use a centrepunch (and a big hammer!)to splay out the brass tube thing and then a 'flat' punch to finish the job. The set of punches came from Halfords. I got the poppers cloth from here http://www.woolies-trim.co.uk and they also do the criming tool. When I asked if I needed one they said that it really depends on how many you are doing - presumably it is much easier with the tool. Good luck Mike
  18. I was faced with exactly the same prospect a year ago. I am pleased to say that I must have succeeded because it is still running! This was the first time I had installed an engine, although I had taken it out as well. My first tip is that it is very helpful to get a load leveller - from Draper Tool catalog or MachineMart etc. It means you can take it really easy - especially as you do need to angle the engine to get it past the front crossmember, but then need to reduce the angle to mate up with the bellhousing. I don't know what others use, but I used small ali plates which hung from the shackles of the leveler and were attached to the engine by the front and back exhaust/inlet manifold studs. As far as running in is concerned I took the advice of someone who I trust completely as far as tuned xflows are concerned (and who rebuilt my engine) - and that was for the first 500 miles -run on Castrol GTX or similar (ie non-synthetic oil) - do not allow it to labour - keep to max 3000rpm After that, change filter and to synthetic and gradually build up to using max revs. Don't know about bolts and things - but try Redline. Good luck Mike
  19. Hey Paul, Don't feel as if you have to do the Sprints again - I don't need somebody else that beats me as well. No chance you are running somewhere other than class 2 is there? Still - perhaps it will rain at the right time for us again 😬 😬 😬 Mike
  20. I am also interested in this topic. Siphoning sounds like a good idea - I was having trouble working out how not to end up with (more!) oil all over the garage floor. Do you use some sort of cunning siphon gizmo - I don't fancy sucking on the end of a tube myself - a petrol mouthwash is bad enough !! Mike
  21. mikes

    Lydden Entry Form?

    Stupid boy! *mad* I knew you had it all under control Graham - I was just checking you were all still awake as there has been a distinct lack of controversy on here recently. Thanks Mike *wink*
  22. mikes

    Lydden Entry Form?

    Graham, I seem to have got sent a ......Sprint Championship Registration form (not ours, but the one that includes Lydden) with the handbook for the series - but no form to enter the Sprint on the 3rd April. Do I have to register with them first (another £12?? will it never end!!) or will another form be winging it way to me? I couldn't see that we were mentioned as a participating club. Mike
  23. Mikek - YHM. Mike - how many more Mike's are there out there I wonder *confused*
  24. Graham, Something of a well trodden path I think! I decided exactly the same thing at the end of 2002 - for the same reason. I also only wanted to go to a reasonable output (initially anyway!) and went for what Chris Wheeler/Roger King referred to as their Supersprint Plus which is expected to be about 140bhp. Can't help much about the type of forged pistons - RK sorted all that out (and did all the work for which I am eternally grateful!). The other main bits I can think of were: -steel rocker posts -new valves and single springs - u/l valve seats and some head work -replaced camshaft (no real signs of wear but problem if needs replacing later) - rebore (to 83.5mm?) -tuftrided crank and rockers - competition main and big end bearings - Cosworth big end bolts - high capacity oil pump - Alpha 3D electronic ignition - Electric fuel pump Duplex timing gear is not necessary until you go for more output than this. Not all these are necessary for the 140bhp but they were recommended if you want to go higher in the future. The electronic ignition is not a must but the spark is far superior to the original or the upgrades (so I am told) and given the small additional cost I thought it was really worth replacing. I can never understand how distributors can actually do what they need to do anyway - they seem so crude!! I can only say that I am very happy with the results, although considerably poorer - but you get to keep a proper engine - a crossflow *smile* Mike
  25. I always remember what the result is when I have been tested - but nearly always forget! Mine is a 1989 exhaust so it may be a little knacked by now, but I do know I always fail at Goodwood - 98dB limit I think, and I seem to recall that it was about 104 or similar at one of the sprints. I have not failed anywhere else anyway so it presumably is reproducibly below 105dB (if that is the normal upper track noise limit). Graham - I too have clamshells *smile* Mike
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