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Everything posted by mikes

  1. mikes

    MIRA Results

    I am currently developing the radio controlled remote rev limiter - so if I see Kate going too fast - that's it 😬 Mark - I am not sure we will be doing the Marshall's sprint as well - she gets back from holiday (whatever that is) on the Thursday I think, and wants more than a day to recover apparently - I might suggest it again though. Do you think I will improve as much, or will it just be a good opportunity for me to get the car setup right for her? Aarghhhh - it MY car damit!!! Mike
  2. mikes

    MIRA Results

    Quite right Martin - I don't know either *confused* Most impressed that she managed to match the speed as it means she had to be pushing as she was coming out of the first left hander before you actually see the straight bit. More impressive still is that she cut her times from a 71 sec on the first practice down to 57. something on the last timed - only 3 sec behind me - gulp *eek* I had better start taking some lessons from Andy 😬 😬 As you say though, I was a bit concerned by the casual delivery of the information about hitting the rev limiter - that's my car!! Really pleased for her though - she was very chuffed 😬 😬 Thanks to Mark and obviously the really important people who volunteered to help run the day. Much appreciated. Mike
  3. Well - Kate did enjoy it, and also found out how different a hillclimb is to as sprint She managed to end up in the ditch just after Triangle on her first practice run - couldn't get it back on track until the marshalls gave her a hand, and then on the second timed run demonstrated her commitment by going wide after Monument and nudging the bank! Only bent the timing strut though, and of course Dad can sort that out can't he? Mind you, she did manage to improve by over 10 sec between her 2 complete runs which was pretty good going. Not sure about how fast she will be at MIRA - assuming she manages to stay on the track of course 😳 I have no doubt she will improve a lot over the runs (and of course we will get quite a few with luck) but she may not be able to make up for the enourmous bhp or sticky tyres available to the rest of you (Drivers excuse No 52) It will be fun whatever happens - I just hope sorting her out doesn't distract me too much (Drivers excuse No 55) 😬 😬 Mike
  4. mikes


    Congratulation 😬 😬 You have qualified for entry to one of the most exclusive clubs around - please check your regular LRAS newsletter for the correct spelling of 'rhododendron' (it's a bugger isn't it?) I must say I did find that they had good progressive retardation properties - as long as you don't get skewered by one of the long branches Certainly much more sensible that hitting a proper tree 😳. I was still picking bit of shrubbery (was going to say bush , but I know what you lot are like) out of the car weeks afterwards. Glad there was no significant damage anyway - and at least Adrian's wing sheared off at the nylon bolts rather than ripping their way through the ali bodywork. Mike
  5. mikes


    Very interesting to try and remember a full circuit after only one practice lap - major disadvantage for a Saga Sevener! Especially as I completely ballsed up that run by forgetting about the right hander after paddock *eek* Don't worry Neil as long as we get at least 5 timed runs I should be able to leave 3rd spot to you 😬 😬. Not a bad idea about the girls all sharing a car - but can you imaging the difficulty they would have agreeing on a choice of matching interiors and colours which didn't clash with the race suit 😳 😳 Thanks Simon and Mark for organising it - I still think the original idea for wording on the shirts would have been better - it would have certainly have given me more to be smug about than Andy who came first 😬 Mike
  6. Many thanks to you, Brian and Graham for managing to get us into such a great place When you first see the hill, and walk it, there is no doubt it is steep, but it looks deceptively simple. Driving it for the first time it is difficult to remember much of what happened, but it is far from simple! It certainly takes a different level of belief and commitment through kennel and crossing to get a good time, especially as it all happens so quickly. I can't wait to go back and try again. The organisation of the event was superb and it hugely impressed some Australian visitors who had helped run a national championship hillclimb near Adelaide. I now understand why it is regarded as such a special place. Mike
  7. We missed you Charles - you would have loved the event - it was the right decision though. I struggled with a trailer with lights which usually worked after a kicking - but it was always a worry. MIke
  8. Well, I certainly seem to have the job of sponsor - how could I have so stupid to think that once they left home my cashflow would improve *smile* However, I wouldn't want to take the greasemonkey job away from you Mark - I know you love it 😬 Mike
  9. Don't worry, I will as her to take it gently 😬 Some hope. Last time at Aintree she she was on the rev limiter on her second run My poor, old xflow ☹️ Mike
  10. Thanks Adrian. Just have to find a way to slow her down now *wink* Mike
  11. The website doesn't seem to be working at the moment - does anybody remember if Kate and I are in? If she has an entry and I don't there's going to be tears - because I have the car keys 😬 😬 Mike
  12. Thanks Geoff - I will put the form in the post. Must remember to read it properly next time!! Mike
  13. Yes please - how are the different groups looking ? - I am happy with blue or red (as long as the big boys don't try and beat me up!). Mike
  14. Geoff, Are there still places left for Spa? Thanks Mike
  15. Now that is worrying - it is bad enough when I can't remember!! I will have to get you a Saga Sevens application form - if only I knew where they were..... Actually it wasn't that sideways, it was just very entertaining. Mike
  16. A large one for me please Mark. Thanks Mike
  17. It was a really enjoyable day, especially as the prospective sprinters all seemed to enjoy it so much, including the demo laps. Perhaps it was because a few of them had just jumped out of Simon's car - but they all remarked how nice it was to be driven smoothly (can't imagine what they meant by that ). In any case it was a pleasure to do the demo laps trying to avoid grass cutting, but providing an idea of the excitement of sprinting. Not all of us achieved the right balance all the time 😳 Thanks Simon for the ride - it was amazing - I was so intrigued by watching the gear lever move all by itself that I hardly noticed we were going rapidly sideways most of the time *wink*. I don't think I will be trying the changing up whilst still coming out of the corners like that just yet though!! Thanks to Andy and Mark for organising the day so well - I still have a whole rear exit exhaust system for sale though! Mike
  18. Andy, Do you think I will be swamped with interest in my recent cast-offs from the xflow? I have a complete rear exit exhaust system as well as some other bits - and NO, before you ask, you cannot have my flared wings even though I know how much you want some for yourself *smile* See you there! Mike
  19. Looks like it is only Saga Seveners and spouse, and some young n'er do well who are brave enough to tackle it. Or is that 'daft enough' ..... if only I could remember...... See you on Sunday. Mike
  20. Exactly Graham - so what you are saying is that it takes exceptional skill and courage to even compete with a xflow, let alone actually beat any of the 98% that are 'K's. What can I say - except agree 😬 😬 Mike
  21. Had mine done recently as well - and very pleased. It is a 1990 xflow with the same 2.8 sporting c/r ratios - but the ticket said heavy duty as well. There is a faint whine from the box which I didn't notice before - well I assume it is something to do with the box as if I take it out of gear the noise stops but the car keeps going! It could be that the whine was always there, but running an aeroscreen before it went in for the BGH treatment could have drowned it out. Doesn't really matter to me as the aero is back on now for the season. Mike
  22. mikes

    Ignition Leads

    Just got my custom made set from Magnecor - excellent service and they look very pretty, I just hope I got the measurements right The existing leads can only sustain 3 cylinders now, and as I have a xflow with 3D electronic ignition I had to get a custom set made up. After I sent off the request there was a bit of a wait, but 2 days ago I got a call at 8.45pm from Dave?, the guy who makes up the custom leads at Magnecor checking the details - he suggesting that as I use it for sprinting and maybe get more severe engine vibration, he would use a different plug boot. They arrive 2 days later - brilliant. Pity the forecast suggests that I will not find out the full effect of the change this weekend. Mike
  23. Very funny!! Actually I am thinking of bringing my own selection of shrubbery to save time this year - You wait *wink* Anyway, with Richard making gravel gardens I recon we could just about set up a garden nursery. I have heard though that rhododendrons just love R500s because they go into them so much quicker - what is more, I met somebody who may be marshalling at the Longcross event so I recon a few quid will see a certain car persistently red flagged 😬 😬 Got to get my own back somehow. Mike
  24. mikes

    Type 9 gearbox

    I may have posted something about bellhousings some time ago but surely you don't think it was me I find it hard to believe that anybody would stoop to just throwing money at their car to try and win! How pathetic is that? Personally I will just rely on talent (hmmm... might have to rephrase that depending on this year's results!!). Anyway, I can safely say that it is not my gearbox as I have still got it. On the other hand, in discussions with someone who rebuilds gearboxes recently, they said that type 9s are getting hard to find an/or expensive from scrap yards as somebody is buying them up and shipping them abroad by the container load - irrespective of condition! Danny - You shouldn't drive so fast Mike
  25. I changed to a 244 cam, 4:1 race exhaust and large bore side exit (in my case Techcraft titanium) last year. The new exhaust system made a big difference to the power available lower down in the rev range. I was also told that the old rear exit exhaust was the limiting factor and had to be change to release the potential performance available fron the other bits. Certainly feels liek it has. I haven't changed to 45s - it would be interesting to know if they make any difference eventually. The new side exit is quieter than the old rear exit - but it has lost that lovely crackle and pop you used to get with it - and the flames no longer try to set fire to the car behind on overrun 😳 😳 Mike
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