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Everything posted by mikes

  1. Hmm well, I thought I needed a bit more than new discs to keep up with you Metro engined boys 😬 😬 Mike
  2. Well, if you weren't going to let Kipper Junior lose in the car you wouldn't need new pads and discs would you? 😬 😬 Mike
  3. You could try these people here http://www.southdownaero.com/ I know they had a nose cone a few weeks ago and can make them in a week or so. Not sure it is the right one for a Series III though - I suspect it will only be a relatively late shape - but is there much difference? Mike
  4. Either date is probably OK - I do hope we are going to have an 'Experienced Sprinters' award for the Saga Seveners! *smile* Mike
  5. Pair of leather S-type seats for exchange for a pair of Tilletts with adjustable runners for drivers seat. The black leather seats are in good condition from a car that has only done 9000 miles and I would expect the Tilletts to be in a similar condition. I would consider composite or carbon fibre seats with cash if necessary. I will take some pictures to email to anyone interested. I would prefer to exchange with or without cash, but outright sale is possible. Mike Tel: work 01895 452282 Home 01489 572655
  6. mikes

    Awards Video

    It stopped after 7 minutes for me as well - looks like I will have to do some work instead then! Well done to Simon and everyone else for producing this. Can we do a DVD? Mike
  7. Neil, As Dave says, you didn't have the benefit of knowing how bl**dy scary it was going to be!! Of course if you had listened to the wisdom of your elders - you would have still been no better off!! 😬 Mike
  8. Oh Mrs K, does that mean Kipper junior is back in the fray? I preferred it when he stuck to Class 1 though *smile* As for the scoring for the Ladies and Novice - surprisingly Simon, that isn't a bad idea. It is always going to be difficult to try and get competitive points scoring when there are relatively few competitors and a wide range of classes entered. Working this way will produce a 'ranking' of relative performance at each event, but translating the percentage into points should keep it reasonably close. I am trying very hard to think of some drawbacks (can't believe I agree with Simon 😬 😬) - but apart from the need to publish the percentages and points for clarity - I can't at the moment. Mike
  9. Ok, so I am bored at work on a Friday morning. Does all this mean I will have to try and get my now rebuild 'all steel' xflow down to 160bhp for next season? ☹️ ☹️ I didn't know that Paul and I in class 2 had you lot that rattled 😬 Not sure quite how to lose that much horsepower though....... Mind you, at least it will spare me some of the additional chassis changes I need to cope with it . I still think we should introduce some form of compensation for the age of the driver - and I don't mean making it easier for the whipper snappers! Mike
  10. Simon, Less of the 'old man' if you don't mind - don't you know it is now illegal (if you were employing me 😳) to use such discriminatory language - quite appaling!! *tongue* Still, what can you expect from a Taffy 😬 😬 Don't know why you think Kate will be nearer to my time than Fiona will be to yours - if she had her way I would be relegated to transporter driver anyway!! 'Old Git' Mike
  11. Another *thumbup* for our surgeon - and for Mark for organising the flowers *thumbup* - a very nice thought. I got a pot plant when I went off last year - thank guys! Mike
  12. No expense spared then "MDF-board box housing engine" I know MDF is pretty good - just look at all those quality redecorations they do on the TV programmes (Aarghh....) but MDF hasn't crept into FI yet as a fireproof bulkhead material has it? 😬 😬 You don't see it in the SAGA DIY magazine I can tell you! I need to know because of the major upgrade planning for next year. Mike
  13. Good quality images - did you find your tree Mark? 😳 Well doen Neil - I knew consultants must be useful for something 😬 Mike
  14. Mark, Should be 3 of us, will put the form in the post at the weekend - assuming I can get Kate to tell me what she wants to eat. Yes, you've guessed it - I am probably paying again 😳 I expect the other Saga Sevener will be sending in his own form. The Team Owner 😬
  15. One for me and one for Kate. I will no doubt be maintaining the tradition of paying for her's as well!! I would certainly expect Ian to come and quite possibly Kate's other half. Mike
  16. Thanks Pat - Kate is delighted, as you might expect. She said she was about get in some professional help with the speech for the awards lunch!! Obviously I have to take a fair bit of the credit as owner, mechanic and general dogsbody - just lucky that I don't need such things as class championship winners cups (sob, sob....... ☹️ ☹️) Always next year though 😬 Mike
  17. mikes

    Thanks Mark!

    My thanks too Mark for all the hard work - you even managed to organise good weather for Wiscombe, although not so good at other times! However, I am going to sack you as my drinks advisor - I now have to go into rehab 😬 😬 Mike
  18. Or you could go with the Bridgestone Potenza RE720 which I think are still available in 14" size. According to the website they list 185/60/14. Before the Stunners became the sprint pimp's choice (I should know I have them ) many of us had these and they were OK - I think generally regarded as a little softer than the Yokos but not much in it. If you want to really get competitive you can have most of the tread shaved off which exposes (supposedly) a softer compound layer. However, I can vouch for the fact that they are a little short of grip when you first go out on them after having them shaved - I have a rhodenderon trophy to remind me of of what you hit when you visit the scenery at Longcross 😳 In your first year I doubt the tyre choice is going to be a major factor in the placings. I am sure you are going to enjoy it whatever you choose. Mike
  19. I will be there as well - many thanks the McFarlanes. I am too old to go camping in Yorkshire so I will be joining the nancy southern boys in a B&B *wink* I also need to check out the secrets of making a xflow go so quickly - but not like it did on the last run on Sunday at Curborough ☹️ ☹️ Thanks again Mike
  20. Guy, I have a pdf of the template - just can't work oput how to attach it. Send me a mail and I will email it to you. Best regards Mike
  21. Hmmm...4 piles of bricks and everyone will think you are a local 😬 😬 I think Ian must have heard of your plan because he is trying to hide in central France instead of going to Aintree. You never know, if he fails to negotiate some of those mountainous bits the wheels might still be available!! Mike
  22. What a cheek 😬 It is quite true though - I am not that quick- but also not that old! Sometime or other the two should coincide (for all of us MARK!!!!!)-but I hope that is because my times are getting faster, not that my slowing down is overtaking my age *eek* You wait until you get your new wheels and Stunners Paul! Mike
  23. Doesn't it become illegal to discriminate against old people after October? Not that it has anything to do with me though *cool* Perhaps a Saga Se7ens championship with some form of handicap system which takes chronological (rather than Mental 😬) age into account? Of course, I suspect that it is not a linear progression in the reduction of competence, so to be fair we would have to come up with a suitable complex formula - any mathmeticians out there? Like I said, it obviously doesn't affect me - just those young upstarts keep going faster!! Mike
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