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Everything posted by mikes

  1. I have just sent to your work email. Is easy meat the same as 'fresh meat'? Perhaps I should ask Michael as he seems to be soem sort of expert on this subject Mike
  2. I will send you the partially completed one am using for Kate - you will have to do your own 'tippexing'. Good - I need some more people in the class that I can beat 😬 😬 Mike
  3. Only if I don't manage to effectively hide the application form! We still have to put an entry in for her - now that she is fully familiar with spinning on all sorts of surfaces *eek*she has decided that maybe it isn't so bad after all! Hope she can still get in. Mike
  4. Simon - well, whatever gave you that idea 😬 Fiona will probably kill you, but I think it gave Kate a real boost to have your views of her laps of Pembrey. We will just have to remind her that max agression on the first lap is not necessarily the best idea Mike
  5. Yup - pity about the new gravel rash - but at least she kept the wing on - so not quite as bad as Dad *eek*!! It might have been a close thing though considering the amount of grass trapped under the wing. Mark, as you are therefore excused wing replacement duties, you can try polishing it out - it is probably all your fault anyway for telling her to floor it round paddock. And of course none of this was helped by Simon encouraging her on the track day!! No really - thanks Simon - now you know what it feels like to be driven by someone who seems nuts 😬 😬 Mike
  6. I knew that grey power would overcome the cocky youngsters eventually *wink* I think I had some good fortune on Sunday as Danny had a spin on the first timed run and although his natural talent (although I have heard this may be nothing to do with driving 😬 😬) nearly overcame it, I had the advantage of not being too far behind after practice and having a couple of reasonably good timed runs - I am not sure if I beat Danny's best practice time but it was pretty close I think. but it is just so difficult to remember........................ It was a great weekend and thanks to Simon and Fiona for the hospitality - at least you don't make me drink too much unlike that Mark Durrant The competition between the girls (or should I say Se7en S.......?) was great, but after Kate went off at paddock flat in 4th, across the saw tooth kerbing, onto the grass, spun, back across the track and finished up on the grass the other side, and came back with a huge grin describing it as awesome - I am starting to worry *eek*. I think they all improved really well, especially at a place like Pembray where it is a real test of confidence. I am pretty pleased though 😬 😬 Oh yes, and I beat Simone on Saturday as well!! Mike
  7. Looks like I will be seeing you on Friday after all *wink* - just taken one of the places. Didn't want the whippersnapper Danny (or anybody else come to that) to get an edge by doing the trackday so though I had better join in. Obvuiously it is mainly for Kate's benefit! We won't be there until mid morning or so, so please dry the track for us 😬 Mike
  8. Thanks chaps It probably helped that neither of you entered 😬 😬 I will try and manage by myself round the paddock, but it is good to know that the youth of today still want to help out their betters! Anyway, I supose this means you have got your 7 back then 🙆🏻 We obviously didn't pay enough to your dearly beloved!! See you at Pembrey. Mike
  9. Mark - Are you kidding - I have enought trouble with them as it is Anyway, I think I saw something about this being on tv - but I don't have to advertise that there are some people I know ( mostly those my mother would disapprove of!!) who seem to think this somehow applies to me!! Anyway, the grey hairs did OK on Saturday with Paul Forster taking class 4 as well I think and I can safely say I am very chuffed with my result - and Kate's of course!! Mike
  10. It was the commentator wasn't it? He also said he was doing the Marshall's Sprint on the Sunday, so perhaps he is in their club? Mike
  11. mikes

    Numbers for Curborough

    Sorry Colin, I missed the read receipt - is thast some sort of new fangled thing *confused* - but I got mine OK. Thanks Mike
  12. Of course you can borrow the car - NOT the new one though, Kate's already booked the second place 😬 😬 Mind you, it depends if you are man enough to get one of those old cast iron lump things round the tight twisty bits of Curborough And I wouldn't want to see any of your Kamikazi runs either - just in case you ended up severely embarassing me by beating me in the old car!! Mike
  13. Now look - let's stop this now. I am not sure I can cope - there's a whole season of this to come!! 😳 😳 Actually I am much more worried about the other family members frequent use of the rev limiter *redface* Still I suppose I will have to get used to it 😬 Mike
  14. I am with Kipper on this one - Danny doesn't need to go - still don't tell him 😬 😬 Mike
  15. See - I just knew they wouldn't be able to help themselves. That is just typical of the youngsters today *mad* Now in my day.....zzzzzzzzz
  16. If you have any probs with Lynda's - I have the set of wheels and tyres from last years car - you are welcome to borrow them. After a year's use I doubt they are quite up to 'new' standard though - and they are here, down South. Don't listen to any of those young upstarts who are bound to pipe up that they certainly didn't have any worthwhile use on my car last year Mike
  17. Do you have any further updates on this problem? A friend has got similar problems with his Sprite and so is very interested to know if it has been resolved. He also changed the electrics side of things to no avail, but I suggested that it may be worth changing things like the condenser again - it is not unknown for such 'new' components to be faulty. Mike Edited by - mikes on 26 Apr 2007 13:02:05
  18. Nothing to worry about Richard - I just decided it was time to change the colour of the car- honestly 😬 😬 The rest of it is much the same really................. Didn't do me much good though! That young Kipper was on a mission (I blame his parents - you know who you are *biggrin*) - I have no idea how he managed to get a 92.4 - his previous run was 93.18 ( I think) which matched Danny's third, cheating, practice run - and I was impressed by that. Some drive! The new colour must have had some effect though as I was less asleep than usual in the practice runs and I was pleased to have closed the gap to Danny a bit compared to last year, but even though he had a whole paddock full of mechanics to help, he still just moaned, and moaned about how bad the handling was. It was a great day though and really go to see the old and new faces. Mike
  19. Danny - you will never find it, I have disguised it this year with some minor modifications 😬 😬 I hope you car doesn't get lonely sleeping alone........... Mike
  20. As if anyone would be so underhand Ther was, of course, that time my wheel nearly fell off at Curborough. I can't believe I didn't tighten the wheel nuts - the only rational explanation is tampering by worried competitors 😳 😳 😳 Mike
  21. Rob, at least you only had to come back from 15th. Obviously my plan of lulling everyone into a false sense of security by coming last by several seconds after the first course was a little overdone Still, pleased to get back into single figures - I can't believe everyone was so unkind about the penalty time added on though 😔 😔. Course, should have known better really *wink* Great fun though and obviously as I have now had some practice (like most of the rest!!) it will be a different story next time. Thanks Mark. Mike
  22. Will check diary when I get home - straded on an island a couple of miles off Brisbane at the moment - it is terrible, sunshine, about 30C, drinking cool beer. Hope you are having fun at home 😬 Mike 😬
  23. mikes

    Black pack bits

    I have a pair of very good condition standard 7" Caterham black pack headlights available. Send me a blatmail if you are interested. Mike
  24. I'm with you on this one Malcolm - no point in buying those expensive new pads and discs if you don't use them all the time - and I mean ALL the time. You know it makes sense 😬 😬 Mike
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