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Everything posted by mikes

  1. Thanks to all for another good day - shame about being pipped by Richard (yet again!! ) by a few 10ths - never mind there will be a next time... Hope to see you back again soon Pat - Kate needs the competition, although when I tell her what she owes me for a new nosecone at the end of the season it may slow her up a bit! Hope the repairs aren't too extensive to your though. See you soon. Mike
  2. Brilliant 😬 but I am definitely not showing it to Kate. She was only 2 seconds slower than me on Sunday and she doesn't need to think this is how to drive my car next time *eek* Don't know how you hit those apexes on the first lap - it was impossible on the 1As! Mike
  3. mikes

    pembrey track day?

    I have some mirrors that might do - I will bring them along. If I remember that is!! We probably will not be there until mid morning though so if you are there early you will just have to make sure nobody is trying to pass Mike
  4. I knew I had seen some professional photos somewhere from Bray Hill and Sloc - http://www.davekneenphotos.com/Manx-Classic-Car-2008-Photographs-The-Sloc-18th-April-2008/index7.html I rather wish I couldn't see the lockup with the dry stone wall in the background Great scenery though - just bl**dy cold Sadly none from Ransay - just as well or I would have to have see just what Mark did to my car!! The results coming in th email reminded me to look again. Mike
  5. mikes


    I might have known it When are you coming back to play? Your Dad 😬
  6. Wasn't easy on the 1As was it? *wink* Just harder for some than others! Mike
  7. mikes


    I have just been looking at the class records and I think they need to be updated. Class 2 - Llandow - need I say more The only trouble is I have a nasty feeling that there may be some other pretty good times lurking in the results for previous years somewhere. Just remembered, we probably all set records at Lys y Fran as well *wink* Didn't we do well! Mike
  8. Wow - fame at last 😬 😬 Despite Ray's comments it should be noted that on the demanding and tricky Sloc hillclimb on the Friday where the Saga member recorded the best L7C time, the Superlight seemed to be a tad slower in the young whippersnapper's hands. Typically he decided to not only pass the support car at reckless speed on the Mountain the following day but indulged in some 'showboating' on the way back!! I dunno, what can you do It was a great trip though. I have to say that it is much easier driving a seven than pushing one uphill for about a quarter of a mile.......even for someone at the peak of fitness like myself Mike
  9. mikes

    Manx Classic

    I don't know - if only I could remember ................. Couldn't recommend anything could you? Actually, don't bother - I think that was one of the last things the old ladies said to Shipman!! Mike
  10. mikes

    Manx Classic

    Don't know how I got into 6A - perhaps a bit of a cock up on the form filling front 😳 Have to call the sec! Mike
  11. mikes

    Reliant robin

    Don't you worry Mat- Iam told it happens to the best of them 😬 I am very worried that with all that new power you may put additional strain on other parts of the car (and if you do that again on your relationship with your sponsor!!) so I really think yoou should take it easy for at least the first half of the season! Mike
  12. mikes

    Hose Clips

    Huh - what a cheek - especially as Mark has forgotten the name!!! I got them from these people http://www.powerengineering.co.uk/mikalor/ They are (or say they are) the UK importers of the clips (from Spain I think) and they actually supply Demon Tweeks etc. They certainly had clips in sizes that others didn't have and they were very good to deal with. For those of you who like Max Power stuff - like clear lenses (you know who you are 😳 😳) they have some pretty sophisticated bits for Scoobys etc as well *wink* They are not quite so near to me now as we have moved offices to the other side of Heathrow (fantastic *rolleyes*)- but if I can help let me know. Mike
  13. Just typical - can't be bothered to write for months and then thinks the whole world revolves around him - bloody kids *mad* I will have you know that most of us are still around, and what is more we have done a bit better than some new tank tape. Ha Good to see you back, but I suppose there is no chance of you booking some more exotic holidays at crutial times of the Championship in 2008 is there? Hm, maybe....? Mike
  14. Thanks Mark. I have put it in the diary and booked the holiday. Now all I have to do is try to remember what I have to do next....... I am sure I have seen some good deals in the Saga Holidays brochure! I doubt if Kate will make it (not sure I can afford her entrance fee as well) but I will check with her. There is info here on it http://www.manxmotorracing.com/ Mike
  15. mikes

    Awards Lunch

    Blimey Ian, it really is a post on Blatchat. I am having trouble remembering what actually happened - now ask me about a few years ago - no problem 😬 Definitely agree though - thanks chaps. Mike
  16. I would have absolutely no objection to 21s competing - I especially look forward to seeing how much faster one is in the hands of BB - and then perhaps I will be able to offer some constructive advice about driving 'new' cars. It has got to be worth it just for that!! A Saga Sevener
  17. Entry on the way from me too - I was trying to get hold of Kate to see if she can make it as well (and I thought my sponsorship was over for this year!!), but I still don't know if she will. Hope we get enough. Mike
  18. Well, as Dan's real Dad (Hi son 😬) I would be absolutely chuffed if I could control a car like that - great entertainment. Dan's Dad
  19. Richard, I am pretty sure James Whiting is closeish to the office - Heathrow area, so I can pick it up for you if you like. Of course if it is essential for you to run next weekend I will be particularly careful 😬 Mike
  20. Pleased with the win - shame it wasn't the 60.5 sec I did in practice - but then I thought one of us ought to try and look after the car. What you forgot to mention was that not only did you try to set fire to my car, but that was after hitting the rev limiter coming down to Triangle - and then!! doing some grass cutting in the same place on the next run *eek* If it hadn't been for Simon with his battery pack to get the pacemaker going again I don't think I would have survived 😬 😬 Anyway - didn't really want to mention it, and it might come up elsewhere, but after the petrol incident it is a good job we don't let Chavs play with matches Thanks to Mark and Simon for sorting out the problem - very grateful. Hope you got the Pug back home OK. It was an eventful day wasn't it!! Really good day though, great weather and the visibility was amazingly good, all day 😬 Mike
  21. And another two from Team Sankey - just waiting for the sponsor to write the cheque Mike
  22. You can count Sankey Team racing in - so 2 places please. You may as well send both forms to me as I appear to have the function of sole sponsor for the team! It is a pity it isn't a round of the championship as Kipper Jnr can't make it - might give the rest of us a chance!! Thanks Mike
  23. Robin, Ian and I are staying at the Hundred House Hotel at Great Whitley - it is about 10 minutes or so from Shelsley - £55 for the night. Details are here: http://www.100house.co.uk/ We stayed there last year and it was fine - very large car park although I dropped the car and trailer over to Shelsley on the Friday anyway. Mike
  24. mikes


    Great day - thank Geoff. Pity about the rudeness and attitude of some of the staff. As a BARC member I might even write and complain Mike
  25. Alistair, I have blatmailed you - if you reply with your email address I will copy you the form. Mike
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