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Everything posted by mikes

  1. mikes

    Caterham Dry Sump

    Thanks Mick - but looks like someone got there before me on this one ☹️. Anybody else with one for sale? Mike
  2. I am after a complete Caterham dry sump system for Rover 1.8K. I would prefer to get a complete system, but I am still interested in obtaining the individual components if necessary, eg scavenge pump (gold), pan, bellhousing, coning tower, pipes etc as an alternative and putting the kit together myself. Either blatmail me of call 01489 572655 Mike
  3. perhaps it wasn't the Red Bull that was stimulating our Comp Sec Mike
  4. mikes

    final standings

    Thanks Son 😬 😬 Good to know you have been looking after the trophy!! Will email about saturday Mike
  5. mikes

    final standings

    At least I had the sense to have a hat on when the photo was taken at Loton - it was Captain Sensible that was reflecting all the light 😬 Grey Power rules Naaaaaa.... *mad* Mike
  6. mikes

    final standings

    My thanks too for all your work in producing the results and a really good analysis *thumbup* Mike
  7. Brilliant - 3 Welsh muppets in a van 😬 😬 😬
  8. You found those quickly How true that I would have been very happy with only the four runs on the Saturday! It is frightening to look at them and see how close it was both days - and to know how much we were trying A great weekend though and what a tense battle right to the wire - great fun as always with everyone in Class 2 - brilliant 😬 😬 😬 All we have to do now is plan for next year...... Mike
  9. I will be doing the A34 as well, maybe on the Wednesday, so if this helps, let me know. despite the fact I will have slightly downsized the towcar, I will probably have room to strap them to the roof if nothing else - only kidding 😬 😬 - about the roof anyway! Mike
  10. mikes

    That's Ma Boy!

    If you don't know already, Danny came 7th in his race at Cadwell - well done son *wink* Apparently had a bit of a nightmare in testing with the brakes but after qualifying 8th he made it up to 4th or 5th pretty quickly before, yes - going grass cutting - we have all been there 😬 😬 Mike
  11. Huh....mutter, mutter...whippersnappers *mad* Anyway, you will be sorry when we are in Anglesey in October - who will be smug then eh? Now, where is the link to buy one of those cigar lighter thingies to have my man install it in my sporstscar?
  12. But sometimes it doesn't quite work out that way does it? Mike
  13. Thanks for doing the update Rob. Blimey, how difficult can it be to get a measley 0.19 of a point! Of course I was assuming we were sticking to the 2 timed runs rule last weekend It is certainly giving Kate something to think about - the rest of the girls have really caught up. By the way, have you ever thought of taking up reading the lottery results as it seems you have a flair for the same sort of descriptive stats 😬 😬 Mike
  14. Andy, I am sure the boys in Class 1 will look after you - just watch out for the Englishman in Wales - and definitely don't let him drive your car 😬 Mike (Class 2 so nothing to worry about!)
  15. I do hope the weather is good - it looks like I might have to drive the 7 there *eek* The garage have got their hands on the tin top and I doubt I will have it back in time Now, what were the rules about extra points for not being trailer trash I am not sure I am ready to join Drowned Rat Racing though! Mike
  16. Paul, Good luck from me as well. That means one less to share the saga harassment with 🙆🏻 It must have been all that high G cornering you have been doing! Either that or too much beer glass lifting . Hope it goes well. Mike
  17. mikes


    Adrian, I was sensible enough to wear a hat (surprising you didn't think of it given...) - not that I have anything to hide you understand The advice from the other old gits was obviously helpful as I managed to get to the top without any grass cutting on the last run - but sadly the time was slower than last year ☹️ ☹️ I think someone kept hiding the 100 board at the approach to Fallow But at least I didn't go home with the yellow trowel!! Mike
  18. mikes

    Launch control

    TM's right - I have seen that in the regs too. In fact, I think there may be some other restrictions on non-blue Caterhams as well - will have to check. Mike
  19. Thanks Rob, pretty quick with the results. However, I realise you have probably been pressurized by the Comp Sec but to be honest, I would rather drop the 99.10 score from Curborough than the 99.76 from MIRA Sadly that would put me back above Mark - but what can you do eh? Mike
  20. Thanks Son Well, we had to make sure we kept the record in the family didn't we? 😬 When you make it to racing I will let you have a pack of my brave cigars - you will probably need them Mike
  21. Yup, a really good day with great company. I think I must have chosen one of the 'brave' cigars before the last run as it worked from the start - I was having to change up earlier on every point on the run. There was serious pressure from all the Class 2 competitors (who posted faster times than me in practice) and with the times all coming down on the last run I knew I had to push more. Must admit that when I saw the time at the top I had to run to the timing hut to check it was true!! I wish I could say I perfectly executed a cunning plan, but I think it was just one of those runs where everything goes right But thank you all for the kind words. Well done to Mark as well, and having seen the photo of Simon at the botton Esses I will just have to take more kerb in future! Great day 😬 😬 Mike
  22. What a brilliant interview with Alan Bowler in Low Flying this month - very entertaining 😬 Most impressive was the professionalism of the interviewer to not only select such a knowledgeable competitor, but to encourage him to probably say more than he should!! Excellent 😬 😬 Mike
  23. mikes

    Shelsley Pictures

    Great picture Shaun Can you send me a copy of 109? obviously I didn't take as much kerb/grass as Simon - but then who does? Thanks MIke
  24. Well, I just looked again and it is OK now. Looks like your dance worked Neil Thank heavens I didn't have to watch it though 😬 😬 Mike
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