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Everything posted by mikes

  1. mikes

    Car for Sale

    Really sorry to see that ☹️ I hope this isn't going to be permanant and that we will see you back at some time in the future. All the best. Mike
  2. Hope the weather is kind to you Although, actually, not sure I want people getting lots of practice in the wet as I think I have only been there when it is dry. I am sure the Team Principle will enjoy it though! Mike
  3. Thanks Gary - glad you got home OK. I have got a wet sump lying around, but it has a similar crack to yours (but only one!!), although it has never leaked. Whether it is repairable I have no idea...... Mike
  4. I have got the tyres Stuart - left a message on your mobile. If you want to give me a call my mobile is 07770 735256 Mike
  5. Thanks guys Very pleased with that time I can tell you! It was always going to be a tense last run with both Robin and Jeff making errors and being quicker in some sectors on previous ones, so never quite sure how it was going to go, and everyone else improving. Looks like that modified ecu really paid off 😬 😬 - only kidding. it obviously helps apparently being one of the few with a working gearbox!! You boys in Class 1 obviously had another tense time as well - well done to all. Mike
  6. mikes

    What a Party

    What party Did I miss it 😬 😬 Mike
  7. You leave that head where it is It was a really good day and I think we all knew we had to push to the limit on every run. It was interesting how the times and speeds through the trap changed during the day - the fact that my speed came down to 103mph on the last run just goes to show that you don't need to check my engine - mind you, I did check the catches on the bonnet several times after The Chav had been waving it around before the last run Mike
  8. I can vouch for that - after we had carried out some precision engineering on the CRB carrier , it was back in and running in no time. And all part of his Care in the Community work - so he says!! 😬 Be good to see you there Roger - especially as I am not in your class! Mike
  9. mikes

    Novice Questions

    Hi Dutchy, I think quite a few of yor questions have been answered, but if you want a chat I am just the other side of Fareham so should be easy to meet up. I run in class 3 but would be happy to help. Mike
  10. Hi David, I have one you can borrow if there isn't one nearer - I will email you as well. Mike
  11. mikes

    K Series Sump

    have blatmailed you. Mike
  12. mikes

    K Series Sump

    I have a wet sump pan which is in reasonable condition - together with the baffle plate and, a complete apollo tank kit as well , as I have just changed to dry sump. Blatmail me if you want any pictures. Mike
  13. I do hope the Shuttle isn't going to match the colour of the car Although - at least you would recognise it in the paddock..... Mike
  14. Saga moment indeed *mad* We aren't going to have all that again this year - I don't know, no respect....mumble, mumble.... Must go for my mid morning snooze now Mike
  15. Didn't want to disappoint you 😬, but I think you should just leave the Nitrons in their box so you don't get them dirty - they are much better that way. As far as I can remember they are a bit easier to fit as they have the rose joints sather than the flexy rubber bushes - although the top bolt on the rears is always a bit of a sod. Mike
  16. Might also be interested, depending on how much it adds up to once you include the necessary accessories. Mike
  17. Robin - NOOOO - I really think you should stick with what you have got 😬 😬 If it is any consolation, mine also struggled to get to top revs in higher gears - although Kate seems to manage it OK Mike
  18. Or perhaps a colour to match the rest of the car - then there would be something else to polish 😬 Mike
  19. *eek* Are you sure Rob!! Not sure I can hold my breath for that long any more! Mike
  20. No photos I am afraid, but I always separated the gearbox first. Mine was a 1989 xflow and you do need quite a tilt on it to clear the front top chassis rails - don't forget to put some padding on them to save damage - foam pipe cladding works well. I would guess that if you intend to take it all out together then you will need a fair bit of clearance to crank the crane up. The prop shaft should slip out very easily - and gearbox oil will then come out of the back nicely all over the garage floor - probably even if you have drained most of it first! It also helps to cable tie the prop shaft in position before you slide the gearbox forward so it doesn't drop on the ground - it makes it easier for when you put it back. Mike
  21. Ha, Ha very funny 😔 I will have you know that a good tartan rug only really looks suitable on a decent wooden one Grrrrr A Saga Sevener
  22. No help with the wheels I am afraid - but I have also heard that as a backlash against the general FIA rulings favouring red cars, in our championship, anyone in a red car is likely to be disqualified if it looks like they will beat a blue one. That should help a bit 😬, and save lots of end of season angst Mike
  23. mikes

    Wheel Offset

    I checked this recently on my wheels and these wheels have the following offset on them Caterham 10 spoke 6.5" x 15" ET 13 Caterham 8 spoke 6" x 13" ET 24 Caterham 8 spoke 8" x 13" ET 24 Hope this helps. Mike
  24. mikes

    Caterham Dry Sump

    Thanks Allen. I will see if anyone has a whole system for a while, but if I decide to do it as bits I may well take you up on it. Cheers Mike
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