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Mick Day

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Everything posted by Mick Day

  1. I'm not too sure about the software in the Emerald but I assume it's similar to the GEMS. There is an air pressure sensor in the box which is pre-programmed to alter the fuelling map by a percentage when barametric pressure changes. A quote from the GEMS manual: "Manifold or Barometric pressure The standard product uses an internal 105 kPa pressure sensor that may be used for barometric pressure compensation, or Manifold Absolute Pressure measurement via a pipe to the inlet manifold." The MAP sensor setting must be off to allow this to function. Mick
  2. Oily Would a suitable donation to NTL, say £10, secure said CD? Mick
  3. From what I understand the VHPD engine was produced for a UK race series & the MEMS supplied by Rover didn't have any barametric compensation. I saw the same symptoms on Andy Graham's SLR 2 years ago at the Ring (similar altitude). Just about everything was changed on the car in an attempt to get him running but to no avail. A similar problem happened to a new SLR on the Spannish trip in 2001. Return to the UK & no problems. Caterham are aware of the problem & have now fitted a MBE unit. A particularly low barametric pressure day at Spa would therefore cause the MEMS to over-fuel resulting in the symptoms you describe. As the Emerald (& most other aftermarket ECU's) has built in barametric compensation you'll be OK. Mick
  4. Mick Day

    Trackdays next year

    As you know Paul, as long as there's plenty of black stuff I'll drive anywhere here & abroad. Spa would be nice along with: Brands Hatch GP Oulton Cadwell Lyddon was fun Mas du Clos I'd like to try Zolder Dijon Donnington Mick
  5. Mick Day

    Dry Sumps

    For road use & the occasional track day an anticavitation kit (Apollo) is all you'll need. However occasional track days often escalate to many as the bug bites. Many people run K's, with your proposed state of tune, sticky tyres & an anticav. kit, on track with no problems. Mick
  6. Try our old friend George Polley (01354-688111). Yoko slicks 6.3/20.5 - 13 cost £90 inc carriage. Mick
  7. Sounds like a very recent build & still under warrenty? Sounds as though there's no 'power' to #4. Have you tried taking the plug out, cranking the engine & seeing if there's a spark? Not familiar with the EU3 but there must be an extra sensor (camshaft?) to initiate firing. Could try swapping this out. Mick
  8. Do we have a system problem here folks? Mick
  9. Don't worry Nick, you'l soon get the hang of single posts!! Mick
  10. Don't worry Nick, you'l soon get the hang of single posts!! Mick
  11. Don't worry Nick, you'l soon get the hang of single posts!! Mick
  12. Don't worry Nick, you'l soon get the hang of single posts!! Mick
  13. I've had the same problem (see previous threads) & wired the starter(Magneton) via a relay. No problems over the past month or so including hot days in France on Le-Sept. I suspect it's caused by the Vecta imobiliser (or maybe the ignition switch). Vecta is being removed over the winter. Mick
  14. Sounds as though you're swapping your "old" 1.4 for a "new" 1.6. The teeth on the flywheel (for the crank sensor not the starter) are different & so is the crankshaft pulley. Other differences include the injection sequence & the ignition coil. Not too sure on the differences between a 96 & 98 1.6 K though. Swapped my 1994 1.4 for a 1999 1.6 in 2000. Plenty of headaches. Mick
  15. Download the brochure from the Autocom site & it comes complete with gross UK prices. Anyone using this system with a car to car radio connected other than the recommended icom or kenwood? Mick
  16. Tony Do a search on starters etc as this has been discussed before. Basically there are 3 starters available: 1. Original part as supplied to your car. Comes from a Sierra with solenoid on top. Suffers from heat problems in solenoid with dry &/or broken joints which can be fixed. 2. Magneton starter (Skoda part) with solenoid underneath. Now supplied with heat shield for solenoid. Some people have reported solenoid sticking in bore but it can be taken apart & cleaned. 3. So called race starter. 2 & 3 can be supplied by Brise Fabrications or Demon Tweaks (or of course Caterham). I've had problems with the wiring from the ignition switch to the starter (Magneton) solenoid. Briefly something is causing an increased resistance (switch or Vecta??) resulting in the solenoid refusing to play. Connect the solenoid directly to the battery & it works! Solution: connect a relay close to the battery fired by the orginal solenoid wire. With this remedy I had no problems starting on Le-Sept. Mick
  17. Thermoswitch fitted to Caterham K series (pre EU3 before 2001 etc) is a VW Polo part & switches on at about 92 deg & off at about 89 deg. I would suggest you get the SPA dash calibrated or look at the accuracy of the water temp sender. Your water temps seem rather too high to me. Mick
  18. So if the MEMS ECU is toast & it's out of warrenty now is the time to get an Emerald ECU! Mick
  19. Mick Day

    Brake Fluid

    Dot 5 is silicone fluid. The 2 people who I know used it have now changed to regular. Dot 4 is the minimum to use but Dot 5.1 has a higher boiling point. There are 2 boiling points to beware of: the 1st is the dry point which I believe is for pure fluid; the 2nd is the wet point which I suppose is when the fluid is contaminated with a known quantity of water. I use Halfords 5.1 & replace 2 x year. Car does about 8 to 15 track days a year. Mick
  20. Ross You mentioned pin outs - you have mail! Mick
  21. Do a more detailed search as fitting times have been discussed before. Not really difficult but can be a pain getting it oil tight. I suppose similar to fitting an oil cooler really. It's the unions on to the sandwich plate that cause most hassle. Expact to spend a day getting it fitted & a further day getting it oil tight. Good luck. Mick
  22. Chris Seems as though the price is £50 then! And yes it is a polished ali one Mick
  23. Chris Sorry can't help you with the electrics but I have a spare heated screen for sale. talk about ambulance chasing!!!! Mick
  24. Paul You're absolutely right & I agree with everything you say, no amount of wriggling the spade connecter could induce the solenoid to operate on my Magneton starter. Incidently of Skoda origin! As far as I know there are 3 starters doing the rounds: 1. Magneti Marelli with the solenoid on the top. This can be induced to work by wriggling the connecter & modifying as Peter & Johnty say. 2. Magneton geared starter with solenoid underneath. Now supplied with a neat solenoid heat shield. 3. So called race starter. Solenoid about the same size as the motor itself. 2 & 3 are supplied to Caterham by Brise Fabrications (01322-277622) who can also test & repair starters & alternaters. Johnty You can come out of the fume cupboard now! Mick K series which started again tonight, whether hot or cold, again & again & again & again! Edited by - mick day on 10 Jul 2002 23:31:57
  25. Reactivating this thread because I've just rewired my starter solenoid so it fires direct from the battery via a relay. My starter is the geared variety marked Magneton & "failed" after 2 hours! Thinking it'd been over-cooked at the Ring I was all for buying the "race version" which is supposedly bullet proof. So why should this cure the problem? The starter solenoid is activated by the ignition switch via I suppose another relay (MFU: what's this?) so the current should be adequate to "throw" the solenoid. And why should heat affect this so far away from the engine? I have a Vecta imobiliser which isolates, amongst other things, the starter circuit. I'm wondering whether the Vecta is the cause of the problem. With age & vibration (& maybe a little heat) it may be offering too high a resistance to "throw" the solenoid but enough current to activate a relay. Of course this won't cure all starter problems, especially where soldiered joints have failed, but it seems to cure this one. Fingers crossed! Mick
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