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La vache espagnole

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  1. ...le like crazy on a regular basis, which may have been the fault of the little mechanical cuckoo that on the hour, every hour, would poke its beak out of a door over the clock face and warble. This caused... nothing...
  2. janitor swept everything after it, muttering "pesky kids" as he went. Meanwhile, back in Cinderford... nothing...
  3. ... but on the plus side, the collapse uncovered the other end of Norm's wormhole, which promptly spewed out a shower of assorted fastenings, components, tools and small change... nothing...
  4. Went to feed the shed spiders and... they have escaped I should have known something was up when they asked for that vaulting horse 😔 nothing...
  5. garnish of hay... and a llama-footbath which someone had ever-so-thoughtfully left in the stable. However, as there was not a single refreshment stop on the way from Alpha Centauri (and licking passing comets is not a good idea ), she drank the entire contents of the footbath, which made her... nothing...
  6. [de-lurk] Roy is not me ❗ 😳 😔 [re-lurk] nothing...
  7. BLUFF He does all his buffing with a (Lotus Seven Club) buff 😳 Dickie has a morbid fear of old ladies in Nissan Micras TRUE or BLUFF?????? nothing...
  8. people flock to from across the Galaxy to sample the famous speciality "death by pastry"; however the experience is not the "think I've died and gone to heaven" associated with the dessert (popular on Earth) "death by chocolate". On the contrary; what the unsuspecting interstellar diner finds lurking under the pie crust is... nothing...
  9. That's where at least you are one up on the betroughed ones who can't see past the trough their noses are buried in 😔 The trubble is that they have so much influence over so many aspects of our lives. 🙆🏻 My weary feet are appealing ... for your sympathy and, if you have any pennies to spare, a small donation please, following their 15-mile ordeal on 31st Aug
  10. ☹️ Gosh, whassamatter 🤔 My weary feet are appealing ... for your sympathy and, if you have any pennies to spare, a small donation please, following their 15-mile ordeal on 31st Aug
  11. As a result of this teaching method, just getting himself and his pupil in the car took up the first 5 minutes of every lesson. Unorthodox though it was, it had a great success rate with... My weary feet are appealing ... for your sympathy and, if you have any pennies to spare, a small donation please, following their 15-mile ordeal on 31st Aug
  12. air intake, as a result of which the spoon stuck fast to his nose and would not come off. "There's only one thing for it," sighed Dickie... My weary feet are appealing ... for your sympathy and, if you have any pennies to spare, a small donation please, following their 15-mile ordeal on 31st Aug
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