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Everything posted by Englishmaninwales

  1. PJ I'll take the Minators. YHM. Malcolm
  2. Dave If I do as you suggested, can I dump the charcoal cannister and associated wiring? Malcolm
  3. I did this and the Nissan dealer advised it would be OK upto 10% and probably a bit more. The only problem was I had filled an empty tank with 80l of unleaded which was promptly thrown away Malcolm
  4. Anybody able to supply the following Rover part numbers for 1.8k series: Gasket sets water pump Thanks Malcolm Edited by - englishmaninwales on 12 Oct 2004 23:13:43
  5. Stu You being the resourceful sort of chap you are, may I borrow your 3mm letter and number stamp kit, now that I have successfully reduced my engine number to aluminium filings. I still have loads of jam and potatoes for disposal 😬 Malcolm apologies to Tim for thread hijack
  6. Inlet and exhaust cams marked LGC 106970. I am pretty sure these are the standard Rover items, and certainly they have a different profile from supersport cams. Anybody able to confirm? Malcolm
  7. Tom I recently purchased a 1400 LW flywheel from CC and I can confirm Stu's post that they only have a few left. Good value at £100. Malcolm
  8. ewenm consider M40 > M42 > M6 toll > M54 (there is a short link from M6T, leave at junction T8) > M54 >A5. Toll = £3 or £6 with trailer. Much much less traffic. malcolm
  9. Steve and Strangely Thank you for your prompt replies and photos. Just what I wanted I hope your engine transplant goes OK, Steve. I won't be far behind! Malcolm Edited by - Englishmaninwales on 10 Sep 2004 18:31:34
  10. Is there anybody with their 1600/1800 K engine presently out of the car able to send me a photograph of the modified area necessary to clear the starter motor? (My existing engine is the earlier 1400 with different casting pattern). I can see that the stiffening web and engine number need the attention of a grinder, but it would be nice to see what it should look like before I make a dog's dinner of my nice new block!! Thanks Malcolm
  11. Many warnings seem to exist about using lightened cast iron rather than EN 24 or EN 40 forged steel. I presume Caterham's 1400 lightweight is of the correct steel and safe for an 1800 application. Any advice? Also what is the best clutch assembly? (road use with occasional trackdays and sprints) Malcolm
  12. Given the difference in size of the pulley locating bolts, does this mean that my newly purchased verniers won't fit older 1994 SS cams? Apologies, Peter C, for thread hijack Malcolm
  13. Tom My steel replacement dowels were very slightly oversize, and required turning down to size with emery paper. Check protruding height as mentioned above. Malcolm
  14. Richard I must admit I haven't 😳 Malcolm
  15. From a beginner and totally inexperienced sprinter: What about 1400K in class1 ( with 1a tyres)? Please don't shoot me if this has been discussed to death before.
  16. Tom Have you had your coolant tested for combustion gases? Malcolm
  17. See www.blatchat.com/T.asp?id=58129 entry from PC may help (although slightly different context) Malcolm
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