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Everything posted by Englishmaninwales

  1. Quoting Alan Bowler: I got merged into class 3 😔 😬
  2. Hi Chris I have a set. I will bring them to Curbs this Sunday if you wish. All 5"inners, the fronts have 1.5" outers and rears 2.5" outers. Currently has a set of dead Khumo fitted. Regards Malcolm
  3. Paul As I write this Im sitting in Brancaster Staithe on a weeks hols - I know this is an area you enjoy - Judith and I will miss you, your friendly banter and that most glorious 'proper' engine! All the best Malcolm and Judith
  4. Cap failure, air lock, HGF and cylinder head porosity can all cause these symptoms. The latter can be cured see here Malcolm
  5. Sump pan or belltank or both? I can send one of the bell tank if you blatmail me Malcolm
  6. Quoting Roger Ford: Quoting Rob Walker: =The other reason for not goosing the car from cold is that all modern fuel injected engines run fuel enrichment from start up cold until at least 60C water temp. Why is that a reason? Does the enrichment cause any problems? Or just waste fuel? Excessive fuel can ''wash' the oil film off the bores Edited by - Englishmaninwales on 9 May 2013 06:55:04
  7. Try Paul Matty (? same as later FF 51/61 uprights).
  8. Roger If you end up with an non Caterham supplied T9 gearbox you might need an extended gearbox nosepiece here. The standard Ford item is too short and can prevent the CRB from operating properly. Apologies for the shameless promotion of an item of mine in 'For Sale'!! Malcolm
  9. Gearbox angle drive SOLD here £35 Speedometer cable SOLD here £10 Gearbox nosepiece fits 5 or 6 speed. K series fitment here £45 All used and in good condition All plus P+P Edited by - englishmaninwales on 28 Apr 2013 10:03:22
  10. Stu I have a cylinder head I can bring to MADS tomorrow if you wish
  11. crankshaft & camshaft oil seals as a matter of course (any do's/dont's on this also gratefully appreciated). Make sure you use a genuine Rover crankshaft seal. I used an after market one which turned out to be undersize which promptly fell out. Makes a dreadful oily mess.
  12. Quoting Rullingen: Just get one of THESE There are some issues with serial to USB adapters, so get the correct one see here Edited by - Englishmaninwales on 11 Apr 2013 20:59:22
  13. As title. Good condition only please
  14. Quoting TonyR: Is an entry form going in Lowflying for anyone without internet access? TonyR I didn't think it was possible to live today without internet access
  15. Rob I have a similar amount of movement too and I also wondered about different length tethers. My chassis shoulder anchor points were fitted at Arch when the chassis was there being repaired. Malcolm Edited by - Englishmaninwales on 8 Apr 2013 11:37:48
  16. Mav I can take the nose cone off your hands, subject to final inspection Malcolm
  17. Mav I'll take second dibs on the nose cone if it becomes available Malcolm Edited by - Englishmaninwales on 5 Apr 2013 17:08:37
  18. Sold the roll cage to Tom Price. An extreme measure I know, but one with intent to stop any further unpleasant grassy/hard moments.... ☹️ Car's not fixed yet anyway. We'll be along at Curbs and Loton to spectate (and no doubt share a beer or three), so we'll see you then. Malcolm and Judith (But I might be be back on the hills one day )
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