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  1. JAG

    Tyre size choice

    I have about 120bhp in a Se7enesque car - can anyone offer a guess for how many miles I'd get from a set of A048R' with all weather road use. Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  2. I think this delay is built in to allow the ECU time to calculate the new fuelling demand more accurately. Thereby reducing the chance of over or under fuelling during acceleration and thus reducing the engine emmisions. It seems to be a feature of any new car that meets the EU Euro4 emmisions regs. Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  3. Dave, as I am sure you know the charcoal cannister is there to trap any fumes expelled from the tank whilst the car is parked/not running. Removing the cannister and purge valve and taping the electrical connector up out of the way is fine. It won't make any difference to either of your engines. Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  4. ..... but will NOT allow you to take part in any club events if you don't own the right car 😳 Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  5. JAG

    Sigma BC1200 Probs

    Because the sensor uses a magnet and a reed switch the metallic items in reasonable proximity to either can have a big effect upon performance. Where is the magnet/reed switch mounted? Are there any ferrous metal objects close by? Are you using alloy wheels or steel? etc... If your installation is similar to others you should be ok but it can be difficult to get a consistent performance - guess how I know Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  6. Myles; I'm glad to hear that you passed - and a little suprised When you decide to replace/repair these calipers get in touch. Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  7. Disc thickness is usually specified on the disc. Something like; "Min Thickness 10" That would be about right for a 12mm thick solid disc. Check yours - the marking can be anywhere on the disc. Perhaps on the disc edge or marked on the bell somewhere. Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  8. Paint over the galvanizing. The white deposits your getting are the first stages in Zinc corrosion. It won't go any further but it will keep coming back unless you can protect the Zinc. Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  9. Myles, try to make it before 7:15pm as I'm off out tonight. If the weather holds off I may even take my recently finished Se7enesque car Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  10. Myles; When you had the cables disconnected from the caliper did you pull the handbrake lever? Was there much drag in the cables/lever mechanism? That would be worth checking. The rear calipers used to hold a whole Sierra on a 30% incline - they should do a Caterham with plenty in reserve. If you're still having trouble give me a ring and we'll have a look together. If you don't have my number anymore drop me an email and I'll ring you. Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  11. Ar5e - first ever double post (I think 😳) Edited by - JAG on 9 Mar 2005 11:28:50
  12. The problem with stored cars is due to moisture. This is absorbed into the friction material during storage and can increase the initial friction levels - at least until the pads have had some use and dryed out. If you leave the handbrake on the pads/shoes can attach themselves to the disk/drum. This will cause the brakes to be locked on (obviously ) Most modern friction materials (used in mass produced vehicles) don't do this anymore. Some materials used by aftermarket suppliers still do - cheaper pads/shoes are worse than more expensive ones - GENERALLY SPEAKING. This same phenomenon can cause friction material to transfer onto the disk surface during first use after storage. This will feel like warped disks - carefully cleaning with emery paper may clear it up. If you carry on driving the car it may well clear up on its own. Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  13. JAG

    Wilwood Powerlite

    Increased piston area in these calipers will shift the balance to the front - fronts will lock earlier i.e at lower decel' or 'g' value. Check piston diameter plus number of pistons on each pad. Dust seals add durability and reduce chances of leaks. Full excluders (as on all mass production cars/calipers) are the best in terms of durability, followed by dust seals. With neither fitted the caliper will be prone to seal damage and ultimately fluid leakage unless cleaned and maintained regularly. As Myles said, pistons do move in and out. Also corrosion will travel along the piston surface and can cut/rip up the seals quite easily - particular problem come pad changes etc... be aware of the risks Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  14. JAG

    Silencer heatshield

    Thanks for that Mick. at 75cm it's a little bit shorter than I need, either the rear mounting/bolt wouldn't be covered or the Lambda sensor boss wouldn't be covered ☹️ I did some measurement last night and to cover both items I would need a heatshield 85cm long. Thanks again everyone - I'm off to my local Metal Supermarket to buy some Ali' sheet and get metal bashing PS it's £8.95 for a sheet big enough to make an 850 x 250 x 2mm thick heat shield + vat and hard work. Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  15. JAG

    Silencer heatshield

    Thanks for the replies Guys. Myles; I guess your probably right about the edge for SVA, Thanks for the offer. Mick; Thanks for having a look, I'll check back here in the morning. Leaving the heatshield off was my Wifes Idea - having read BOSS answer I can see why she suggested it know 😬 😬 Justin A closed mouth gathers no foot.
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